CallawayElementary School
Home of the Cougars
Safety Plan
7115 Highway 22, Panama City, Fl 32404
Phone: 850-767-1241
Fax: 850-871-2865
Principal Tim Keiffer
Administrative Assistant Carla Lilja
Table of Contents
Crisis Response Team…………………………………………………………………………….3
Duty Assignments………………………………………………………………………………...3
Emergency Telephone Numbers………………………………………………………………….4
Pathways of Communication……………………………………………………………………..4
Staging Areas……………………………………………………………………………………..4
Off Campus Numbers…………………………………………………………………………….5
Medical Emergency Procedures………………………………………………………………….6
Day Time Procedures………………………………………………………………………....6-14
Intruder Alert
Active Shooter
Bomb Threat
Suicide Threat
Suicide Attempt
Suspicious Object
Drugs on Campus
Bomb Threat/Fire/Other Emergency
Fire or Explosion
Hazardous Material Release
Sexual Battery
Severe Weather-Thunderstorm Watch/Warning
Tornado Watch
Tornado Warning
Temporary Water Outage
Long Term Water Outage
Evening Emergency Procedures…………………………………………………………………15
Utility Shut-off Procedures………………………………………………………………………16
Counselor Procedures……………………………………………………………………………16
Parent Information……………………………………………………………………………….17
Evacuation Procedures…………………………………………………………………………..17 Pandemic Emergency Plan………………………………………………………………………18
Bay BASE Emergency Procedures………………………………………………………………20
Callaway Campus Map…………………………………………………………………………..22
Callaway Fire Evacuation Map……...………….………………………………………………..23
Callaway Tornado Evacuation Map……………………………………………………………...24
Emergency Evacuation Site Page (FYIO)………………………………………………………25
Bay District Schools Emergency Procedure Quick Reference Guides & Callaway Elementary School Safety Plan are posted in the following locations.
- Principal’s Office
- Administrative Assistant’s Office
- Confidential Secretary’s Office
- All staff in front office
- Callaway Media Center Specialist’s Office
- All CallawayElementary School Classrooms
Crisis Response Team (CRT)
1.Tim Keiffer, PrincipalCoordinator & News Media
2.Carla Lilja, Administrative Asst. Reports to Principal
3.Theresa Johnson, Confidential SecretaryTelephone Contact
4.JoAnn Rogers, CounselorTelephone Contact
5. Mary McNeil, Head CustodianFacilities
CRT Telephone Tree
Tim KeifferH/P 769-0797C/P 258-0911
Carla Lilja H/P 851-0300 C/P 774-2701
Theresa JohnsonH/P 785-2056C/P 866-1599
JoAnn RogersH/P 639-3983C/P 819-8243
Mary McNeilH/P 740-1058C/P N/A
Respective Duties/Assignments
News Media and Recovery Efforts: Tim Keiffer
Law Enforcement: BCSO
Student/Parent Support: JoAnn Rogers
Reunification of Students: Theresa Johnson, JoAnn Rogers
Health and Safety Support: Carla Lilja
Emergency Telephone Numbers
CallawayElementary School may be dialed by first going through the switchboard at
850-767-1241. Extensions are listed below:
Tim Keiffer………………………………………………………………………………208-1239
Carla Lilja…….…………………………………………………………………….……208-6215
Theresa Johnson………………………………………………………………………….208-6203
JoAnn Rogers.…..………………………………………………………………………..767-1237
Mary McNeil…………………………………………………………………………………Radio
Pathways of Communication
Primary Pathway of Communication:
Radio, UHF, 40-watt base station with handheld radios.
Callaway Channel 1, Callaway Channel 2
District Administrative
District Transportation
Alternate Pathways of Communication:
PA SystemCampus communication
Campus TelephoneRefer to campus phone directory
ITVCampus Television
Emergency Line: Mr. Keiffer’s Office…..……………………………………………....767-1241
Staging Areas
The student staging area that will serve as a temporary safe student site for the entire student body will be:
If Indoors – Bldg. 2 Hallways and Classrooms. (Office phones, computers, radios will be used for communication.
If Outdoors – Baseball field in back of PE field. (Cell phones, radios, or phone and computer in P.E. office will be used for communication.)
Off Campus Site – See an Administrator.
Reunification Point – Office if available. If office unavailable, tables will be set up under the overhang at the Bus Loop on Fox Ave. A printed Roster will be available for student checkout.
