Salt Ash Sports Complex Richardson Rd Salt Ash
21 January 2018 (Close 24 December 2017)
All entry enquiries: Joyce Laidler, Ph 0249307671
Send entries to: The Event Secretary 17 Walkers Hill Lane Harpers Hill NSW 2321
Cheques/Money Orders: Payable to HVDA
# / Test / # / Test / # / Test / # / Test
1 / Preparatory A (2013)CR / 7 / Elementary 3.1 (2014)CR / 13 / Prix St George (2009) update 2017CR
2 / Preparatory C (2013)CR / 8 / Elementary 3.2 (2014(CR / 14 / Intermediate I (2009) update 2017CR
3 / Preliminary 1.1 (2014) CR / 9 / Medium 4.1 (2014) CR / 15 / Intermediate A update 2017 CR
4 / Preliminary 1.2 (2014)CR / 10 / Medium 4.2 (2014) CR / 16 / Intermediate B update 2017 CR
5 / Novice 2.1 (2014) CR / 11 / Advanced 5.1 (2014) CR / 17 / Intermediate II (2014) update 2017CR
6 / Novice 2.2 (2014) CR / 12 / Advanced 5.2 (2014) CR / 18 / Grand Prix update 2017 CR
Categories / Eligibility for end of year Pont Score / Fees
Official Competitive (OC) / You must be a member of HVD and complete 2hrs voluntary work over the year. Please / Official Competitive (HVD Members) $25
Closed Restricted (CR) / nominate below if you wish to help at this competition: / Official Competitive (Non HVD Members) $30
Ponies (must nominate below) / Pencilling o / Gear Steward o / Closed Restricted (HVD Members Only) $20
Juniors/Youth (must nominate below) / Judging o / General Duties o / Administration Fee $8
# / Horse Name / Bridle No / EA No / Pony / Jnr / Yth / Rider Name / EA No / Fees
Please nominate which category you wish to enter: Open □ Pony □ Junior □ Youth □ Amateur □ / Admin Fee: / $8
Juniors and Youth must nominate whether they are riding as a Junior, Youth or Pony / Total Fees:
If completing as a Junior or Youth what is your date of birth:

Neither the Organising Committee (Hunter Valley Dressage Assoc.) of any competition to which these rules apply nor the EA accepts any liability for any accident, damage, injury or illness to horses. Owners, riders or any other person or property whatsoever.

