

Department of Geography University of Montana Missoula, Montana59812




Ph.D., Geography and Anthropology, Louisiana State University, 2010 M.A., Geography, University of Montana,1995

B.S., Civil Engineering, Montana State University,1987




Refereed JournalArticles

2016 (forthcoming). Sullivan, Thomas and Christopher Livingston. “Round and Round We Go!”: American Political Practice, Social Behavior, and the Roundabout.Mobilities.

2015 (in press).Sullivan,Thomas.“It’sHiptobeIrish”:EthnicityandBourdieu’sFormsofCapital.Ethnicand RacialStudies.

2015.Sullivan,Thomas.Ethnicity.InOxfordBibliographiesinGeography.EditedbyBarneyWarf.New York: Oxford University Press.

2012. Sullivan, Thomas “I Want to be All I Can Irish”: The Role of Performance and Performativity in the Construction of Ethnicity. Social and Cultural Geography 13(5):429-444.

2006. Sluyter, Andrew, Andrew Augustine, Michael Bitton, Thomas Sullivan, and Fei Wei.The Recent Intellectual Structure of Geography. Geographical Review 96(4):594-608.

Manuscripts in Submission



Manuscripts inPreparation

Sullivan, Thomas. Reversing the “Culture of Speed”: Roundabouts as Tools of the “Slow Streets” Movement. Journal of TransportGeography.

Sullivan,Thomas.SustainablePlanningandPracticesinCommunitiesoftheMountainWest.Journal of the American Planning Association.

Sullivan, Thomas. “It’s ALL About the Bike”: Active Transport, Performative Practice, and the Burning Man Festival. Progress inPlanning.

Sullivan, Thomas. “Welcome to Fabulous Black Rock City, Nevada!”: Urban Planning and the “Promise” of Sustainable Living at Black Rock City. Space andCulture.

Sullivan, Thomas. Who Rules at the Traffic Light?: Equalizing the Public Space of theIntersection.

Journal of UrbanStudies.

Sullivan,Thomas.Modernity,Sustainability,andtheRoleoftheEngineerintheDesignofUrban Space. Environment and Planning D: Society andSpace.

Other Publications

2016 (in press). Sullivan, Thomas. Black Rock City: The “Greenest” Metropolis in the American West. Planning: The Magazine of the American Planning Association. FebruaryEdition.

2016 (forthcoming). Sullivan, Thomas. Eurovelo’s Food and W(Rh)ine Route. Adventure Cyclist. Winter2015/2016.

2015. Sullivan, Thomas. The Montana Irish Renaissance. Distinctly Montana Magazine Spring Issue: 42-43.

2014. Sullivan, Thomas. Wheels on the Ground—EuroVelo. Adventure Cyclist 41(9):30-33.

2014. Sullivan, Thomas. Cycling the Rivers: On Marriage and Long-Distance Biking. IdahoMagazine

13(8): 12-18.


2006-2007. Special Assistant to the Graduate Director, Louisiana State University, Department of Geography andAnthropology

2006. West Russell Grant, Louisiana State University, Department of Geography andAnthropology


2016 (forthcoming). Session organizer and presenter. “Sustainable Planning in Mountain Communities.” American Planning Association National Conference, Phoenix,Arizona

2014. “Roundabouts: An Equalizer of Public Space.” Bike/Walk Montana Annual Summit,Billings, Montana

2014. “Black Rock City: The Greenest Metropolis in the American West.” United States Green Building Council Annual Summit, Big Sky,Montana

2013. “The Burning Man: The Performative Space of the Black Rock Desert.” College of Arts and Architecture Symposium—A Critical Rediscovery of the Northern Rockies, Montana State University, Bozeman,Montana

2013. “Engineering and Sustainability.” Western Transportation Institute and the Department of Civil Engineering, Montana State University, Bozeman,Montana

2012. “Sustainable Design Practices and Alternative Transportation.” Western Transportation Institute and the Department of Civil Engineering, Montana State University, Bozeman,Montana

2011. “‘Why Can’t We Just Get Along?’: A Collaborative Forum in Sustainable Urban Transportation Design and Planning.” Senior Design Seminar/Capstone in the Department ofCivil Engineering, Montana State University, Bozeman,Montana

2010. “Embodied Irish Space: Performativity and Ethnicity.” Honors Seminar—Exploring Realand Imagined Spaces, Departments of Architecture and Literature, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana



2010. Organizer. Paper Session—Migration, Transnationalism, and Westernization—Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting (April 14-18), Washington,DC

2009. Panelist. ASUM Sustainability Center Earth Week—Water Symposium and Take Back the Tap Campaign, University of Montana (November 12), Missoula,Montana

2006.SeminarandSpeakingEngagementOrganizer.Presenter-Dr.CatherineNash,Departmentof Geography, Queen Mary, University of London—Louisiana State University, Department of Geography and Anthropology (September 29), Baton Rouge,Louisiana

2006. Organizer. Paper Session—Setting the Stage: Performance and Geography—Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting (March 7-11), Chicago,Illinois

Papers Presented

2013. ‘“Round and Round We Go!’: American Political Ideology, Social Behavior, and the Roundabout.” Spaces and Flows: Fourth International Conference on Urban and ExtraUrban Studies (November 22-23), University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, TheNetherlands

