Friday, September 28, 2012

MENU:Stuffed Crust Pizza, Spicy Chicken Sandwich, Turkey Salad, Chef Salad, Sweet Potato Fries, Garden Salad w/dressing, Pineapple Tidbits, Orange wedges, Milk

"Do something good for yourself; do something good for someone else; and make good decisions." Go Arrows!! --Dr. Peasant

The following students need to see Mr. Heath during Homeroom:Damarious Delaney, Anna Breland, Nick Chatman, Zack Moller, Jamia Brown

COLLEGE DAY: Markel Gladney


  1. As of right now we have over 800 fees that need to be collected. Please continue to pay your fees to your teachers. Students are encouraged to get their fees paid prior to 9weeks exam week. Also, Students will need to bring EXACT CHANGEwhen paying fees.
  2. SADD: If you receive an RIP badge, you are considered DEAD for the day. YOU MUST NOT TALK. The only exception is if you are asked to talk by a teacher. Also, if you have received a badge, please return it to your 10th period teacher before you leave campus.

RED: Died due to texting

GREEN: Died due to drunk driving

WHITE: Victim of someone else drinking and driving or texting and driving

103 Total Deaths

58: Texting

27: Drunk Driving

18: Victims of Drunk Driving or Texting While Driving

  1. Students who stand out front are leaving too much trash. Please throw your trash away in the garbage can provided for you.
  2. CHS students you still have time to buy a homecoming t-shirt for the big game!!! Stop by E201 and see Mrs. Ferguson between classes to purchase your t-shirt today!!
  3. History club will meet on Monday at 7:45, Oct 1st.
  4. Sophomores: If you are interested in representing CHS at the 2013 Hugh O'Brian Leadership Seminar (HOBY)see Mrs. Cunningham W103. Deadline is Oct. 5, 2012. Don't miss this great opportunity.
  5. NHS members: There are several projects listed in W207 for the next 2 weeks. Please come by W207 to sign up and fill these spots.
  6. ANCHOR CLUB: Teachers should have a list of prospective Anchor Club members. To become an official member, $15 dues must be paid no later than Friday, October 12. Please pay dues before or after school. Beginning next week, someone will be at the east entrance of the building taking up money before school. After school you may pay Mrs. Berry in W212.
  7. PTO's - $5 membership for PTO and $25 for the unfundraiser. This funds all the projects PTO participates in during the school year for the Students and Staff.
  8. Please announce on the Arrowhead that Clinton High School tennis tryouts will be held on Tuesday, October 16, at 4:00 at the CHS tennis courts. Players need to bring a parent consent form and a copy of their physical or have one on file in the athletic office.
  9. There is a voting war going on between CHS and Tupelo for the Cspire video contest. Show your school spirit and vote for our video. Right now it is Tupelo with 315 and CHS with 297!
  10. The yearbook staff is selling the COOLEST shades - get yours today - Pre-orders in room W109 or during 4/5. They are $10 - Retro '80's or Oakleys.
  11. REGULAR PARKING DECALS are on sale now. You must have your tag information with you in order to purchase a decal. The cost is $5.00.
  12. Tickets tothis week's Homecoming game against Jim Hill will be pre-sold on Friday, September 28, from 9:00 to 2:00.They will be available in the athletic office and in the commons during lunch hours. General Admission tickets are $7.00 each. Upgrades will be available at the game.
  13. They have extended the deadline to enter DWY (Jr. Miss Program) untilSunday, Sept 30th, at 2pm.You will need to come to Page's Just Dance Studio on Hwy 80, across from Mazziosif you are interested. This goes for Little Sisters' (10th graders) and contestants (11th graders).
  14. FEA membership fees (12.00) are dueno later than October 2 to Mrs. Greene or Mrs. Ottis. Also, sign up for Family Read Night in one of their classrooms.
  15. Anyone interested in going to Disney World this summer, please see Mr. Solis, Señora, Mrs. Tompkins or Mrs. Woodard-Berry.
  16. 2012 Yearbooks for juniors and seniors can be picked up in room W109 during4/5 or after school. Please do not interrupt class to pick up your book.
  17. Sumner Hill Yearbooks will be delivered sometime in September. Books will be distributed through homerooms here at CHS.
  18. Any student interested in going to Spain this summer should come pick up information from Mr. Freeny in W113.


Seniors - If you have not made your appointment for Senior formal pictures, Mr. Ray will be here to take those on Oct. 4. You must sign up with me for an appointment. You will need to bring your sitting fee of $25 with you to take your picture. Sign up in Room W109.

College Recruiters:

Monday, Oct 1st: Williams College @12:30

Tuesday, Oct 2nd: University of Mississippi


Get 2 College/Education Services Foundation will be awarding 50, $1,000 scholarships to students who participate in their 500 word essay contest. Essay topics are "You've just written a 300 word autobiography. Send us page 217." Completed application and essay is due Dec. 1st. The applications can be found in the Career Center in the Counseling Office or online at