APRIL 28, 2003
7:30 PM
Board Members Present Superintendent Present
Craig Roesler Al Robinson
Lauri Hitchcock
Patty Fountain
Sholine Glover
Tracy Cotterill
Board Members Absent Student Rep Absent
Jessica Monson
Staff Members Present: Dale Fortenbacher, Cec Sparling, Kaarin Cargill, Dave Vail
Visitors Present: None
Craig Roesler called the regular board meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.
Tracy Cotterill made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda:
6) Approval of Minutes of Regular, Public Input and Special Meetings
03/24/03, 03/31/03, and 04/14/03
7) Approval of Certificated & Classified Personnel Report
8) Approval of April Vouchers & April Payroll
9) Approval of 2003/04 Learning Resource Center Interlocal
Cooperative Agreement
10) Approval of out of state travel Al & Jerry
11) Approval of Senior Trip Boat Charter Contract
12) Approval of out of state travel Sultan Twistie Twirlers
13) Approval of Contracted Services – R.H. Educational Services 7/01/03
thru 6/30/05
Hitchcock seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
GOLD BAR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: American Sign Language- over forty students participated in our sign language club this year. 4th Grade Authors-eight of Mrs. Allert’s students are being published in this year’s Poem Anthology. WASL- our 4th graders are being administered the state assessment. Students and teachers received a “Survival Kit” from the PTA and a “Do Your Best” pencil from the principal. Hiking Season- SES and GBE staff have been hiking after school on Wednesdays.
Minutes of Regular Meeting
April 28, 2003
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Ten staff members attended the second hike Readathon- our RAH committee sponsored an activity for additional practice in reading. Students earned about $1,000 worth of books for our library by reading and turning in their donations.
SULTAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Congratulations to Dee Clarke as she has been recognized as the Sultan Masonic Lodge’s Sultan School District “Educator of the Year.” We are excited to have one of our own honored as the recipient of this year's award. Mrs. Clarke goes above and beyond in her role as an educator and for this she has been recognized. Not only does she spend considerable extra time within her role as a teacher, Mrs. Clarke spends additional time as advisor to the “Cougars on Wheels” unicycle club, coordinating the school Reading At Home program, and serving on building and district curriculum and report card committees. The new playground equipment was just installed. This comes from the donations from the City of Sultan and the Sultan Elementary PTO. A new climbing apparatus and swings are close to being ready for students to enjoy.
Three classes have started a partnership with Junior Achievement. Melissa Reiner who is with Washington Mutual bank in Monroe is coming in and presenting five 30 to 45 minute lessons centered around grade level themes in economics like jobs, banking, business and production which fit into our social studies themes.
SULTAN MIDDLE SCHOOL: The 7th graders are finishing their second week of the WASL. 8th graders will be taking the science WASL on May 5th & 6th. SMS will be starting its 4th quarter of 7th hour classes. This is giving
students an opportunity to earn credits for classes failed during 3rd
quarter. The Advanced Band will be performing at the County Band Festival in
Darrington on May 14th, Beginning Band, Advanced Band, and Choir will have their end of the year concert on May 20th.There are 80 students participating on the Middle School track team this season. Their first track meet is tomorrow at King's. There are 2 home meets; May 13th and May 20th.The 8th graders will be preparing for their transition to the high school. Tom Foster will be at SMS presenting his "Choices" program on May 8th & 9th.The HS counselors will be meeting the 8th graders on May 15th and 16th. The 8th graders will visit SHS on May 29th and 30th.Finally, our MathCounts team will be in the Math Olympiad at Bellingham on May 3rd.
SULTAN HIGH SCHOOL: WASL testing and ITED testing are under way! Review sessions for the WASL are being taught by various teachers before the 10th graders take the test. It always helps to review and make sure the right thinking processes are in place. Spring sports are in full bloom! Weather is playing a role in keeping schedules on track, but we are working hard to get the events in. A special thanks to the maintenance crews that prepare our fields! The soccer team is undefeated and handily beating their opponents.
Minutes of Regular Meeting
April 28, 2003
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Playoff dates and times will be posted as soon as they become available. Marching Band will be performing soon at the Apple Blossom Festival, the Armed Forces Parade in Bremerton, in Victoria, and at the Salty Sea Days parade.
They have been working hard and are looking forward to bringing home more hardware for their trophy case! Seniors are getting "senioritis" and the schedule is being put together. The end of the year will be upon us sooner than we think!
Director of Finance Kaarin Cargill presented for the SMS Band Boosters Organization to the Board of Directors for approval. Kaarin informed the board that all state guidelines are being followed for as a nonprofit organization and that the organization has been made fully aware of the importance of the group's obligations as representatives of the Sultan School District. Kaarin also informed the board that at any time the board could request a fiscal statement from any booster organization in the district. Tracy Cotterill made a motion to approve the SMS Band Booster organization. Sholine Glover seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Dave Vail presented Policy No. 2312 Sultan School District Acceptable Use Guidelines for Web Publishing. Superintendent Al Robinson suggested that policy is created with purpose and goals and that the Acceptable Use Guidelines be presented as procedure for the aforementioned policy. Al Robinson also informed the Board of Directors that the Acceptable Use Guidelines for Web Publishing would become part of the FERPA statement for the Sultan School District. Sholine Glover made a motion to approve the 1st reading of the Sultan School District Acceptable Use Guidelines with recommended changes. Tracy Cotterill seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Superintendent Al Robinson presented Resolution No. 15-02 for board approval. Tracy Cotterill made a motion to approve Resolution No. 15-02 as presented. Patty Fountain seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Al Robinson also presented an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Sultan and Sultan School District relating to impact fees. Al had an updated copy with changes for the board's approval. Tracy Cotterill made a motion to approve the interlocal agreement as presented with changes. Patty Fountain seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously
Superintendent Al Robinson reported to the Board of Directors the success of the district wide inservice on April 28, 2003.
Minutes of Regular Meeting
April 28, 2003
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The board would like to be updated on Sultan High School. How is the new time for tutorial working, are they using home room type schedule status for the future. Superintendent Robinson will invite Principal Bob Shacklett to present information at the next study session.
Director of Finance Kaarin Cargill reviewed the enrollment and financial reports for the General Fund, Capital Projects Fund, Debt Service Fund, ASB Fund and Transportation Vehicle Fund.
Patty Fountain moved and Sholine Glover seconded a motion to meet in executive session on Personnel at 8:42 p.m.
Patty Fountain moved and Tracy Cotterill seconded to reconvene the regular meeting at 10:12 p.m. No action was taken.
Being there was no further business Chairman Roesler adjourned the meeting at 10:13 p.m.
Jackie Whaley
Recording Secretary
Al Robinson, Superintendent Craig Roesler, Chairman