Mayor Angela Dale (Chair)
Councillors: Mary Dale, Helen Grant, Kevin McGready, Lynn Nassau & Iain Scrivin
Clerk: Philippa Graves
There were no members of the public present
1. APOLOGIES –Cllrs Bev Partridge & Jagannath Sharma
2. COUNCILLOR “DECLARATION OF INTERESTS” – Cllr Partridge had declared she is also a councillor on Hipswell Parish Council and her Registration of Interests form is being amended accordingly.
It was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 16th December were approved as a true and correct record and signed by the Mayor.
Matters arising –
Fence paintingat Grange Road Play Park – Peter Hodson has arranged for some youngsters to paint on Wednesday 19th February starting at 12 pm. This is half term week and Cllr A Dale is on holiday. Deputy Mayor, Cllr Nassau kindly agreed to visit the site and talk to the youngsters. Date will change if weather unsuitable.
Old Colburn Beck project for re-inforcing banks – the clerk had spoken to Frank Garside who had nearly completed the paperwork. An associate had been moved to another project so he was totally responsible for this work now hence the delay. He was pursuing prices of gabions.
Charging for Green Bins – a full response had been received from Colin Dales, Corporate Director RDC to our request for Scrutiny 1 to hold an emergency meeting. The calendars were costing 33p per household for a two year period and represented a more cost effective way of relaying collection dates and messages to residents. The paper presented to the Strategy Board on 8 October 2013 estimated the charge will raise £190,000 per year which will almost cover the full cost of the service and this has taken into account the staffing cost of implementing the scheme, bin tags, info packs and cost of processing payments. The charging regime will be reviewed after the first year of operation and this is where scrutiny would play a key role (information circulated at meeting).
PCSO 6602 Eric Corfield attended with a colleague and introduced himself having just commenced duties. When PCSO Katie Whitehead returns from maternity leave they will be working together on the Colburn team. Report for period 16th Dec to 15th Jan 2014 was circulated at the meeting (put on website), crime reported (9 incidents), a reduction on the 21 incidents reported for the same period last year.
3 Criminal damage, 1 person arrested and received a caution, 1 person arrested and charged.
1 Sexual Offence – 1 person arrested who received a caution.
2 Violence – 1 arrest that lead to no further action. 1 person arrested and charged. This is encompassed in the Breach of ASBO.
2 Theft – 1 person has been given Fixed Penalty notice, 1 person was arrested and cautioned.
Anti-social Behaviour – 7 reports for this period as compared with 22 in the same period last year. Two people have been arrested and charged to Northallerton Magistrates Court for Breach of ASBO appearing on 24.1.14.
Locations – 4 of these incidents have been family related. All but 2 were in Colburn Town, the other 2 were in Albermarle Drive and Hildyard Row area.
Other – Timer switches are being issued to those who have been subject to house burglary over the last year and also shed alarms. Anyone requiring a timer switch please email
Mobile Police Office Surgery –
Broadway Car Park Thursday 30th January 11 – 12 pm Wednesday 12th February 4 - 5 pm
Colburn Leisure Centre Tuesday 25th February 11 – 12 pm
Cllr McGready asked whether the figures were actual crimes or reported incidents by the public; the answer was the latter.
Cllr A Dale reminded all that Scrutiny 2 Committee which covers crime and the police would be meeting on Thursday 23rd if there were any questions.
The following points were being actioned:-
1. Drains overflowing reported by Cllr A Dale on A6136, Back Lane leading to Colburn Village ford, Forest Drive outside old Police house and Colburn Lane down to the bus stop.
2. Back Lane road surface to be cleaned off.
3. Restrictions signs for Colburn Village to be installed but problem negated since new roundabout work completed.
4. Roundabout at top of Colburn Lane to be inspected as the grey bricks creating the smaller inner circle are possibly not high enough to prevent traffic going straight instead of round the centre.
5. Work will commence on the new traffic lights to be installed at First Avenue/A6136 junction on week commencing 17th or 24th February.
6. Area Committee held a special meeting to discuss the reductions in bus subsidies which was well attended. Many rural villages no longer had a bus service and reaching hospitals for set times was extremely difficult.
Cllr A Dale has reported the road to Colburn Village Ford blocked by 2 fallen trees.
Landscape Depot had asked if they could sponsor the new roundabout at top of Colburn Lane and make the centre look attractive. Councillors were in favour but both Taylor Wimpey (developers) and Highways would need to be consulted and agree.
Cllr Scrivin gave an update on the progress of the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme which he is leading for this area. The administration IT net is working and messages are being sent through neighbourhoodalert.com. Local co-ordinators can be accredited and added to the map which shows the streets they are responsible for. By March a comprehensive system should be in place.
Members – Cllrs A Dale & Grant.
Proludic had been asked to proceed with the Piper Hill renovation and Helen Horner thought they would be on-site in the first week in March.
Gary Hudson had confirmed that it was far too wet to consider grass cutting and should we experience any hard frosts it would kill or severely damage the grass.
Updated costs had been received and circulated with the agenda. These would have to be amended once the new Piper Hill equipment was in place and functioning.
