Powerstock Primary – July 2017

Our first Bake-off day raised £68 for the Epilepsy Society! Mary and Chris Bunney kindly came into school to judge the children’s Show Stopper designs. The children did such a fantastic job and really captured the theme of summer. We will do another Bake-off day in Autumn term so listen out for the theme to start thinking of ideas!

  • Just three photos from our Maths Problem solving morning. Practical activities help all abilities to really learn and understand Maths as you can see from the Pickupsticks to show types of angles and Pyramid building to establish patterns. Seatown had fun using directional language to guide each other round the school grounds.
  • We have had an inspiring assembly from Bridport Leisure Centre who came into talk to the children about safety which is so important, especially this time of year. We are currently sorting out swimming lessons and will keep you posted with details.
  • Mrs Cleden has taken our Year 6s to Salisbury Cathedral where they had a fantastic day in Art and Drama workshops coming together for a Big Drama: The Mustard Seed. I think the whole day will leave a wonderful impression on the children as they move up to year 7 in September.
  • Welcome to Astrid (Reception) and Lucien (Year 3) who have settled in so well and are both joining in everything in true Powerstock spirit! Also welcome to Dylan, due to start in Reception later this month.

School information:

  • In September, the Key Stage two children will be working in a more ability grouped setting for English and Maths. This will ensure that children receive more tailor made teaching so that all children can achieve their potential, enjoy their learning and feel confident. Please ask for further details.
  • Please have a look at the website or follow us on Twitter to see all the lovely things we do in school like the Bake off and our brand new Breakfast club. We welcome any suggestions or offers of help to make sure we are are showing the school off in the right way.
  • There should be some news about the bus towards the end of the week after meetings with Dorset County Council members and Oliver Letwin. I will let parents know as soon as I have some firm details.
  • Could you please make sure Janet in the office has your email address so we can send out information promptly and save more paper?
  • If you do have a little bit of time, please come into school to hear children read. It makes such a difference if children read daily ~ thank you.
  • Look out for our new web page on British Values that Mrs Middleton has been working on with our KS2 children. Also, please have a look at outEsafetypage : which has a wealth of information about keeping safe online. There are tips about using Google and Xbox to safeguard against hidden dangers for all ages. We have had a successful relaunch of this initiative in school and hopefully, children are more prepared to use the internet at school and at home.

Finally, thank you all for your support this year ~ we really appreciate it!