Performance Standard – Impromptu Writing

1 / 2 / 3 / 4


/ Not Yet Meeting Expectations
L / Meeting Expectations with Support or Minimally Meeting Expectations
K / Fully Meeting Expectations
J / Exceeding Expectations
·  purpose
·  ideas and information
·  use of detail / ·  purpose or point of view may be unclear or seem illogical;
·  often very brief and relies on retelling or listing without explanation
·  few details and examples; information is possibly copied or misinterpreted / ·  offers personal reactions and ideas; provides little analysis
·  information and ideas are relatively simple. May be somewhat confusing or illogical.
·  includes some details and examples; parts may be misinterpreted or unrelated / ·  has reactions and views that show some insight and individuality
·  usually focuses on clear, concrete ideas; may include speculation, humour or generalization
·  develops ideas and analysis through relevant details, examples and explanations / ·  explores personal opinions with insight and originality
·  tries to deal with more complex or abstract ideas; often uses humour or makes comparisons
·  uses details, examples and explanations to develop the analysis or arguments


·  clarity
·  variety, and impact of language / ·  simple, repeated language; may include some description
·  relies on short, simple sentences that are not connected / ·  language is OK and correct in a general sense; may be unclear
·  relies on simple sentence patterns; often short / ·  tries to select language to fit the mood or purpose; generally clear
·  variety of sentence lengths and patterns / ·  language is varied for effect; shows some precision; may use specialized language
·  sentences flow easily; variety of complex sentence structures used


·  opening
·  organization & sequence
·  conclusion / ·  introduction does not engage the reader and may be vague or confusing
·  sequence may falter, especially near the end
·  ideas may be connected (Eg. then, but, and) / ·  has an introduction and conclusion; purpose may be left out or is unclear; middle and end undeveloped
·  sequencing may not be clear or effective
·  ending often weak or abrupt / ·  strong opening that draws the reader in; development and ending is predictable
·  logical sequence with related ideas grouped together
·  ideas and sentences are linked by connecting words / ·  strong opening sets the stage for developing ideas; middle and end is well defined
·  writing follows logical sequence; uses paragraphs effectively
·  transitions between ideas are natural and smooth


·  complete sentences
·  spelling, punctuation, grammar / ·  frequent errors in simple words and structures often interfere with meaning / ·  noticeable errors that distract the reader; errors may change meaning but not make it unclear
·  may have run-on sentences / ·  may include errors in more complex language that do not interfere with meaning
·  most sentences correctly constructed / ·  occasional errors where writer is taking risks with more sophisticated language; these do not interfere with meaning

7a – 10/06 (adapted BC Performance Standards Informal Writing)