PLAN OF STUDY: Department of Political Science (2000-2001) | Students must file a tentative plan with their major advisor prior

| to pre-registration for their fifth semester.

Expected date of graduation ______

Name of student Social Security Number Date

MAJOR COURSES: A minimum of 24 credits in Political Science RELATED COURSES: At least 12 credits in courses related to Political Science

numbered 200 or above (none on a pass-fail basis). Inter- courses taken from one or more other departments. These courses must be

departmental courses may not be included in the 24 credits. No numbered 200 or above and cannot be taken on a pass-fail basis. All 200-level

more than 6 credits of independent study and/or field work can be courses in Anthropology, Economics, Geography, History and Sociology will meet

counted toward the 24 credits. this requirement. Certain Inter-departmental courses and selected courses in

English, Journalism, Linguistics, Philosophy, Psychology and Communication

A. Students majoring in Political Science must take introductory 100- Sciences can also be used as related courses. (See list of Interdepartmental

level courses in three of the following four subdivisions: Theory and and other selected courses in the current Political Science Handbook.)

Methodology (106), Comparative Politics (121 or 143), International

Relations (132), and American Politics (173). These courses must be

taken during the student's first two years of study. In special Department Course Number Credits

circumstances, the two-year requirement may be waived with the consent

of the Department's Director of Undergraduate Studies. ______


B. At least one course must be taken in four of the following sub-fields ______

(total of 12 credits): ______

Theory and Methodology: 201,202,204,206W,207,291

Comparative Politics: 203W,228,229,230,231,233, 233W, 235,236,237,239,244,244W

International Relations: 211,212,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,224,225,226,227,279

American Politics: 241,242,246,248,263,270,274,275

Public Policy and Law: 251,252,253,255,260,264,276,278

Pols 296 and 298 may be counted toward this distribution only with ______

consent of advisor. Student Signature Local Address Phone #

Pols 208,287,288,289,293,297,299 may NOT be counted toward this PROGRAM APPROVED

distribution requirement.

Major Advisor:______

C. Other 200 level Political Science courses totaling a minimum

of 12 credits: Department Head:______

Course Number Credits IN ORDER TO GRADUATE, a final plan of study, signed by the major advisor

______and department head, must be filed at the Registrar's Office (Degree Auditing,

______Wilbur Cross U-4077A) Rm. 167 no later than the fourth week of the semester in

______which the student expects to graduate. If information on this sheet and in

______2000-2001 University General Catalog disagree, the Catalog copy prevails.

D. 45 credit requirement has been met______


1. FOREIGN A. 3 years high school in a single foreign language.

LANGUAGE: B. 2 years high school plus one year at the intermediate level in same foreign language.

C. 2 years college (4th semester level) in single foreign language.

2. EXPOSITORY WRITING: ENGLISH 105_____109_____W_____W_____W_____ (Only 1 can be 100 level)


High pass Q test: Q______Q______Q______and 1 “C” course

Low pass Q test: Math/Stats______Q______Q______(not Math 101) and 1 “C” course

Failed Q test: Math 101______Math/Stats______Q______Q______Computer Course: C______

("W" and "Q" courses may also be used to satisfy other requirements.)

4. LITERATURE AND THE ARTS: ONE course from A. and ONE course from B.:

A. Classics 101**,102**,103,211*221*, 244 B. Anthropology 252/Art Hist. 256

English 112(#W),113(#W),120,127(#W),200.201,204,205,206,210 Art 135; Art Hist 137,138,141,191,285(W)

211,212,216,217,218***,219,220W,221W,222W, 223W,226W, Dramatic Arts 101,110

227W,230(#W), 231,232,233,251W,252W,253W,254W,255W French 171 / German 171

256W,258,264,267,268W,270W,271W,274,276W,277W,278W, Music 191,193,194

285,286,293 Women's Studies 104

French 234*,235*,261*,262*,270W,272*

German 240W,252*,253*,254*,255* Note: W means course if offered only with the “W” component.

Hebrew 103**,279 #W means course is offered with the “W” component at

Interdepartmental 276,294** regional campuses only.

Italian 101,243*,244*,251*,252*,261*,262* * means taught in a foreign language; all others taught in

Portuguese 140,236*,237*,240*,241*,242*,243*,244* English.

Russian 231,232 ** cannot be used to fill both groups 4 and 5A

Spanish 187,202*,224*,225*,226*,281*,282*,294*,295*,296*,297* *** cannot be used to fill both groups 4 and 5B

4. A.______4. B.______

5. CULTURE AND MODERN SOCIETY: Either History 100 or 101, and ONE course each from A & B

A. (Western Culture) B. (Non-Western and Latin American Culture):

Classics 101**,102**,243/HIST217 Interdepartmental 294 Anthropology 100,222,223,224,225,226,227W,238

Economics 201, 203 Italian 238 English 120**218**

French 169,210,211 Journalism 102 Geography 160

Geography 130/Urbn 130 Political Science 121 History 106,108,205,222,223,281,282,285,288

German 251 Russian 241 Latin American Studies 190,190W

Hebrew 103/JUDS 103** Spanish 200 Philosophy 263,264

History 121,206 Political Science143,228W,229,239,Pols/WS203W,Pols279W

Sociology 226,226W,227,227W

Spanish 201

Women's Studies 124,WS/Pols203W


Linguistics 101 Philosophy 101,102,102C,103,104,105,106 Political Science 106 Science 240

7. SOC. SCIENTIFIC & COMP. ANALYSIS: Three courses, with no more than two from a single department:

ARE 110,150 Coms 102 Geog 104,200 Pols 132,173 Soci 107,107W,115,115W,125

Anth 106,220W Econ 100,111,112,113 Ling 102 Psyc 133/135 WS 103

7. - 1______7. - 2______7. - 3.______

8. SCIENCE: TWO courses, at least one of which must be underlined; one course must be from Biology,

Chemistry, Geology, or Physics:

Biology 102 BIOL/PATH 103,107,108,110 Physics 101Q, or 107Q

Chem 101,122,127Q,128Q,129Q,130Q,137Q,138Q Physics 103Q,104Q,121Q,122Q,131Q,132Q,

Geography 205 141Q,142Q,151Q,152Q,155Q

Geology 101,102,111 Plant Science 150

Marine Science 170 Psychology 132

Nutritional Sciences 165 Science 110

8. - 1.______8. - 2.______(underlined)

Please note: Some courses have W (Writing) equivalents. Check your current schedule of classes.