

Minutes of Essington Parish Council meeting held on Monday 11th September 2006 at 7-00pm

PRESENT: Councillor D. Clifft J. P. (Chairman) Councillor P Griffin

Councillor J Macey Councillor S Marsden

Councillor A Nicklin Councillor J Rice

Councillor L Saunders Councillor J Smallman

Councillor B Tarbuck Councillor B Whitehouse

Councillor S Wright


A resident raised concerns regarding a resident who’s property is adjacent to the pools area, who has removed part of the hedge row and has replaced it with fencing but adjacent to the original line of the hedge. The Chairman Councillor David Clifft commented that this matter is in hand and is being checked with the County Council and South Staffs Council to determine the correct boundary line.

The Chairman thanked the bailiff and his colleagues for all their hard work and assistance in caring and looking after the area, which all Members agreed was a credit to them.

Community Beat Officer P C Darren Munnerley outlined his report on criminal activity over the last couple of months. He highlighted the problems especially the increased number of anti social behaviour incidents in the village, he raised concerns over the youths who continue to abuse residents and in particular the local Nisi Store with verbal and racial abuse. He commented on notices which have been compiled by the police with the assistance of the shop keepers to ban youths from the shop area, these notices are in the process of the being served to the offending youths, of which many are residents in the village. Members discussed the problems and raised concerns about the lack of police presence in the parish. The Chairman commented on the amount of vandalism in the village over the period of the school summer break which would total approximately £6,000, with problems at the community centre, St. Johns School, and High Hill.

The Chairman welcomed County Councillors and residents to the meeting.


None declared.


Apologies were received from Councillors Ray Houlton, Mavis North, and Peter Whitehouse.


The Council approved the minutes from the last meeting proposed by Councillor Beryl Tarbuck , seconded by Councillor Bryn Whitehouse.

4. MATTERS ARISING (from last meetings minutes)

No comments.


·  Update

The Chairman commented on the ongoing works at the centre. The central heating is almost completed with only works to carry out in toilet blocks. The toilet blocks works has commenced with the installation of new ceilings and newly plastered walls. The work should be complete by second week in October. The commencement of the installation of the fire alarm system will start week commencing 25th September and take approximately 3 weeks, hopefully with minimum disruption to hirers.


a)Planning applications submitted for approval during the month:

06/00809/FUL 1st Floor rear extension, conservatory & porch 29 Wolverhampton Road – no objections

06/00751/FUL canopy & porch 8 Appleby Gardens – no objections

06/00736/VAR new dwelling variation of condition land adj 9 New Street – no objections

06/00803/COU further conversion of stable blocks into residential accommodation Torwood Stables New Landywood Lane – objections - development in the green belt


06/00852/LUP loft conversion 110 Sneyd Lane – objections planning permission should have been obtained prior to commencement of conversion.

06/00821/FUL wooden summer house Dosanjh Manor Long Lane Newtown – objections change in street scene – visability impact

06/00895/FUL 2 storey side extension 15 Swynnerton Drive – no objections

06/00934/FUL Loft conversion The Nook Stafford Road Newtown – no objections

06/00950/COU alterations, conversion & refurbishment of existing buildings – residential Manor Farm Barns Bognop Road – no objections

b) The following planning applications have been approved:

06/00402/FUL Erection of single garage on each plot Plots 30 to 33 on Land off Brownshore Lane

06/00447/FUL Retention of open sided & open fronted lean-to structures Roberick cottage Old Landywood Lane

06/00576/FUL Alterations to previously approved replacement dwelling Mitre Farm Bursnip Road

06/00587/FUL 2 storey front extension with entrance porch & raised main pitched roof with dormer windows to replace existing roof 237 Cannock Road

06/00673/FUL Conservatory 2 Rosewood Gardens

06/00650/COU Change of use of existing building to parking, repair & maintenance of commercial vehicles The Old Signal Box Bursnip Road

C) The following planning applications have been refused:

06/00677/FUL conservatory Chapel Farm Cottages Bursnip Road

06/00749/FUL rear dormer for loft conversion 37 Wolverhampton Road


The Chairman commented on recent notification of the election of the sports council through South Staffs Council. The Chairman proposed Councillor Adrian Nicklin who has been the representative in the past, seconded by Councillor Jim Rice and carried. The Chairman commented on the second Member and said he was quite willing to stand if this was acceptable, this was agreed.

The Clerk outlined the correspondence received this month, notification from the SPCA regarding their election for executive committee, with nominations by 6th October, no one expressed a wish to be considered.

Notification from Staffs County Council, regarding installation of seasonal attachments to their street lighting equipment. Essington is not affected as our décor in installed on private land.

Invitation to attend a Workshop for Youth Provision Funding from South Staffs Crime Reduction Partnership, Members considered one of the youth club helpers might be interested and the invitation will be extended to them.

A letter from Wyrley FC outlining their funding strategy and asking Members to consider buying a brick. Members have all received the literature to consider.

A acknowledgement from Sir Patrick Cormack’s officer regarding the parish council nomination for the Community Empowerment Award regarding our strategy in retaining the post office.