Bay CountySheriff's Department / 747-4700BayCounty Emergency Management / 248-6040
Bay County Health Department / 872-4455
Bay District Schools / 767-4100
Callaway Fire Dept. / 871-2753or 871-5300
Callaway Public Works / 874-9347
Poison Control Hotline / 800-222-1222
BayMedicalCenter / 769-1511
GulfCoastHospital / 769-8341
LifeManagementCenter / 522-4485
ABUSE Hot Line / 800-96-ABUSE
(800-962- 2873)
Animal Shelter / 767-3333
Medical Emergency Procedures
When a medical emergency arises, the office is to be notified immediately. The principal and designee will immediately go to the site. In the event of a perceived life-threatening event,911 is to be called directly. For other injuries or medical situations the principal (or his/her designee) will assess the situation to determine if 911 should be called. An accident report will be completed by the supervising adult and, if the incident involves a student, the student's parents will be contacted. If the situation dictates, first aid/CPR trained staff members will be utilized until EMS arrives.
Secure area and notify CPR & First Aid Certified Staff. Take Roll, head count.
CPR & First Aid: Wendy Taylor, Beverly Levy
CPI: Tim Keiffer, Robin Shealy, JoAnn Rogers, Cynthia Williams, Carla Lilja, Kitty Hodges
AED: Barbara Jackson,
All Clear: Listen to announcements for further instructions.
Day Time Procedures
Teachers and staff will follow all procedures for lockdown and evacuations. Teachers must keep students away from doors and windows. Teachers with outside doors must be absolutely sure they are locked.
Lockdown: Highest form of alert or warning. Life or death.Requires the highest level of response and action.
- Bomb Threat: Evacuation
- Fire on Campus: Evacuation
- Intruder/Weapon on campus: Lockdown
- Tornado Warning: Portable classrooms will evacuate to designated secure locations on campus.
- Hurricane: Same as tornado
- Severe Weather Alert: Requires awareness with immediate response
- Tornado Warning
- Hurricane Warning
- Severe Weather Thunderstorm Watch/Warning
Lockdown Procedures:
If a life threatening or otherwise dangerous situation arises that necessitates the quick securing of the school, the following procedures will be employed.
- Students and staff will be called to attention via the P.A. system. The announcer will clearly and calmly state, “Lockdown in effect.” (Mr. Keiffer secures the front entrance gates, silence the fire alarm, and disable the bells;Ms. Theresa Johnson will notify the café at 871-1821, and secure bldg. 1 exits; Ms. Lilja will secure bldg. 2 entrances and the gang bathrooms; Mary McNeil will secure the bus loop gates, café gates and breezeway gate. Counselor will secure all exits in bldg. 13.
- Teachers will check outside classrooms and bring students to the nearest classroom. Students outside classrooms will move to the nearest safe room.
- Teachers will pre-lock classroom doors, close and lock windows. Close blinds and shades. Turn off all classroom lights.
- Teachers will notify the front office of any students not assigned to their class but who are placed there by staff or security.
- Administrators and custodial staff will secure all exterior and non-classroom doors and bldg 14.
- If a teacher is not assigned to a classroom at the time of the code, he/she will check the immediate area for students and then proceed to the nearest safe room.
- The office will coordinate the notification of proper authorities/personnel and accounting for students and staff if possible.
- The cafeteria manager will lock all building 3 exits.
- Once the threat has subsided, students and staff will be called to attention via the P.A. System. The announcer will state, “All clear. Resume normal activities.”
- After the resolution of the emergency situation, students will be assured that everything is all right and the situation has been resolved. Other information will be given, as appropriate.
- Physically impaired students will be secured by their paras.
- Administrative and office personnel will have assignments understood prior to implementation of lockdown procedures.
- Absolutely no member of the instructional or non-instructional staff will make comments to the news media.
- Students in physical education classes will move inside the PE building.
Intruder Alert:
- Any school personnel who identifies an intruder on school or in any facility will immediately contact the main office, principal or his designee.
- Give a complete description of location, clothing, race, and actions that may indicate the person is suspicious.
- The principal/designee will initiate procedures for intruder alert by radio and proceed to the identified location to assess the level of threat.
- If the intruder is deemed to be dangerous or a threat to the safety and welfare of students, faculty and/or staff, the administration will initiate lockdown procedures.
Active Shooter:
- Inquire the needs or demands of the intruder.
- Do Not antagonize or threaten the intruder.
- Follow the intruder’s instructions. Remain calm.
- Do not attempt to take matters into your own hands.
- Immediately notify the office (767-1241)
- Office will announce a LOCKDOWN and take control of fire alarm system.
