Project Monitoring Report

SECTION A: Project profile

Project number & title: / HRD 03 2015A –Textbook Development for Energy Efficiency, Energy Security and Energy Resiliency:A Cross-border Education Cooperation through Lesson Study
Time period covered in report: / Jan – April, 2016 / Date submitted: / April, 25
Committee / WG / Fora: / Human Resource Development Working Group
Project Overseer Name: Organization / Economy / Maitree Inprasitha, PhD / Masami Isoda, PhD
Khon Kaen Univ., Thailand / Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan

SECTION B: Project update

Briefly answer each of the questions below to a maximum of 2-3 pages. If you have submitted previous Monitoring Reports, focus on progress since the last report.

  1. Current status of project:

On schedule: YES

On budget: YES

On target to meet project objectives: YES

If NO, provide details: How far off schedule, budget or objectives? What actions are being taken to resolve delays? What support is needed from your Committee or the Secretariat?


  1. Implementation: Describe progress against the project work plan and proposed objectives.
  • Were adjustments made to the scope or timing of the project?
  • What outputs (e.g. agenda, report, workshop, tools, best practices) have been delivered? How have/are these outputs being utilised?

On February 12-15, APEC-Tsukuba International Conference was held to plan the lesson study for cross-border education on Energy Efficiency. For planning following information was given:


On Energy Efficiency and APEC by Dr. Masazumi Hirono

Head, Energy Statistics & Training Office, Asia-Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC)

Under Energy Working Group, Japan.

On Cross Border Education by Dr. Gatot Hari Priowirjanto

Director, SEAMEO Secretariat

On Lesson Study and Assessment by Dr. Colleen M. Eddy

Director, Office of Teacher Preparation, University of North Texas, USA

On STEM Education by Dr. Zensuke Kumano

President, Japan Society of Energy and Environmental Science Education, Japan

On STEM Education by Dr. Niphon Chanlen

Vice President, Institute of Promotion of Science and Technology, Thailand

On Mathematical Modeling byDr. Roberto Araya

CIAE, University of Chile,Chile

On Gender and Textbook by Dr. Aida Yap

Vice Director, NISMED, University of Philippines, Philippines

A Challenge of Lesson Study for Cross-border on Energy Efficiency between Malaysia and Japan.

Economies Presentations for Planning from Chile, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Malaysia, Mexico, Thailand, USA.

  1. Evaluation: What are the indicators developed under the project to measure progress/success? Has baseline information or evaluation results been collected? How will any potential impacts on gender be measured? If relevant please provide details.


Established the images of the textbook with data which is given by APERC.

Shared the ways of challenges of lesson study beyond border by TVconference system.

Understand the mathematical tasks and methods which should be challenges for economical welfare.

Develop their plan of lesson study.

The total number of participants including practitioner are 170 persons from 12 economies which is more than expected indicators in proposal.The economies wish to attend but finally could not on their tight schedule: Hong Kong, Singapore, Viet Nam. Some economies dispatched both educators and scientists, and show their expertise for planning.

  1. Challenges: If not covered in Q1, describe any issues which impacted (or might still impact) on the effective delivery of the project. How have these affected the objectives, deliverables, timeline or budget? What are the risk management strategies in place to manage potential or real risks

Recognized the ways to use the date for energy education which was produced by APERC under Energy Working Group however which was never referred in secondary school classrooms.

  1. Engagement: Describe the engagement and roles of stakeholders in the implementation of the project, including other APEC fora, experts and participants.

Now participating economies and specialists are engaging in Lesson Study with cross-border education. The February meeting functioned to share the useful data which is developed by APERC under Energy Working Group and meaningful for Statistics Education. Stakeholders realized that the course and workshop for knowing how to use the data of APERC must be meaningful for data handling with computer in all APEC economies.

In May, the project reported at SOM2. In June, the passed projects’ achievement reported at UNESCO India for SDGs to use the APEC achievement in the world. In July, International Congress of Mathematics Education XIII in German, delegates had the meetings for preparing cross-boarder lesson study and side event for APEC Education Ministers Meeting.

FOR APEC SECRETARIAT USE ONLYAPEC comments: Is the project management effective? How could it be improved? Are APEC guidelines being followed?