1. We may think it pleasant at first to follow pride and worldly ambition, but the end is pain and sorrow. Selfish plans may present flattering promises and hold out the hope of enjoyment, but we shall find that our happiness is poisoned and our life embittered by hopes that center in self. In following Christ we are safe, for He will not suffer the powers of darkness to hurt one hair of our heads. He will keep that which is committed to His trust, and we shall be more than conquerors through Him that loved us." Ellen White, OFC 135.2

2. If we gaze even a moment upon the sun in its meridian glory, when we turn away our eyes, the image of the sun will appear in everything upon which we look. Thus it is when we behold Jesus; everything we look upon reflects His image, the Sun of Righteousness. We cannot see anything else, or talk of anything else. His image is imprinted upon the eye of the soul, and affects every portion of our daily life, softening and subduing our whole nature. (FLB. 150)

3. The Lord is soon to come. There must be a refining, winnowing process in every church, for there are among us wicked men who do not love the truth or honour God.

We are in the shaking time, the time when everything that can be shaken will be shaken. The Lord will not excuse those who know the truth if they do not in word and deed obey His commands.--6T 332

4. We should not allow our feelings to be easily wounded. We are to live, not to guard our feelings or our reputation, but to save souls. As we become interested in the salvation of souls we cease to mind the little differences that so often arise in our association with one another. Whatever others may think of us or do to us, it need not disturb our oneness with Christ, the fellowship of the Spirit. "What glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God." 1 Peter 2:20. HDL 26.1

5. Another serious evil is EATING AT IMPROPER TIMES, as after violent or excessive exercise, when one is much exhausted or heated. Immediately after eating there is a strong draft upon the nervous energies; and when mind or body is heavily taxed just before or just after eating, DIGESTION IS HINDERED. When one is EXCITED, ANXIOUS, OR HURRIED, IT IS BETTER NOT TO EAT UNTIL REST OR RELIEF IS FOUND. The stomach is closely related to the brain; and WHEN THE STOMACH IS DISEASED, THE NERVE POWER IS CALLED FROM THE BRAIN TO THE AID OF THE WEAKENED DIGESTIVE ORGANS.

6. Christ is waiting with longing desire for the manifestation of Himself in His church. When the character of Christ shall be perfectly reproduced in His people, then He will come to claim them as His own. {COL 69.1}

7. True sanctification means perfect love, perfect obedience, perfect conformity to the will of God. We are to be sanctified to God through obedience to the truth. Our conscience must be purged from dead works to serve the living God. We are not yet perfect; but it is our privilege to cut away from the entanglements of self and sin, and advance to perfection. Great possibilities, high and holy attainments, are placed within the reach of all. {AA 565.1}

8. Prayer is heaven’s ordained means of success in the conflict with sin and the development of Christian character. The divine influences that come in answer to the prayer of faith will accomplish in the soul of the suppliant all for which he pleads. For the pardon of sin, for the Holy Spirit, for a Christlike temper, for wisdom and strength to do His work, for any gift He has promised, we may ask; and the promise is, “Ye shall receive.” {AA 564.1}

9. Satan well knows that all whom he can lead to neglect prayer and the searching of the Scriptures, will be overcome by his attacks. Therefore he invents every possible device to engross the mind. There has ever been a class professing godliness, who, instead of following on to know the truth, make it their religion to seek some fault of character or error of faith in those with whom they do not agree. Such are Satan's right - hand helpers. Accusers of the brethren are not few, and they are always active when God is at work and His servants are rendering Him true homage. They will put a false coloring upon the words and acts of those who love and obey the truth. They will represent the most earnest, zealous, self - denying servants of Christ as deceived or deceivers. It is their work to misrepresent the motives of every true and noble deed, to circulate insinuations, and arouse suspicion in the minds of the inexperienced. In every conceivable manner they will seek to cause that which is pure and righteous to be regarded as foul and deceptive. GC 519.2