In discussion with Zurich insurance the clerk reported there were 40 pieces of play equipment and 7 tactile panels within the 7 play areas at present. The pro-rata rate for insuring the equipment was £847 from January to 1st June when renewal is due. The policy is an all risks policy covering theft and vandalism with an excess of £100 per claim. As long as there is a proper and regular inspection and servicing of equipment the Town Council cannot be sued for negligence under the third party liability. Broken or damaged equipment needs to be reported as soon as spotted to RDC so that they can repair or take out of action. Zurich are advising that we negotiate a 3 year agreement to commence on 1st June to maintain the best premium quote. Insurance rates move like mortgage rates and at present are competitive and stable.
Cllr A Dale reminded the meeting that the Proludic new equipment had a warranty for 5 years (the clerk to check the paperwork) and councillors doubted the need to insure against vandalism as there had only been one major incident in the last few years. At an annual premium of £1600 this money could be better spent on new equipment.
Cllr A Dale also pointed out that the fencing between Albermarle Play Park and Colburn Lane needed urgent attention to prevent children falling/running onto Back Lane which was the Town Council’s responsibility. Broken fencing at St Cuthberts on the beck side should be reported to RDC.
The best value grass cutting was probably M Feasby Services from Patrick Brompton, Bedale (clerk to contact).
a) Thank you letter and Certificate of Appreciation – from Richmondshire Local Sports Association in recognition of Colburn’s invaluable contribution to the Young People of Richmondshire in Sport during 2013.
Plans received and agreed by Colburn Town Council:- none
RDC decisions passed:-
Full Planning Permission for installation of 3 Packaged Plant Rooms at Somme Barracks, Horne Road, Colburn DL9 4LD
Full Planning Permission for construction of Single Storey Car Valeting Port at Alpha Imports, 1 Easton Way, Colburn DL9 4GA
Grant request from British Gurkha & Nepalese Community – an email request had been received too late for inclusion on the agenda therefore the request could only be agreed in principle to be ratified at the next meeting.
The BGNC were asking for £150 to help host a Narcotic drug awareness lecture at Catterick specially for Nepalese youth community with an expert speaker from London. Whilst councillors applauded the subject and running of the event they noted that they had already supported the BGNC earlier in this financial year and in fairness to all charitable organisations they declined to support this request.
Parish/Town Precept arrangements – RDC had sent written confirmation of the Strategy Board’s decision from 28th November 2013 that:-
“RDC continue to provide a grant to the Parish Councils for 2014/15 to fully compensate for the loss of Council Tax Base, up to the level of precept set for 2012/13”.
This offer is for 2014/15 only and Colburn will receive a grant of £9,259.19 since the Council Tax Base for 2014/15 has reduced to £1087.96. RDC also gave an example of what could happen should “capping” for setting precept increases above a government limit occur although it is unlikely that the Government will introduce capping to Parish Councils (letter circulated with agenda).
Cheques for approval – list circulated at meeting
It was RESOLVED to pay the following cheques presented for 2 signatures:
Many Bookkeeping Services January Payroll £15.00
United Carlton – copier service charge December £30.00
RDC – litter bin for Grange Road Play Park £288.00
RDC – Allotment lease 3rd quarter Jan-Mar 2014 £87.50
SC Electrics – dressing Christmas Tree with lights/taking down £282.00
Colburn Village Hall – office/meeting rental Jan-Mar £550.00
Clerk’s mileage 16 x .55p £8.80
Stamps 24x.50p, 12x.60p £19.20
Copy paper £9.40
System Mechanic computer cleaning Dec £3.99 £41.39
Clerks salary Jan (2.5 hrs extra) £474.38
Quarterly figures and Year to Date totals - the figures with a reconciled bank balance were distributed with the agenda.
12. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: MONDAY 24th February2014 at 7 pm. This change is due to halfterm week with several people away. Following meeting 17th March and then Monday 14th April (both 6.15 pm) due to a late Easter in 2014.
13. ANY OTHER BUSINESS (at the Chairman’s discretion)
Cllr L Nassau commented that like other people, she had paid the new green waste charge. Would it be refunded if the policy was reversed. Cllr A Dale commented that this was current RDC policy implemented to meet budget cuts and the system would be reviewed at the end of the 2014/15 financial year.
Cllr McGready gave the Mayor a list of people that could be invited to the Mayor’s Charity Dinner on 7th March.
He asked about progress on Colburn Lodge site; a new business would be opening later in 2014.
He felt the website needed a fresh look which councillors agreed with and asked him to look into and report back.
He noted that no minutes or information was appearing in the D&S Times – the clerk to contact and find out what format the minutes should be sent to them.
Cllr Scrivin recommended a new book “100 years of Catterick” for £10 which was not a military history but an interesting review of the area which included Colburn. He recommended the film “The Railway Man” especially as the main figure came from this area.
Cllr A Dale informed the meeting that the renovation work on the Village Hall would be commencing this month and a new vicar would be arriving in May.
The meeting ended at 8 pm.
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