EDUC 4203 2014
By referring to the Ministry Resource Guide (IEP), select the correct response.
or at:
1. With respect to the design and delivery of an IEP, an annual program goal is a statement that describes what a student can reasonably be expected to accomplish by the end of a particular ______.
(a) academic year (b) semester (c) course
2. According to the Ministerial Resource Guide, the IEP process should follow the following five phases: Gather information, set the direction, develop the IEP as it relates to the student’s special education program and services, implement the IEP, and ______.
(a) clinical assessment (b) class placement (c) review and update the IEP
3. According to the Ministerial Resource Guide, the completed (fully developed) IEP should be shared with the student, other professionals, and all staff members directly responsible for the student’s instruction.
(a) True (b) False (c) Does Not Say
4. According to the Ministerial Resource Guide, an IEP is not ______.
(a) a daily lesson plan (b) report card (c) plan for independent study
5). According to the Ministerial Resource Guide, one of the essential roles of the classroom teacher, with respect to a student who has an IEP, is that they can contribute first hand knowledge of the student’s strengths, needs, and ______.
(a) interests (b) health concerns (c) working patterns
6. When it comes to modifying expectations within a given IEP, for most secondary school courses, these modified expectations will be based on the regular curriculum for the course - but will reflect changes to the number and complexity of the expectations.
(a) True (b) False (c) Does Not Say
7. The term accommodations is used to refer to the special teaching and assess-
ment strategies, human supports, and/or individualized equipment required
to enable a student to learn and to demonstrate learning. Accommodations
do not alter the provincial curriculum expectations for the grade.
(a) True (b) False (c) Does Not Say
8. Modifications are changes made in the age-appropriate grade-level expecta-
tions for a subject or course in order to meet a student’s learning needs.
These changes may involve developing expectations that reflect knowledge
and skills required in the curriculum for a different grade level and/or
increasing or decreasing the number and/or complexity of the regular grade-
level curriculum expectations.
(a) True (b) False (c) Does Not Say
9. The reason for developing an IEP must be formally ______.
(a) assessed monthly (b) recorded (c) mailed to the School Board
10. According to the Ministerial Resource Guide, ongoing assessment of a student’s IEP is very important as it may indicate that the IEP needs to be ______.
(a) discontinued (b) adjusted (c) appealed
NAME: ______SECTION: ______