Notification from NALC regarding our entry for the Community Empowerment Award and notifying us that we have been unsuccessful on this occasion. Members discussed the award and agreed that it is very worthwhile to be considered for this nomination although disappointing that we have been unsuccessful at this time.

Notification from SPCA, that following the impending retirement of their Chief Executive Mary Booth, Marion Kennedy will be seconded into the post on a temporary basis until they can find and appoint a permanent Chief Executive. Members discussed the SPCA and felt that a letter of thanks and good wishes should go to Mary for her help and assistance over the year.

A thank you, from Essington Wood Methodist Church for our donation, towards their flower festival in aid of Acorns Hospice. Members discussed the festival and agreed that it was a very enjoyable event, attended by many.


A letter from Professor Carl Chinn confirming a date in November 2008 when he will be available to give a talk at the community centre.

A reply to our enquiry to South Staffs Council regarding the water tower in Hawthorne Road, the information is inconclusive and the clerk will write asking for more details.

A letter from the Highways Agency regarding the M6 Increasing Capacity Study outlining the present position and advising that there is now a website with more information.


A.  To note the Councils Bank balances at 01.09.06 as Current Account £2640.07 and Deposit Account £32787.34

Petty Cash £100 – less unpresented cheques £25.00

Reconciliation : Balance B/fwd 48581.47

Plus receipts 4087.43

Less payments 17166.49

Balance c/fwd 35502.41

B.  To RESOLVE that the following cheques be issued:-

Chq No. / Payee / Details / Nett (£) / VAT (£) / Total (£)
101859 / T.Kluckow / Return of booking deposit – room re hired / 30.00 / - / 30.00
101860 / Wychbold Swan Rescue / Donation / 25.00 / - / 25.00
101861 / Oxley Glass / Replacement windows due to vandalism –playgroup 344.86 council chamber 653.42 / 849.60 / 148.68 / 998.28
101862 / RAM / Electrical repairs / 205.00 / 35.87 / 240.87
101863 / Initial Hygiene / Hire of hygiene equipment Oct-Dec 06 / 282.60 / 49.46 / 332.06
101864 / South Staffs Council / 1st quarter ground maintenance 2006/7 / 1010.14 / 176.77 / 1186.91
101865 / B N North & Son Ltd / ECC repairs 148.87 vandalism 46.53 / 166.30 / 29.10 / 195.40
101866 / Abbachem Ltd / Cleaning materials ECC / 36.36 / 6.36 / 42.72
101867 / S K Home Improvements / Repairs B/L 385.00 L/L 120.00 ECC 20.00 vandalism 777.00 / 1302.00 / - / 1302.00
101868 / A & I Building Services / Repairs to Teddy Bears Nursery Long Lane / 1683.00 / 294.53 / 1977.53
101869 / ASC Limited / Structural calculations on ECC / 193.85 / 33.92 / 227.77
101870 / ACP Ltd / Clerks fees for installation of heating / 1274.40 / 223.02 / 1497.42
101871 / Geddes Heating / 2nd stage payment of central heating installation / 6000.00 / 1050.00 / 7050.00
101872 / C E Gracey / Reimbursement of petty cash / 61.52 / 8.13 / 69.65
101873 / J. Hollis / Holiday cover for Julie ECC & tidy up after vandalism/flood in council chamber – 22 hrs / 128.70 / - / 128.70
101874 / South Staffs Council / Renewal of premises licence 2006/7 / 180.00 / - / 180.00
101875 / S K Home Improvement / Replace fence at L/L £600 vandalism at ECC £300 remove flag pole at B/L £60 / 960.00 / - / 960.00
101876 / Greenclean Maintenance / Windows cleaned at ECC 16/06/06 / 87.00 / 15.23 / 102.23

The cheques issued were approved proposed by Councillor Lionel Saunders seconded by Councillor Jim Rice.

The Clerk presented a statement of income and expenditure up to 31st August 2006; this was approved, proposed by Councillor Lionel Saunders seconded by Councillor Adrian Nicklin.

The Clerk presented a statement of income & expenditure up to 31st August 2006 for the refurbishment of Essington Community Centre, this was approved, proposed by Councillor June Smallman and seconded by Councillor Sue Marsden.



Councillor Bryn Whitehouse commented that a meeting of the pools committee would be appropriate at this time. The Chairman agreed and thought it would be constructive if John Quigley from Staffs CC and Howard Medlicott from South Staffs Council were in attendance, the clerk will arrange a meeting to suit all members.


County Councillor Mike Lawrence raised concerns about the level of relevance and details on crime reports produced for parish councils. He had investigated several reports and found there details incorrect. He has since spoken with Commander David Gains, raised concerns and he has agreed to amend reports accordingly. Members discussed the discrepancies and agreed that the parish council should write to the Commander and raise their concerns.


County Councillors Mike Lawrence & Kath Perry distributed their joint report covering their visits, meetings and contacts during the last month, highlighting points of interest for members.


District Councillors David Clifft and Pat Griffin submitted their reports covering their visits, meetings and contacts during the last month.


Monday 9th October 2006 at 7.00 pm

14. Closure

This completed the business before the Council.