10. We may multiply forms and ceremonies, and heap resolution upon resolution, and be nothing better for all these things. What we need is purity of heart; and God can give us this as a free gift of his grace. Many blame circumstances for their defective characters. They say, "I could do so much better if things were only different; but this one tries me, and that one vexes me, and that is the reason that I am not a better Christian." But this is a deception. There is grace with God to enable you to serve him just where you are, and excuses of this order have no weight with him. Do not charge your circumstances with your failure. The Lord knows where you are, and he would have you practise those things which make for godliness. You need not be an element of strife, no matter what arises to try to vex you. You may be a peacemaker, whatever may be your circumstances. Jesus says, "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." What a shame it is that Satan is allowed to work so successfully among us! Why do we permit gossips to pour into our ears complaints and reproaches concerning our brethren and our friends? Why do we take up a reproach and stir up strife, instead of making peace? This grieves God's Holy Spirit, and causes love to leak out of the heart as water out of a leaky vessel. Let us have a practical religion. Look to Christ by faith, and behold his purity, his mercy, and his love, and bring our actions into harmony with the divine Spirit. Let us have the Spirit of Jesus in our homes. Let us sing and make melody unto the Lord in our hearts. If the praise of God is in our household, there will be no danger of discord in the church. Where there are peacemakers, there is the ministry of holy angels. Be converted; repent; realize what religion is. Open your hearts, and let the Lord Jesus in. We cannot be half - hearted in the service of God, and be prepared to stand in the judgment. YI January 9, 1896

11. "The very ones whom God purposes to use as His instruments for a special work, Satan employs his utmost power to lead astray. He attacks us at our weak points, working through defects in the character to gain control of the whole man; and he knows that if these defects are cherished, he will succeed. But none need be overcome. Man is not left alone to conquer the power of evil by his own feeble efforts. Help is at hand and will be given to every soul who really desires it. Angels of God, that ascend and descend the ladder which Jacob saw in vision, will help every soul who will, to climb even to the highest heaven." Patriarchs and Prophets, page 568

12. Reform, continual reform, must be kept before the people, and by our example we must enforce our teachings. True religion and the laws of health go hand in hand. It is impossible to work for the salvation of men and women without presenting to them the need of breaking away from sinful gratifications, which destroy the health, debase the soul, and prevent divine truth from impressing the mind. Men and women must be taught to take a careful review of every habit and every practice, and at once put away those things that cause an unhealthy condition of the body, and thus cast a dark shadow over the mind. RH November 12, 1901, par. 9

13. Temperate in All Things

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31- {ML 141.1}

In order to preserve health, temperance in all things is necessary - temperance in labor, temperance in eating and drinking. Our heavenly Father sent the light of health reform ... that those who love purity and holiness may know how to use with discretion the good things He has provided for them, and that by exercising temperance in daily life they may be sanctified through the truth. {ML 141.2}

Great care should be taken to form right habits of eating and drinking. The food eaten should be that which will make the best blood. The delicate organs of digestion should be respected. God requires us, by being temperate in all things, to act our part toward keeping ourselves in health…

14. The spiritual experience is greatly affected by the way in which the stomach is treated. Eating and drinking in accordance with the laws of health promote virtuous actions. - {ML 141.3}

Principle should rule instead of appetite or fancy.... It means much to be true to God. He has claims upon all who are engaged in His service. He desires that mind and body be preserved in the best condition of health, every power and endowment under the divine control, and as vigorous as careful, strictly temperate habits can make them.... Temperance in eating, drinking, sleeping, and dressing is one of the grand principles of the religious life. Truth brought into the c of the soul will guide in the treatment of the body. - {ML 141.4}

The better you observe the laws of health, the more clearly can you discern temptations, and resist them, and the more clearly can you discern the value of eternal things. May the Lord help you to make the most of your present opportunities and privileges, that you may daily gain new victories, and finally enter the city of God, as those who have overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. - {ML 141.5}

15. We are living in a most solemn, awful moment of this earth's history. Not a soul whose life is one of careless self - degradation, through transgression of physical laws, will stand in the great day of trial just before us. There is a terrible account to be rendered to God by those who have but little regard for the human body, and treat it ruthlessly. Transgression of God's law is sin, and the punishment is death. "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are." RH November 12, 1901, par. 8

16. "When we see errors in others, let us remember that we have faults graver, perhaps, in the sight of God than the fault we condemn in our brother. Instead of publishing his defects, ask God to bless him and to help him to overcome his error. Christ will approve of this spirit and action, and will open the way for you to speak a word of wisdom that will impart strength and help to him who is weak in the faith." Ellen White, OFC 127.6

17. Thousands need and would gladly receive instruction concerning the simple methods of treating the sick - methods that are taking the place of the use of poisonous drugs. There is great need of instruction in regard to dietetic reform. Wrong habits of eating and the use of unhealthful food are in no small degree responsible for the intemperance and crime and wretchedness that curse the world. MH 146.3