Name / Address
Signature / Phone/Mobile
Property PIC Number (where horse is located) / Email
Member Waiver Form Hunter Valley Dressage Association ABN 75 754 199 505
Hunter Valley Dressage Association conducts it’s Events at the Salt Ash Sports Complex Richardson Rd Salt Ash. In consideration for being permitted to participate in any way in horse sport activities, I, the undersigned, understand, acknowledge and accept that:
·  Horse sports are a dangerous recreational activity and horses can act in a sudden and unpredictable (changeable) way, especially if frightened or hurt.
·  There is a significant risk that serious INJURY or DEATH may result from horse sport activities.
·  I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, and I voluntarily PARTICIPATE at my OWN RISK and assume sole responsibility for any injury, death or property damage I may suffer that arises from my participation in horse sport activities.
·  I understand and acknowledge the dangers associated with the consumption of alcohol or any mind altering drugs before and during the activities and I take full responsibility for any injury, loss or damage associated with their consumption. I agree not to drink alcohol or take drugs prohibited by law before or during any horse sports activities.
·  I agree to follow the directions of any event organiser or official and that any misconduct or refusal by me to follow any direction of any organiser or official can result in the CANCELLATION of my participation in the activities and my immediate removal from my horse NO MATTER where that may occur. I understand that any such non-compliance may result in injury, death and/or permanent disability as a result of my failure to comply.
·  I agree to wear a helmet at all times whilst riding where this is required under the relevant EA and FEI rules and regulations and agree that I am solely responsible for ensuring that whilst riding I wear a suitable helmet at all times where required under the relevant EA and FEI rules and regulations and take sole responsibility for my actions.
·  In the event of an EI lock down, the Hunter Valley Dressage Association will NOT accept any responsibility for expenses incurred by the rider/owner and their horse/s.
I have had sufficient opportunity to read this assumption of risk agreement, fully understand its terms and sign it freely and voluntarily for all competitions conducted by Hunter Valley Dressage during the year 2018. Or This is to certify that I, as a parent/guardian with legal responsibility for this participant, acknowledge, understand and accept ALL OF THE ABOVE and consent and agree to my minor child's involvement or participation in horse sport activities for all competitions conducted by Hunter Valley Dressage during the year 2018.
Name / DOB (Jnr) / Signed
(To be signed by guardian if under 18 yrs) / Phone
Conditions of Entry and General Information
SCRATCHING AND EVENT ENQUIRES: Scratching prior to the closing date will receive a full refund. If the event is cancelled for any reason, 50% of the admin fee will be retained if any costs are incurred by Hunter Valley Dressage. For late scratchings a doctors or vet certificate no later than 24hrs after the event is required to receive a refund. After entries have closed horses nominated may be changed up to 72hrs prior to competition. Riders may be changed up until the time the horse competes in its first competition.
ENTRY ACCEPTANCE: You MUST be a member of either the EA or HVDA to be eligible to compete at an event. All details on the paper/online entry form MUST be complete and full payment of entries is required. Entries are dated as they are received and when the test is oversubscribed a reserve list is formed. . Both rider and owner must be EA members to compete in Official classes. In official tests, horses must exceed 149cm with shoes and ponies must not exceed 149cm with shoes (148 without shoes).
DOGS MUST BE ON A LEASH AT ALL TIMES AND REPORT ANY ACCIDENTS TO THE OFFICE / CATEGORIES: The following categories are available to all eligible competitors. You must nominate if you intend to compete as a pony or junior competitor for each test entered.
Official Competitive: Entrants require EA competitor membership and full horse registration. Must meet State competition licence requirements. Official Competitive entrants must have a bridle number on both sides of the bridle or saddle cloth. Closed Restricted: Entry is only open to members of Hunter Valley Dressage. EA membership and horse registration are not mandatory. Competitive Amateur Horse and Rider: Hunter Valley Dressage have deferred running these classes until further notice. Closed Restricted Ponies: Entry is only open to members of Hunter Valley Dressage. EA membership and horse registration are not mandatory. Official Competitive Ponies: Entrants require EA competitor membership and full horse registration. Must meet State competition licence requirements. Official Competitive entrants must have a bridle number on both sides of the bridle or saddle cloth. Closed Restricted Juniors/Youth: Entry is only open to members of Hunter Valley Dressage. EA membership and horse registration are not mandatory. All entrants must nominate “junior” on the entry form and provide date of birth Official Competitive Junior/Youth: Entrants require EA junior members and full horse registration. Must meet State competition licence requirements. All entrants must nominate “junior” on the entry form and provide date of birth. . Official Competitive entrants must have a bridle number on both sides of the bridle or saddle cloth.
COPIES OF TESTS: are available from EA website
LIABILITY WAIVER: Either a signed paper waiver form or online waiver acceptance must be completed. For paper entries, if you are entering a number of people on the one entry, each rider MUST sign an individual waiver form. For online waiver acceptance, if you are entering a number of people, your acceptance confirms that each rider has read and accepted the conditions.
PREPARATORY ENTRY: Riders who have ridden Elementary or above, must enter a Preparatory test as N.C. Horses that have won a Preparatory Test or placed in a higher level test must ride N.C.
JUNIOR/YOUTH ENTRY: Entrants in Junior Competitions must be 9yrs and under the age of 16yrs* on the day of competition however may continue to compete for the remainder of the calendar year in which they turn 16yrs. Riders may enter official competitions for the year they turn 12yrs when riding horses and from the start of the calendar year they turn 10yrs when riding ponies. Entrants in Youth Competitions must be 16yrs* and under the age of 21yrs on the day of competition however may continue to compete for the remainder of the calendar year in which they turn 21yrs. Junior/Youth competitors can enter any closed restricted or official competitive tests provided they meet the criteria requirements.All Juniors/Youth will be placed separately in their tests. *eg. if you turn 16yrs on 1st August 2017 you may continue to compete as "Junior" for the rest of the 2017 calendar year. During the 2018 calendar year you would then compete as "Youth".
PONY DRESSAGE: All EA registered ponies can enter any closed restricted or official competitive tests. All non EA registered ponies can enter any closed restricted test. All ponies will be placed separately from horses in their tests.
RESTRICTIONS: Horses/Ponies/Juniors may compete at 2 consecutive levels only over the event (maximum 3 competitions per horse per day) Riders may ride a maximum 3 horses per day, 6 tests per day. No horse should be on the grounds if it’s not competing. Coaches are not to give instruction to riders in the area surrounding the arena.
NON-COMPETITIVE ENTRIES: will be accepted on the understanding that they may be given first or last time slot in the competitions. They must be indicated in writing before the start of the relevant competition.
PENCILLING / GEAR STEWARD OBLIGATIONS: You MUST report to the office 10mins before your required time. If you cannot fulfil your duty, you MUST contact the Committee as soon as possible or arrange for someone else to fulfil your pencilling or gear steward commitments from this event or you will not be eligible to gain points towards HVDA annual awards.
AWARDS/PRIZE MONEY: Ribbons will be awarded to 6th place and will be available upon request only. Special awards/prizes will be awarded at our annual Championship event and end of year point score awards night.
CALLERS: are allowed for all events except F.E.I.
HELMETS: Approved helmets must be worn. New standards apply from January 2017. The onus is on the rider to comply with these standards.


HVDA Membership Secretary

Joyce Laidler

17 Walkers Hill Lane

Harpers Hill 2321

FEES: SINGLE $30.00 £ FAMILY $40. 00 £


I Hereby enclose $______Cheque/Money Order for Single/Family Membership.

Name / Address
Signature / Phone/Mobile
Email / Date

For family memberships please include the names of the additional family members below:


Please supply a stamped self-addressed envelope if you require a receipt.