May 2017

Autumn Production 21st – 25th November 2017

“Star Quality” by Noël Coward

Directed by Tony Clark

Tony had an enormous task on his hands after such a well- attended audition. He is now able to announce the cast which is as follows:-

Bryan Snow, Author ofDark Heritage Graham Woodward

Ray Malcolm, Director ofDark Heritage Alan Copsey

Nora Mitchell, Lorraine Barrie's maid-cum-dresser Scilla Jutton-Holland

Lorraine Barrie, Eleanor inDark Heritage Linda Hull

Eric Larch, Aubrey inDark Heritage Paul Pridmore

Marion Blake, Stella inDark Heritage Leafy Scott

Gerald Wentworth, Mortimer inDark Heritage Andy Horner

Laura Witby, Elise inDark Heritage Susanna Williams

Tony Orford, Ray Malcolm's Personal Assistant Allan Brown

Dark HeritageStage Management Heather Birchenough,Toni Hickey

Survey of Members

Thank you everybody who filled in the survey form. The results are now in and we can discuss your suggestions and ideas at the AGM – 25th July 7.45pm West Ashling Village Hall.

Friday 9th June Play Reading 7.30pm Funtington Church Room -

organised by Jan Copsey

“Enlightenment” By Shelagh Stephenson

A young man, Adam disappears whilst travelling abroad, and all around believe that he has been killed, possibly murdered. His parents are left with only grief and uncertainty. Then one day, a stranger appears, uncannily like their son, covered in scars and carrying Adam’s passport.

Saturday 15th July 7.00pm The Caucasian Chalk Circle at The Penny Royal

The semi-staged presentationat Penny Royal Theatre, Trippet Meadow, Canute Road, Bosham PO18 8JF, home of Maggie Pollock, will begin at 7.00 on Saturday 15th July. This is a large cast production - but an edited version of the play which will run for just over an hour. For those of you new to this venue, the route is via Taylor’s Lane then Stumps Lane and Shore Road (Bosham Harbour on your left) and turn immediately right into The Drive. Trippet Meadow is at the end of Canute Road. We park on her lawn, being careful to avoid the marshy bit if it has been raining. Seats arenot numbered but we suggest arriving up to half an hour earlier to enjoy a drink with other members. Even a warm summer’s day can get very cool so extra layers are advised for later. We usually eat together afterwards in Maggie's beautiful garden but catering details for this will come in the next newsletter or contact Scilla and Hilary nearer the time. Please do join us for a fun evening. No need to book.

Friday 21st July 7pm for 7.30pm An Evening of Readings and Music

Scilla has kindly offered to host another of the popular evening of readings, poems and music on the theme of summer and holidays. To match the theme there will be wine as well as strawberries and cream to enjoy. The venue is 139 Charles Avenue, Chichester, PO9 7HD. Please let Scilla know if you would like to come, preferably by email to

or telephone 01243 527005.

Terry Stanton

Some members will remember Terry, who went to live in Australia. He does visit family in South Harting each year, and tries to keep in touch with old friends. You might have seen an article in last weeks Chichester Observer relating to the book mentioned below. He sent an e-mail hoping he might be here for an FPs production, an extract follows:-

“You may remember that about 18 years ago Funtington gave a play-reading to one of my efforts about the Earl of Strafford. It was far too long and written in too old-fashioned a style and I think Alan went to sleep, or perhaps I should say I put him to sleep. A few years later on one of our return trips to England another of my plays (about a girl who died in a scuba diving tragedy) received a very handsome welcome…….

Then I gave up on the plays altogether. Four years ago I decided to turn the Strafford play into a novel telling the whole story of Strafford's life. I did an enormous amount of research, and earlier this month, with the help of a friend who publishes his own and others books on Amazon, mine has appeared.

Perhaps you and other members of FP who recall this old geezer might be interested in it. It can be found on The search is forTerry Stanton 'Deliver mefrom Evil' It is a big book (730 pages) and I hope it is a reasonably serious but entertaining read.

In the extremely unlikely event that FP are looking for a play by an unknown author and wish to look at mine I should be happy to send them to you by email.”

Staunton Country Park looking for Actors,

My name is Lottie Gibson and I am one of the Learning Leaders at Staunton Country Park. We do many events for our visitors during the holiday periods and we are planning a Haunted Staunton event on Friday 27thOctober. Our Haunted Staunton event is a walkabout tour of the farm and gardens between the hours of 6.30-8.30pm, the tour entails visitors meeting some past residents of Staunton as well as others and their spooky tales.

I have heard some lovely things about the Funtington Players and the productions, we have a small opportunity for any of your members who wish to get involved in our Haunted Staunton event. We would love a group of actors to portray various characters in History, the eras we are focusing on are Georgian, Victorian and Edwardian. If you are interested contact Lottie by e-mail

Dates for your Diary

Friday 9th June Play Reading 7.30pm Funtington Church Room

Enlightenment by Shelagh Stephenson

Friday June 30th Play Reading 7.30pm Funtington Church Room

People by Alan Bennett

Saturday 15th July The Caucasian Chalk Circle at The Penny Royal Theatre in Bosham (outdoor venue) Details above.

Friday 21st July An Evening of Readings, Music and Poetry. Details above.

Tuesday 25th July Annual AGM

7.45pm West Ashling Village Hall

Sunday 27th August Barbecue in Bosham - from noon

Please amend your membership list to include

Emma Red – returning Member

I Whitechimney Cottage, Westbourne, Hants, PO10 8RS.

01243 371214

07947 349964

Please note Sahra Gott has changed her e-mail address to

Web Site – access to members page – user name: fpmember password: Bolton

Newsletter editor – Jan Copsey 01243572150

Next Committee meetings 16th June, 17th July, 14th August.
