DECEMBER 10, 2009


Frank called this evenings meeting to order. All board members were present. Leslie read the minutes from last month’s meeting. Francis made a motion to approve November’s minutes as printed, Neil 2nd Carried.



·  Plowing Snow, Curt Bryan was called in to help.

·  Jeff went in the ditch, Irvington Garage was called to pull him out.

·  Mowing is done.

·  Tractor broke again. The boom broke and Ron welded it . He charged the township $50.00 for the use of his welder/supplies.

·  Bongey/Culver repair- Nellesen did not get the chance to start the culvert repair. The weather got too cold and it will have to wait until the spring.

·  Ron hauled all the towns salt/sand. 900 -1000 tons in stock

·  TRIPP- the township was approved $14,171.13 for Cedar Falls road.

·  TRIPP-D – was applied for North Rudiger road. This is still two years out.

·  Frank went out to the shop this evening and found the thermostat was set at 70.He has told the guys repeatedly many times to make sure it is set at 60 when the leave. Frank left them a note and if it happens again, a lock will be placed on the thermostat. The board agreed to put a lock on the thermostat if this continues. He also found that the door was not pulled down to the floor. Snow had built up and it was not cleared away.


Two applicants were submitted: Amanda Stephens & Christina Pirik. Frank did a background check and they were both ok. Neil made a motion to approve the above applicants, Francis 2nd Carried.

ROAD ADOPTION- 572ND AVE.- TOM WHITE- Tabled until all the paperwork is completed.


The board discussed the purchase of a new boom for the tractor. Neil suggested looking in to renting the equipment. Leslie will print out the repair costs for 2009.


The Health Insurance for 2010 for Ron and Jeff went up $2,124.00. The board discussed the 2 proposals.


o  1.5% increase in wages (25 cents per hour)

o  Portion of Health Insurance paid by employee. SINGLE: $60.74 PER MONTH FAMILY: $116.26 PER MONTH

o  Retirement Proposal: The township will match up $500.00 per 2010 calendar year for every inclement of $100.00 the employee places by receipt in their IRA retirement account.


o  No wage increase. Township pays the Health Insaurance Increase $2,124.00

o  Retirement Proposals the same as the 1st Proposal.

o  The board has to realize that the single health premium is less than the family. The single payer would see an increase of 30 cents per hour wage. The family payer would see no increase in wages. This would offset what we pay for family vs. single coverage.

The board decided to go with proposal 1 but changes were made.

1.  Wage increase will be 15 cents per hour

2.  Health insurance: The Township will pay an additional $50.00 towards the premium.

3.  Family Plan: Jeff will pay $66.26 per month. Single Plan: Ron will pay 10.74 per month. This will be deducted out of their checks.

4.  Retirement: The township will match up to $300.00 in calendar year 2010 for every $100.00 (showed by receipt) placed by the employee in their IRA retirement account.

Neil made a motion to approve the above 2010 Employee Contract changes, Francis 2nd Carried.


The township has been allowing the County for many years to use this area without compensation. The township makes sure the brush is burnt and the leaves are taken care of. The township has maintained the old dump without asking for compensation. The board agreed that $4,000.00 is what the township will charge the County to lease the old dump for 2010, and the township would continue to maintain as in the past, with the County doing what they have done in the past. Frank will draft a letter and send it to George. Neil made a motion to approve Frank drafting a letter to the County for a 1 year lease of the towns Old Dump, Francis 2nd Carried.

PLAN COMMISSION UPDATE – The Water Recharge Ordinance will be on January’s agenda.


Newsletter- was completed and sent out with the tax bills.

Fence dispute- Ford/Schmidt- The fence was completed by Schmidt.

Road Rating: Road rating was completed by Neil & Frank. It took them 4 hours. Neil will be paid $90.00

16.56 miles were rated 1-5 – 25%

49.82 miles were rated 6-10 – 75%


The County did a car count on Rudiger Road. The town was billed $200.00


Francis: asked the board about the rules for paying for hitting a mailbox when snow removal is being done. The resident needs to show that the plow did indeed hit the mailbox. If so, they can fix it and send the township a bill. If snow knocked it down, the town does not pay for it.

Nancy: The tax bills have been mailed.

Neil: Dale Amundson rezone request was approved by the PRD Committee.

Frank: The town will pay to have postcards mailed out for the public meeting on land use changes- approximately 1200.

VOUCHERS: Francis made a motion to approve voucher #13478-13523 and prewritten 1196-1198, Neil 2nd Carried.

Francis made a motion to adjourn at 9:20pm, Neil 2nd Carried.

Next meeting will be held January 14,2010 at 7pm.