MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 27 September 2012 at the Fire Station, Thrapston Rd, Kimbolton.
PRESENT: Councillors Mrs R Lloyd (in the Chair); K Hutchinson; Mrs D Hellett; G Gorham; Mrs E Milne and P Seabrook
IN ATTENDANCE County Councillor P Downes; District Councillor J Gray; C L Thatcher, Clerk to the Council and one member of the public.
135/12 APOLOGIES were received from Councillors R Gooderham; Mrs J Stainer; Mrs S Hawkes; D Poole and L Farrer.
The Chairman invited Mr Edward Valetta, Clerk to the Governors, who was present, to speak on the development intentions of the School.
Mr Valetta said that, when the Queen Katherine’s building was erected it was always the intention to remove the Spinney Block. Over the past few years ideas have crystallised and the hope was to build a two storey building, which will be predominantly science orientated.
That intention was well-known and we went out to a team of Project Managers and approached four architectural practices. Their suggestions were received and a meeting of the Governors was held, to which was invited the Conservation Officer.
The Governors decided they liked the look of two of the practices but couldn’t decide between them and so asked them for a further presentation, which was due yesterday. The decision has been made to use RH Partnership of Cambridge. The Conservation Officer felt their design to be the most sympathetic.
The cost of the build will be between £9M and £10M.
The new building will reflect some elements of the Queen Katherine building and will house Biology and Chemistry on the ground floor with, on the first floor, Physics and Mathematics and there will be a first floor link through to Queen Katherine’s building.
The Donaldson building will then become the home of Home Economics, Geography and Art with a ‘plaza’ area where the entrance to Queen Katherine’s building is situated.
It is hoped to apply for planning approval around Christmas or early in 2013, with an anticipated start date of April 2014 and completion in September 2015.
There are also longer term proposals for improvements to the Prep School, starting in 2015.
The Chairman thanked Mr Valetta.
Mr Valetta said that he had been approached by a parent who was seeking a pedestrian crossing on the B645. The Chairman said that this had been something this Council had pursued for a number of years and funding had been sought via the Minor Improvements Grant budget on several occasions, but without success. The County Council’s total budget for such works throughout the district was £50,000 and it was likely that the crossing could cost most of that.
Mr Valetta said that he would write back to the parent and inform him accordingly.
Mr Valetta also asked that residents be reminded, through these minutes, that Duchess Walk is private property and that there is no public footpath through there.
Mr Valetta left the meeting.
No declarations were made and the Clerk confirmed that he had received no requests for dispensation.
139/12 MINUTES of the meeting of 30 August 2012 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting subject to the reference to ‘architraves’ in minute 123/12 being changed to ‘dining room ceiling’.
Councillor Downes said that he will contact the Footpaths Officer regarding Rookery Lane and see what can be done about the surface or through traffic.
Councillor Gray joined the meeting at this point.
Councillor Downes referred to the petition for faster broadband. He said that the picture was not good in Kimbolton with only 9.6% of the population having signed up.
A meeting of the County Council’s Cabinet will take place in St Neots at 10 am on 2 October in the Priory Centre. This will be followed by an open session.
The Local Plan consultation is underway and he urges everyone to look at the Plan and there will be exhibitions on 3 October at Pathfinder House and 8 October at St Neots, both 2 pm to 8 pm.
The County Council is working on its 2013/4 budget and inviting people to say what their priorities are, on-line. In some areas Early Years provision is under pressure.
Regarding gritting, Richard Kingston has now left the Council and his place has been taken by Emma Murden. Steve Douglas is now in Highways.
Councillor Downes left the meeting at this point.
a) Policing. The Clerk read the report on the month’s crimes, sent by PCSO Carol Corn.
b) Cemetery Extension. The Clerk reported on the problem with the layout, which stemmed from the dividing line between the field and the cemetery extension not being at right-angles to the wall. Councillor Seabrook thought that it was unnecessary to provide all the footpaths shown in the approved plan and advocated leaving some out. He thought a Working Party should be formed.
The Clerk wondered whether, rather than attempt to make the paths fit the land, we could ask the owner of the field whether she would agree to the dividing boundary being re-aligned, so that on one side the Council loses a little land, but gains an equivalent amount on the other side, thus making the boundary at right-angles to the cemetery wall. This suggestion was proposed by Councillor Mrs Hellett, seconded by Councillor Hutchinson and unanimously agreed.
The Clerk said that he had applied for grant aid and sent in the application. He will have to send in quotations received from builders for the wall once they arrive. He is meeting Chris Thompson, the District Council’s Landscape Officer on Wednesday 3 October.
c) Car Parking. The Chairman said that Traders were of the opinion that a lack of parking was detrimental to their trade and, as a result, she had written to Councillor Gray asking his advice. She wondered whether the whole of the High Street could be made limited parking time, with residents’ permits being issued? Using devolved powers could we get someone to police it?
Councillor Gray said that he had long felt that this was the only viable suggestion, but the Parish Council could not agree that changes to the parking requirements were even necessary, so Huntingdonshire District Council officers are not likely to devote their time to this if there is no commitment from the Parish Council.
Councillor Hutchinson said that he remained of the opinion that there was no real problem with parking space in the High Street and he was violently opposed to permits.
The Chairman said that we must obtain agreement between ourselves before HDC officers meet with us.