- Teachers need to follow LOCKDOWN Procedures (see page 7).
- Activate the Incident Command System.
- Activate your school Emergency Response Team.
- Assess the situation, gather the facts and prepare for the arrival of law enforcement. Don’t forget your school emergency kit; it contains a lot of needed items and information maps and keys.
- Notify the Superintendent’s office.
- Do not open your door except for law enforcement, principal or designee.
Active Shooter Designated Safe Areas
Building 1 Classrooms: Use bathrooms in each classroom. Admin complex will use rooms
100D, 100F, 100L, or 100H.
Building 2 Classrooms: Use bathrooms in each classroom.
Building 3 Cafeteria: Relocate to room 303, 305 and 308. Bay Base will use 303 and 305.
Building 4 Classrooms: Close blinds and stay in the room away from all windows.
Building 5 Media Center: Relocate to rooms 517, 518, 519.
Building 5 Classrooms: Close all blinds and remain in the room away from all windows.
Building 6 Classrooms: Close all blinds and remain in the room away from all windows.
Building 9 Gym: Relocate to the coaches office.
Building 10 Parent Ctr: Close blinds and remain in place.
Rooms 2 and 3: Use classroom storage area.
Room 4 and 6: Use classroom storage area.
Staff Restrooms: Available as needed.
Building 11 Music: Take safety in storage rooms 100A.
Art Room: Take safety in storage rooms 101-A and 101-B
Classroom 104: Relocate to the shared bathroom (105). Also storage room 104-A
Classroom 107: Relocate to the shared bathroom (105). Also storage room 107-A
Building 13 Classrooms: Take shelter in the classroom bathroom.
Guidance Complex: Take shelter in the staff bathrooms.
Building 14 Auditorium: Relocate to the following internal rooms: dressing rooms, bathrooms,
rear stage storage room.
Modular Classrooms: Close the blinds and remain in the room.
Designated Safe Areas During Severe Weather
Building 1 Classrooms: Relocate to the main hallway. Admin complex will use same safe
areas as during active shooter emergency.
Building 2 Classrooms: Relocate to the main hallway.
Building 3 Cafeteria: Relocate to rooms 303, 305, and 308. Bay Base will use rooms 303 and
Building 4 Classrooms: Remain in the room away from all windows.
Building 5 Media Center: Relocate to rooms 517, 518, and 519. DO NOT shelter in the main
Building 5 Classrooms: Remain in the room away from all windows.
Building 6 Classrooms: Remain in the room away from all windows.
Building 9 Gym: Relocate to the Media Center.
Building 10 Parent Ctr: Remain in place.
Rooms 2 and 3: Use classroom storage area.
Rooms 4 and 6: Use classroom storage area.
Staff Restrooms: Available as needed.
Building 11 Music: Remain in the classroom away from all windows.
Art Room: Remain in the classroom away from all windows.
Classroom 104: Relocate to the shared bathroom (105). Also storage room 104-A
Classroom 107: Relocate to the shared bathroom (105). Also storage room 107-A
Building 13 Classrooms: Take shelter in the hallway.
Guidance: Take shelter in the hallway.
Building 14 Auditorium: Relocate to the following internal rooms: dressing rooms, bathrooms,
rear stage storage room.
Modular Classrooms: Remain in the room.
Emergency Evacuation Sites
- Office will announce the all-clear to staff and faculty.
- Teachers need to account for all students and their status.
- Assist emergency medical services if needed.
- Plan for resumption of normal activities.
- If Callaway closes, activate your reunification procedures (see page 4).
- Begin your evaluation, record the incident, and plan for the recovery phase to restart the educational process.
Bomb Threat
1. Bomb Threat: A bomb threat may be received by various means, but will
usually be received by telephone.
a. If a student takes the call, get a staff member on the line if possible.
- The staff member should keep the caller on the phone as long as possible. Do not hang up. Signal someone near you to alert the principal.
- Using the checklist, get information from the caller. Write down everything the caller says. (See checklist on next page.)
- Notify the principal/designee immediately. Do not use the radio or cellular phone. Do not turn out lights. This could activate the device.
- The principal/designee will call 911 to notify of threat and obtain police assistance.
- The principal/designee will notify the Superintendent.
- The Response Teams will assemble in the principal’s office to assist the principal and police/emergency personnel.
- The administrative assistant will provide law enforcement with campus maps and keys.
- Follow evacuation procedures
- Employ back-up facility plan if evacuation is extended or if inclement weather is a factor.
