No:50 B U L L E T I N Wednesday 22ndNovember2017


Fashion Show: Could all models for the fashion show (also Niamh Crosbie White) bring black clothes to wear for the rehearsal and meet after form class in the Assembly Hall. Dancers should meet in the Assembly Hall Blocks 6&7. All backstage helpers please meet at lunchtime in the Assembly Hall for the first 15 minutes. The Fashion Show is this evening and tickets can be bought from the school office, £2 child, £4 Adult or family ticket £10.

S Black

Duke of Edinburgh (Wednesday): All Bronze and Silver groups meeting as normal this week.

D Hill

Nat 5 and H English: Drop-in classes for advice on National 5 and Higher English Coursework Folios are on in Room 22 3.40pm until 4.30pm on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Mr Arbuckle

Year Council and Pupil Parliament meetings take place next week as follows:

S3/4, Monday 27 November, Block 2

S5/6, Monday 27 November Block 5

S1/2, Tuesday 28 November Block 4

Parliament, Thursday 30 November Block 4

Form reps should come prepared with points from the pupils they represent.

Mr Forbes

Show Choir: is on today in Music Room 1 3.30pm -4.30pm.

J Lane

Science Club: From now on we will regularly meet in Science Room 37 on Thursday lunchtimes. (We may occasionally have to change rooms). See Ms Docherty or Dr Scott if you need a pass to get your lunch early.

Dr Scott and Ms Docherty

Chess Club:Due to the mess left last week, food will not be allowed in Room 2. Lunch must be eaten before coming to the Chess Club.

I Dupraz

Mannheim Exchange: To all those going on the Mannheim exchange- there will be very important meeting this Thursday at lunchtime in Room 15 starting at 1.15pm. Bring your lunch. If you cannot make the meeting, please see Mrs Mitchell, or Mrs Fraser.

S Mitchell

Film Club: Film Club is on today at the start of lunch in Room 24. Bring your lunch and come along to see some of your favourite films.

D Craig

Targeted Revision and Study Club: Every Monday and Wednesday lunchtime 1.05pm- 1.40 pm, all welcome. Access to computers will be granted, but strictly for work purposes. Remember to bring lunch with you.

A Reed


Junior Debating (S1-S3): This club meets on Wednesday lunchtimes in Mrs McLean’s Room 23 in English.

H McLean

S5 WOW Ambassadors: need to meet Mrs Kelly in Science Room 37 during Thursday lunchtime.

G Kelly


Homework Club: Come along to Computing Room 2 on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school for help with homework. All welcome.

A Reed


S3/S4 - Celebration of Achievement

Introducing Young Sport Ambassador

PHOTOGRAPHS: The photographer will be in school all day on Monday 27th November.

Please see below the schedule for the day.




BLOCKS 1 & 2

The S6 Group photo including S6 Form teachers, SLT & Integrated Support Team will be taken between 8.40am and 9.20am. All other staff who wish to be included in this photograph should arrive prompt at 9.00am at the Assembly Hall.

S6 Individual Photographs:

09.20am 6A1 - Mrs H Clark

09.30am 6A2 - Mrs G Pia

09.40am 6B1 - Mr T Cook

09.50am 6B2 - Ms L Holland

10.00am 6P1 - Mr R Bueckardt /Mr D Allan

10.10am 6P2 - Mrs Y Dagnall

10.20am 6S1 - Mr A Robertson

10.30am 6S2 - Mr M Gair


BLOCKS 3, 4 & 5

S1 Individual Photographs

10.40am 1A1 - Mr G Snedden

10.55am 1A2 - Mr S Sewell

11.10am 1B1 - Mrs L Hooper

11.25am 1B2 - Ms K Will

11.40am 1P1 - Ms J Abrahams

11.55am 1P2 - Ms C Graham

12.10pm 1S1 - Mr R Docherty

12.25pm 1S2 - Mrs F McKinlay

COLOURS - Individual Photographs & Group

12.40pm – 13.05pm


BLOCKS 6 & 7


(All staff involved with the teams must attend photographs)

(The timings for these may change slightly)

1.35 pmNetball Teams

1.45 pmBadminton Teams (Mr S Raeburn)

1.55 pm Hockey Teams

2.05 pmBasketball Teams (Junior & Senior)

2.15 pmRugby Teams (Mr I Welsh & Mr S Leckie)

2.35 pmFootball Teams (Mr M Gair & Mr S Raeburn)

2.55 pmVolleyball Team

3.05 pm Swimming/Water Polo Teams

3.15 pmAmerican Football Team (Mr T Cram)