Enforcement is the key to the problem for, without that, no limited waiting scheme will succeed.
Councillor Gray suggested that a Working Party be organised to meet with Paul Bland.
This was proposed by Councillor Gorham, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hellett and agreed by 4 votes for and 1 abstention, with the members being Councillors Mrs Lloyd; G Gorham; Mrs E Milne;P Seabrook; Mrs D Hellett and K Hutchinson.
d) Play Park. The Clerk said the balance beams had been ordered from Wicksteed and should be delivered in a few weeks.
e) Neighbourhood Watch. Councillor Gorham has spoken with the Community Safety Officer who is appointing 4 people to oversee the groups in this area.
f) Rookery Lane. This was dealt with under County Councillor’s report.
g) Cemetery Cottage. The Clerk reported that the wasps had been eradicated and when the bees have departed he would attempt to place a mesh cowl over the chimneys. This would require the use of a ‘cherry picker’ and the Clerk was authorised to make the arrangements for this and, at the same time, have the loose tile replaced.
h) Cemetery wall repairs. The Clerk said that he is awaiting quotations from builders.
i) Millennium Signs. The Clerk reported that Mrs J> Brown has kindly agreed to undertake the work and members asked that she provide them with an indication of what she intends before starting work.
The following applications were considered:
1201371 36 High St – remove & replace render. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Hellett, seconded by Councillor Gorham and unanimously agreed to approve this application.
1201344 6 Tollfield, Kimbolton – part 2 storey, part 1 storey extn & demolish outbuilding.
It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Milne, seconded by Councillor Gorham and agreed by 4 votes in favour and 1 abstention to approve this application.
1201340 Stonely Hall, Hatchet Lane, Stonely – erect garden wall & fence .
It was proposed by Councillor Seabrook, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hellett and agreed by 3 votes in favour with 2 abstentions, to recommend refusal of this application as being not in keeping with the existing wall.
1200312 40a High St, Kimbolton – retention of internal wall.
It was proposed by Councillor Seabrook, seconded by Councillor Mrs Milne and agreed by 4 votes, with Councillor Hutchinson abstaining, to recommend approval of this application.
b) Ongoing Planning Matters
Stonely Cottage, Serpentine Walk. The Clerk said that an email received from Nigel Swaby, Planning Enforcement Officer, referred to his earlier email in which he commented that he did not think the design submitted, for a pergola-like structure, would be acceptable. Since then he has had further discussions with the Agent and his current view is that given the problems with the conditions a structure with a suitably-designed framed top rather than a full cover, which would reflect the role of the previous structure, could be acceptable in principle but he has yet to agree a design. He will report again next month. In other words, the Enforcement Officer is finding it very difficult to insist on anything, due to the error made within their department when the original approval was granted.
40 High St. Chimney. Again, Mr Swaby has updated me with the news that the owners have been given two options – to implement what was shown on the drawing or to remove the flue completely, both within an agreed time, which is 5 October. Since writing that he has said that the owners of the property have complained that giving them only 2 months to comply is unreasonable and he is minded to give them another 2 months in which to decide what they are going to do. Following this, enforcement action will be commenced.
Members thought this further delay unacceptable. The time for the use of the stove is approaching and by granting an extension the owners will almost certainly be making use of the facility, to the detriment of neighbours.
21 Ashfield fencing. Mr Swaby says that a new application has been made for the fence and the Parish Council will be consulted.
Development Control Panel meeting.
The agenda for the above meeting has been received and it will take place on 15 October. On the agenda is consideration of the tennis court at 25 Main Rd Stonely. It was proposed by the Chairman, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hellett and unanimously agreed that Councillor Hutchinson would attend the meeting and speak on behalf of this Council.
143/12 REPORTS
a) Personnel Working Party. The Chairman said that she would email members of this Working Party with suggested dates for a meeting with the Groundsman to deal with his appraisal.
b) Outside Bodies – Mandeville Hall Committee. The Chairman reported upon a recent meeting of the Committee and upon matters relating to the running of the committee and future projects.
It was greed, in the absence of Councillor Mrs Stainer who raised this matter, to defer consideration to a future meeting.
The Chairman said that there had been some argument at the Mandeville Hall Committee meeting over the need for a printer for the Learning Centre. She felt that a printer would be useful to them and, in the absence of any offer by the Committee, wondered whether Council would be prepared to fund the purchase of one.
Councillor Hutchinson said that he might be able to help as he had a spare printer and he would check on suitability. It was agreed to await Councillor Hutchinson’s decision.
The Clerk reported that the old roses and bulbs had been removed from the borders in the churchyard and soil improver purchased and introduced. Bare root roses have been ordered and will be planted early in November.
There is quite a lot of routine maintenance necessary in the churchyard, such as trimming the trees and bushes and painting the seats, and he wondered whether Council might agree to making the churchyard maintenance the responsibility of David Eades, in addition to the cemetery. This was unanimously agreed.
The Clerk also raised the question of the Christmas tree. Having removed the old tree, the intention was to replace it, but he thought it might be better to provide a cut tree each year, as do Rotary at the other end of the High Street, so that the tree is always the correct size.
The cost is likely to be £80 - £100 for the tree.
It was proposed by Councillor Gorham, seconded by Councillor Hutchinson and agreed to purchase a cut tree this year and see if that is suitable. If not, a tree could be planted for next year.