- Bomb Threat Questionnaire:
a. The exact wording of the threat: ______
- Telephone number at which the call was received: ______
- Time call came in: ______Date call came in: ______
- Questions to ask the caller.
1. When is the bomb going to explode? ______
- Where is the bomb right now? ______
- What does the bomb look like? ______
- What kind of bomb is it? ______
- What will cause the bomb to explode? ______
- Are you angry with someone? ______Who? ______
- Do you realize that innocent people can be killed? ______
- Did you place the bomb? If not, who did? ______
- Why? ______
- What is your name? ______
- What is your address? ______
- Can you tell me what you are feeling right now? ______
- Could you determine the call’s sex? ___ Race? ____ Age? _____
- What was the caller’s language like? Educated _____ Foul Language _____ Taped Message _____ Irrational _____ Incoherent _____
- Message read by threat-maker? ______
- How did the caller’s voice sound? (Check all that apply.)
___ Accent ___Angry ___Excited ___Slow
___ Rapid ___ Soft ___ Loud ___ Nasal
___ Crying ___ Normal ___ Distinct ___ Lisp
___Laughter ___ Stutter ___ Slurred ___ Deep
___ Raspy ___Ragged ___ Familiar ___ Calm
___ Clearing Throat ___ Deep Breathing
___ Disguised ___ Cracking Voice ______Other
- Were there any background sounds? (Check all that apply.)
___ Animal Noises ___ Pay Phone ___ Clear ___ Crockery
___ Factory Machines ___ House Noises ___ Local
___ Long Distance ___ Motor Noises ___ Music
___ Office Machines ___ PA System ___ Street/Traffic Noises
___ Voices ______Other
Other remarks: ______
Report bomb threat call immediately to:
Name/Position: ______
Phone No. ______Date ______Time ______
- The Principal/Designee will:
- Make a general announcement to the total school for evacuation procedures to
begin immediately. Personal possessions such as coats, purses, book bags, etc., should be taken during evacuation.
b. Teachers will remind students that they are to remain with their respective teachers until told to do otherwise. This is to account for all teachers and students.
c. Call 911 to alert the local fire and police departments for immediate response to the threat as directed.
d. Organize the administration, SRDs, police, and firemen to begin a search of the buildings.
e. Make decision as to the safety of the building and whether to return to classes or dismiss students.
f. After the all clear or dismissal, make a report of times and events.
Suicide Threat:
1. Never leave the student alone.
- The teacher sends for Principal/Designee and counselor upon awareness.
- The Principal/Designee contacts parents or guardian.
- Always take the threat seriously.
- The teacher tells the student that he/she is concerned.
- When counselor arrives, counselor isolates student away from other students if possible.
- The counselor talks calmly to student and determines the seriousness of the threat.
- If a student tells you that another student is considering suicide and does not want to disclose the information to you, advise them to call the CAMPUS CRIME STOPPERS HOTLINE AT 785-TIPS.
Suicide Attempt:
1. Never leave the student alone.
- The teacher sends for principal, counselor and CPR/First Aid certified personnel.
- The Principal/Designee calls:
a. 911 for police and ambulance.
- District psychologist to assist school counselor
- Parents or guardian of student
- If the student is armed, evacuate along with other students.
- If the student is unarmed, remain.
Suspicious Object
If Suspicious Object is Found:
- Notify the office (767-1241)
- Immediately evacuate the area or facility.
- The principal/designee will call 911.
- The principal/designee will call 911 to notify of threat and obtain police assistance.
- The principal/designee will notify the Superintendent.
- The Response Teams will assemble in the principal’s office to assist the principal and police/emergency personnel.
- The assistant principal will provide law enforcement with campus maps and keys.
- Follow evacuation procedures
- Employ back-up facility plan if evacuation is extended or if inclement weather is a factor.
- Employ back-up facility plan if evacuation is extended or if inclement weather is a factor.
- Only authorized personnel will be allowed to re-enter the building.
Drugs on Campus:
- If you suspect drug dealing, possession, or use, immediately notify the person in charge, your principal or designee.
- ONLY the principal or designee will contact the suspected student and conduct an appropriate investigation.
- The teacher is not to get involved further than reporting suspicion and providing for safety of the students.
- ONLY administrators will conduct a search of a student.
- If you discover drugs, do not touch or move them. Immediately notify the person in charge, your principal or designee.
- If a student tells you that they have information regarding drugs and do not want to disclose the information to you, advise them to contact the CAMPUS CRIME STOPPERS HOTLINE AT 785-TIPS.
Bomb Threat/Fire/Other Emergency
Evacuation Procedures for Teachers: