Business area: / LGC / Job family / Investments (INV?)
Reporting to: / Director of Housing - LGC / Approved role? / Yes
Role holder: / Code staff? / Not applicable
Housing is a major growth opportunity for the Legal & General Group and is a high profile initiative supported by the Board executive.The role holder’sprimary responsibilitywill be the promotion of Legal & General Capital’s strategic land through to outline or detailed planning permission. The role will also include the review of any new strategic or large-scaleresidential-led opportunities, including direct land acquisition and joint ventures.
Principal Accountabilities:
- Leading on all planning promotional work in connection with the existing land holdings, from representations through to detailed planning applications.
- Review and re-draft business plans for each individual asset, with key aims and milestone dates established.
- Reporting on all assets as and when required including management of all capital expenditure in line with agreed budgets.
- Negotiation with all external stakeholders to ensure Legal & General’s interests are maintained and all ‘added value’ and ‘direct development’ opportunities are maximised.
- Review and reporting to Legal & General Capital on all new strategic and large development opportunities, with a specific focus on housing-led schemes.
- Management and appointment of external consultant team to achieve and exceed the asset business plans.
- Negotiate all landowners’ agreements, promotion and option agreements as well as joint ventures with the aim of agreeing the best terms possible.
- Lead on all planning negotiations, including all representations, planning applications, S.106 agreements, planning appeals etc.
Qualifications, Knowledge and Skills:
Qualifications:Preferred - BA (Hons), Town and Country Planning or:
RICS qualified.
BSc (Hons) Degree in Real Estate Management.
Knowledge & Skills:
- Ability to.
- Manage and lead on all stakeholder negotiations, including public and private sectors.
- Deliver complex major planning applications.
- Key negotiation skills and experience across a wide range of planning and land acquisition issues.
- Understanding of a wide range of projects - housing / retailing / mixed-use / schools
- Broad knowledge and expertise in a wide range of issues - Section 106 Agreements /EIA / Green Belts / AONB / CPO / listed buildings / community engagement / housing need /policy development.
- Ability to develop and agree business strategies tailored to specific opportunities and assets and report on these on a regular basis.
- Effectively and pro-actively manage an external team of consultants to meet the milestone dates within the business plan whilst keeping to agreed budgets.
- Understand and negotiate legal agreements such as landowners, consortium, s.106 etc agreements.
I confirm that I have read and understood the 'Code of Conduct for Senior Management' within the Group Governance section of the Group Policies and Procedures Manual. In addition, I acknowledge that I am similarly bound by the other Group Policies, Codes and Manuals referred to in that Manual. Click here to view the Group Policies and Procedures Manual
I acknowledge that I have read and understand the above Job Description
Signature / DateJob Holder:
Line Manager: