Writing Principles130 October 2018
Writing Principles 801-301
Spring 2009
Course Information
Instructor: Rick Barribeau Office Hours: M______
Office: Racine R222DW______
Phone:262.619. 6822 (School Phone)F______
262.619.6227 (FAX)
Address:GatewayTechnicalCollege, 1001 S. Main Street, Racine, WI53403
Text: Business Communication Essentials(2nd ed.) by Bovee, Thill, and Schatzman
(ISBN 0-13-047548-3)
Materials:Computer disk or flash drive
Description:Writing Principles reviews the fundamentals of grammar. It emphasizes practical application of English in business correspondence.
Credits: 1
Prerequisites: None
Competencies: Students need to master specific competencies in grammar and writing in order to succeed in most careers. As in any course, the student will learn many additional theories and skills beyond the minimum requirements of the course as a result of the assigned readings and communication with the instructor and other students. The following competencies are the minimum skills promoted and assessed in this course.
Write sentences using correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization.
Write paragraphs using correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization.
Write a resume.
Write a letter of application.
Write a business letter.
Write a memo.
Write final text from drafts.
Core Abilities: Gateway believes students need both technical knowledge and skills and core abilities in order to succeed in a career and in life. The following nine core abilities are the general attitudes and skills promoted and assessed in all Gateway programs; those followed by an asterisk are promoted and assessed in this course.
Act responsibly*
Communicate clearly and effectively*
Demonstrate essential computer skills*
Demonstrate essential mathematical skills
Develop job-seeking skills*
Respect self and others as members of a diverse society*
Think critically and creatively*
Work cooperatively*
Value learning*
Students must participate in all required activities to receive credit for this course. All writing assignments must be typed or word-processed in order to receive credit for the assignment. Also, all writing assignments must be completed to receive credit for this course. Be sure to review the Gateway Policy on academic dishonesty in the Gateway Student Handbook.
01.21.2009Meet the instructor and other students. Preview the course.
01.28.2009Chapter 1.Complete any assigned activities and writings.
02.04.2009Chapter 2.Complete any assigned activities and writings.
02.11.2009Chapter 3.Complete any assigned activities and writings.
02.18.2009Chapter 4.Complete any assigned activities and writings.
02.25.2009Chapter 5. Complete any assigned activities and writings.
03.04.2009No class. Instructor in-service
03.11.2009Chapter 6 and 7.Complete any assigned activities and writings.
03.18.2009No class. Spring break
03.25.2009Chapter 8.Complete any assigned activities and writings.
04.01.2009Chapter 9.Complete any assigned activities and writings.
04.08.2009Chapter 10.Complete any assigned activities and writings.
04.15.2009Chapter 11.Complete any assigned activities and writings.
04.22.2009Chapter 12.Complete any assigned activities and writings.
04.29.2009Chapter 13.Complete any assigned activities and writings.
05.06.2009Chapter 14. Complete any assigned activities and writings.
Each student is expected to attend all classes. Each student is expected to be on time and to be ready to begin class with the proper materials. If you miss more than eight (8) hours of class without meeting with the instructor to determine how to make up missed learning opportunities, you will be dropped from the class with an F or NG final grade.
Adherence to deadlines and participation in class count about 15 percent of the final grade. Since deadlines and working with other people are integral parts of any occupation, deadlines have been established for all writing assignments, and you will often work in groups in this class. All writing assignments handed in after the deadline will be marked late and two (2) points per calendar day will be subtracted from this deadline/participation score. Failing to prepare for or participate in class activities (e.g., peer edits) will also result in the loss of points to this deadline and participation score.
Note that poor attendance will also likely indirectly affect your final grade since you will miss notes, directions, activities, deadlines, and personal help on the various assignments. As a result you may complete assignments that do not meet required criteria, resulting in a lower assignment grade.
Activities count about 15 percent of the final grade. Throughout the semester, there will be activities in class that you will receive credit for completing. Most of these activities can be completed only on the day that they are assigned.
Writing assignments count about 40 percent of the final grade. The writing assignments consist of a number of essays, a research paper, and professional documents. Specific grading criteria will be discussed when we begin each assignment. All writing assignments must be completed to receive credit for this course. Be sure to review the Gateway Policy on academic dishonesty in the Gateway Student Handbook.
Tests count about 30 percent of the final grade. Most weeks, we will discuss a topic related to grammar (e.g., subject-verb agreement), punctuation (e.g., comma and quotations), rhetoric (e.g., parallelism), and writing conventions (e.g., bibliographies). Quizzes reinforce your learning of these topics.
Extra credit (optional). If desired, you can revise writing assignments to receive higher grades. At a minimum, revisions must address all comments and errors noted in the original assignment. When handing in a revision, include the revised assignment, the original assignment, and the original grading sheet. These must be turned in to the instructor one week after the instructor returned the original to you. The new grade for the assignment will be the average of the first score and the second score. To do a revision, the original assignment must be submitted on time.
Grading Scale
/ Numeric Grade / LetterGrade / Numeric Grade
A / 95 – 100 / C / 79 – 82
A- / 93 – 94 / C- / 77 – 78
B+ / 91 – 92 / D+ / 75 – 76
B / 87 – 90 / D / 72 – 74
B- / 85 – 86 / D- / 70 – 71
C+ / 83 – 84 / F / 69 – 0
Grading Matrix
The following matrix explains the basic assessment for this course. Specific criteria will be handed out with each assignment.
Assessment Areas / Grade EarnedA / B / C / D / F
Process / Shows evidence of extensive prewriting, writing, revising, and publishing. / Shows evidence of prewriting, writing, revising, and publishing. / Shows evidence of some prewriting, writing, revising, and publishing. / Shows evidence of a little use of prewriting, writing, revising, and publishing. / Shows no evidence of prewriting, writing, revising, and publishing.
Topic, Purpose, and Audience / Has a clear purpose, covers the topic thoroughly, and meets the audience’s needs. / Has a purpose, covers the topic with good details, and recognizes many of the audience’s needs. / Has some sense of purpose, addresses the topic, and recognizes some of the audience’s needs. / Does not have a clear purpose, barely covers the topic, and barely recognizes the audience’s needs. / Does not have a clear purpose, does not cover the topic well, and does not recognize the audience.
Support / Supports the purpose with specific, concrete details. / Supports the purpose with some specific details. / Supports the purpose with some relevant details. / Has a vague purpose or supports the purpose with few details. / Does not have a purpose or has very little support.
Structure and Organization / Presents ideas logically and uses transitions effectively. / Presents most ideas logically and usually uses transitions effectively. / Presents some ideas logically and sometimes uses transitions. / Presents few ideas logically and seldom uses transitions effectively. / Presents most of the ideas illogically and has a number of transition errors.
Sentence skills / Has few mechanical errors and uses an effective style. / Has several mechanical errors but uses an effective style. / Has some mechanical errors and an acceptable style. / Has numerous mechanical errors and a weak style. / Has many mechanical errors and an unacceptable style.
Presentation / Can publish assignment without changes to format. / Can publish assignment with minor changes to format. / Can publish assignment with several changes and revisions to format. / Can publish assignment with major changes and revisions to format. / Can publish assignment only with complete rework to format.