SS&A Mini-Grant 2015-2016
/ SS&A Mini-Grant RequestPrepared by (Name and Email) = Miranda Sullivan
Presented to the ASG Board on (date)=
Presenter’s Name= Miranda Sullivan
Type of organization (place x):Recognized Student Organization
Student Program X
Requested Amount / = $ 2788.72
Budget Number
Budget Title / =
Current Amount of Baseline Budget* / = $
*RSO and programs are not advised to apply for mini-grant if they still have money in their baseline budget. If you still wish to apply, please explain your plan to utilize your baseline budget for the rest of the year in the “Plan for the current baseline budget” section.
Advisor / Supervisor / = James Ardena
E-mail / =
Project Name / = FinsUp and multicultural swag
Start Date / = N/A
Project Completion Date / =N/A
Project Purpose
Briefly describe your project, event, or activity.
The Multicultural Center (MC) needs money for gear to incentivize students to complete their credit milestones and for Phins up. Production of these items below are cheaper when bought in bulk so it makes more sense to order them together rather than two different grants.The phins up program will be a new program to help provide support for students who are high risk to not complete their degrees. These students will be identified by the large amount students who go through the MC center for short-term loans who are either 1st quarter students and/or students who have a 2.0 or below, and all of the work study students in the MC center will be participants. We will also monitor and target the students who are in the RSO groups that are relevant to the MC mission. There will be ceremonies held twice a quarter to honor the students from the previous quarter since grades are not out until after ceremony. We do not want to make students wait an entire quarter to be recognized for their success. This program will provide students with the skillsets to navigate and get support (academic, civically, or career wise) at SCC.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Describe how your proposed expenditure reflects the purpose of your club/organization, how it will directly benefit students, and what advantages there are for the college as a whole. Please choose from one of theCAS domains and dimensions.
The Multicultural Center (MC) serves underrepresented student populations. The MC is ordering incentives to build the retention of students for our SOCC and Phins up program. Phins up students will be identified as students who have a GPA under 2.0 or first quarter students. We will award students when they reached mile markers in their programs. These markers will be quantitative symbolic reasoning, english proficiency, first 15 credits completed, and first 30 credits completed. This gear will be a great way to market to the students about the MC and make them feel a part of our college campus and culture.The gear will be used as an incentive for promotion of constructing knowledge. People will be able to visibly identify SCC students and promote identity development and meaningful relationships while at the students of color conference. The MC will have quarterly ceremonies to recognize success within the population that the MC serves. Students will develop intrapersonal development by building self-esteem and confidence as a student when their success is recognized by SCC .Without the incentives the MC has brought in about 30-35 people in the past and with the incentives we provide we are expecting to surpass this number.Success Criteria:
List the measurable, verifiable results that will determine the success level of this project.
- How many students attend or quarterly recognition ceremony.
- Students get rewarded when they complete each module of academic milestones
- Students get rewarded when they earn certain point milestones by completing assignment in canvas as phins up program participants
- Progress within the Phins UP! canvas course- level of completion/engagement
- Progress with in the SOCC canvas course-level of completion/engagement
Resources Required:
What will it take to get this project going both money and labor wise?
List items and associated costs. Please list revenue sources including: fund-raising, ticket sales, services, college money, and in-kind donations, etc. Do you raise money for any purpose other than organization expenses? If so, please estimate and explain how these funds were used. Are members of your organization expected to contribute their own money (cost-sharing) towards activities?
100 Tshirts400 Silicone bracelets
250 Pens
250 Lanyard
200 Certificates
200 Certificate Folders
eating supplies
Total; $2,788.72
This gear will last a long time and be used for several different projects
exact quotes are attached and the t shirts and lanyards/bracelets/pens are all from local small business’
Plans for Remaining Baseline Budget Funds:
Clubs and programs are not advised to apply for mini-grants if they still have significant money remaining in their baseline budget. If you currently still have money from your baseline budget or money allocated from the SS&A budget, please explain how you are planning to spend those funds. Please also include a note if your club/program has already spent most or all of your baseline budget.
Table 1: PersonnelSalary & Benefits
Peer Navigator, or Office Assistant funds ($10,009) and $500 for OT to support classified staff advisor to attend SOCC / $10,009
Table 2: Goods & Services
Supplies and Materials - light refreshments for Phins Up persistence events ($500) outreach materials/giveaways ($500) / $1,000
Printing and Reproduction / $
Education and Training SOCC Registrations ($1200) Phins Up Persistence Event attendance ($250) / $1450
Purchased Services
Fall quarter speaker, MLK, & Multicultural Week Speaker ($1500) $500 per speaker. Student success workshops about $333 for a total of about $1000 / $2500
Table 3: Travel
Purpose: Students of Color Conference 2018
Estimated Number of People Travelling / 9
Destination / Yakima, WA
Dates: April 2018 3 days & two nights
Means of Transportation and Costs – van rental cost / $ 500
Lodging Plans and Costs – hotels $120 x 5 x 2 nights / $ 1200
Agenda or Itinerary not available at this time.
- Food (per diem allowance rates are based on Washington State Guidelines per diem for SOCC travel / $190
Table 4: Revenue
Please list revenue sources including: fund-raising, ticket sales, services, any non SS&A funding from the college (149 & 148 budget sources) and in-kind donations. List the organization expense for which you plan on spending this income.
Table 5: Total Request
Who's going to be affected? Who else may have interest in this project? Please also list a65/*student contact (this is not the advisor but at least one student belonging to the club/ organization).
Students: Attendees/target audienceEthnic Student organizations: Black Student Union, African Student Club, Project Pride, ALAS, Asian Student Association outreach.
Students of Color Conference attendees
Students with 2.0 or below GPA
Shoreline Community College
1st quarter students
Black Student Union / Invited RSO
African Student Club / Invited RSO
Project Pride / Invited RSO
ALAS / Invited RSO
Muslim Student Associations / Invited RSO
First Nations / Invited RSO
SCC Community / Interested & Eligible people
SOCC ppl / program members
Please include a project start, completion date, and also the projected start and completion dates for all tasks associated with the project.
11/24/17 / deadline for preparations and send out invites for fall ceremony12/8/17 / end of fall quarter award ceremony
12/29/17 / send out invites for winter ceremony
1/3/17 / deadline for winter prep
1/11/17 / Beginning of Winter quarter award ceremony
3/5/17 / Send out invites for event
3/12/17 / Deadline for prep for end of winter ceremony
3/19/18 / End of Winter quarter ceremony
3/23/18 / Send out invites for Spring ceremony
3/23/18 / Prep deadline for Spring ceremony
4/5/18 / Beginning of Spring ceremony
4/12/17 / Students of Color Conference
6/1/18 / Invite to ceremony for Spring
6/8/18 / Prep deadline for Spring ceremony
6/14/18 / End of Spring quarter ceremony
These are the currently identified dates when the incentives and supplies will be used this school year. More are to be identified.
No handwritten applications will be accepted, please email completed packet to Budget and Finance at !