Natural Resources Conservation Service

FHB Building, Suite 301

400 Route 8

Mongmong, Guam 96910



Technical Guide Notice Number 35

Date: August 7, 2002

Subject:TCH – Consistency Updates to FOTG SectionI

Purpose: To transmit SectionI and other instructions

Effective Date:When received

Background:To ensure consistency of the Field Office Technical Guide and facilitate transition of PBA Field Offices’ FOTG to E-FOTG


File this notice behind the Tab: Sec. I: ADS1 in FOTG Section I. Initial and record the date of this action on the FOTG Section I Directives Tabulation Sheet.


Pacific Basin Bulletin NO: PB 450-2-1 provided instruction to District Conservationists and the Palau Resource Conservationist regarding consistency review and updating of their offices’ FOTG-Section I.

Remove any remainingmaterials in FOTG Section I that are not technically relevant, current, accurate and/or applicable to your areaandplace these materials into a binder with a label ARCHIVE: FOTG Section I.

If, using your best professional judgement, there are other materials to be retained, all of these materials shall be copied and forwarded to the State Resource Conservationist with a cover memorandum explaining the materials. The Field Office shall retain the originals filed under the appropriate Section I tab. Refer to the new table of contents for internal divisions within Section I.


  1. Any oversized maps or other non-standard format documents should be listed in table format indicating Date, Title, Author, Format Size and Location in RTS library. A blank Oversized Document Table can be printed from CD accompanying Technical Guide Notice Number 32.
  2. Move any Climatic Data, Cultural Resources Information and the Threatened and Endangered Species list from Section I to Section II.
  3. Print the Directive Tabulation Sheet (DTS) from the CD issued with Technical Guide Notice Number 32 and insert in very front of the Section I Binder. Complete the Directive Tabulation Sheet.
  4. Print the Table of Contents for Section I from the CD issued with Technical Guide Notice Number 32 and insert behind the DTS section.
  5. Print all other remaining sections for FOTG Section I found on the CD issued with Technical Guide Notice Number 32 and file these according to the Table of Contents.
  6. Insert all other non-archived FOTG Section I material according to the Table of Contents.
  7. Record by initial and date all updates and inclusions of new materials on the DTS in front of Section I.
  8. The use of plastic page protectors is the preferred method of filing and maintaining the Section I documents.
  9. District Conservationists and the Resource Conservationist shall review all changes transmitted with this notice and share this information with all Field Office staff.

S/Charles Frear, Assistant Director (for Joan Perry, Director)


Director, Pacific Basin Area

Distribution: All Field Offices, SWCD’s, Engineering Section, SRC staff (no CD for SRC staff)

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