2010. “The Unseen Green: Imagined Geographies of the Irish Diaspora.” Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting (April 14-18), Washington,DC

2009. “Romancing the Blarney Stone: Constructing Ethnicity among Irish LanguageEnthusiasts.” Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting (March 22-27), Las Vegas,Nevada

2007. “Long Day’s Journey into Night: Exploring the Irish American Connection to Place through Literature.” Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting (April 17-21), San Francisco, California

2006. “Lucky to be Irish: Performing Identity through Language.” Association ofAmerican Geographers Annual Meeting (March 7-11), Chicago,Illinois

2005. “The Celtic Identity Revival and the Spread of the Irish Language in North America.” Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting (April 5-9), Denver,Colorado


2015. Graduate Colloquium Presentation. “Reversing the ‘Culture of Speed’: Roundabouts as Tools of the ‘Slow Streets’ Movement.” University of Montana, Department of Geography, Missoula,Montana

2012.GraduateColloquiumPresentation.“TheBurningMan:ThePerformativeSpaceoftheBlack Rock Desert.” University of Montana, Department of Geography, Missoula,Montana

2010. Graduate Colloquium Presentation. “Fear and Loathing in Haiti: The Politics of Place in a Desperate Place.” University of Montana, Department of Geography, Missoula,Montana

2010. International Week Presentation. “Flight to Crisis Mission to Haiti: Observations on the Past and Future of a Devastated Country.” University of Montana, Missoula,Montana

2009. Graduate Colloquium Presentation. “Designing Irishness: Ethnicity, Belonging, andImagined Connection to Place through Language.” University of Montana, Department ofGeography

2006. Graduate Colloquium Presentation. “Landscape and Heritage: The Melding of Geography and Imagination.” University of Montana, Department ofGeography


University of Montana


Sustainable Cities (1 semester); Planning Principles and Processes (2 semesters); Environmental Hazards and Planning (1 semester); Human Role and Environmental Change (Active/Sustainable Transportation) (1 semester); Recreation Planning (1 semester)

Graduate-level Courses and Seminars

Graduate Seminar in Geographic Thought (3 semesters); Graduate Seminar in Space and Place (4 semesters);GraduateResearchMethods(1semester);GraduateResearchDesign(1semester)

Human/Environment Interaction and GeographicMethods

Cultural (Geography) Ecology (2 semesters); The Human Role and Environmental Change (Urban Geography) (1 semester); Cultural Ecology (2 semesters); Food and Famine (1 semester); Geographic Field Techniques (6semesters)

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) andMapping

Principles of Digital Cartography and Laboratory (3 semesters); Thematic Cartography and GIS and Laboratory (1 semester); Map and Air Photo Use and Interpretation (1semester)

Introduction to Geography

Introduction to Physical Geography and Lab (6 semesters); Introduction to Human Geography (10 semesters); Geography of World Regions (5semesters)

Louisiana State University

Introductory to Geography

Human Geography: Europe and the Americas (1semester)


Department Service

2015-present. Undergraduate and Graduate Advising, Department of Geography, Universityof Montana

2015-present. Interim Director, Physical Geography Laboratory, Department of Geography, University ofMontana

2010-present. Graduate Thesis and Dissertation Committee Member (16 total)—Departments of Geography, Parks, Tourism and Recreational Management, Anthropology, CommunicationStudies, and Poetry—University ofMontana


2011. Session Chair and Judge. Tenth Annual Graduate Student and Faculty Research Conference, University of Montana, Missoula,Montana

2010. Session Chair and Judge. Ninth Annual Graduate Student and Faculty Research Conference, University of Montana, Missoula,Montana



2015–present.EducationalTestingService(ETS)Rater/ReaderinHumanGeographyforHigh School AP Examinations, Cincinnati,Ohio


2015-present. Special Committee for the development of Roundabout Policy,Missoula Development Services (Planning), Missoula,Montana

2013-present. Appointed Board Member. Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board,Missoula Development Services (Planning), Missoula,Montana


2010. Volunteer Structural Engineer. NOAH (National Organization for the Advancement of Haitians), Port-au-Prince,Haiti

2000-2002. Director. Montana Irish Festival (An Rí Rá), Missoula and Butte,Montana

1998-2007. Founder, President, Irish Language Coordinator. Montana Gaelic Cultural Society, Missoula,Montana

1998-2001. Board Member. Montana State University Statewide Advisory Board (Athletic Scholarship Association), Bozeman,Montana

1996-1998. Chairperson. Montana State University Alumni Scholarship Committee (Northwest Montana section), Bozeman,Montana



Qualitative fieldwork: interviewing, participant observation, contentanalysis

Quantitative fieldwork: social surveying; land surveying/wayfinding equipment—total station, transit, theodolites, hand level, planimeter, clinometers, and Global Positioning System(GPS)


General: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Adobe Creative Suite (Dreamweaver, Photoshop, and Illustrator), NVivo10.0 (Coding)

Engineering, Mapping, and Drafting: ArcGIS, AutoCAD,SketchUP, MathCad, Enercalc,RISA

Education: Blackboard; Moodle; basics of web design and blogging


2014-present. Tour Leader. Adventure Cycling Association, Missoula, Montana

2006-2008. Anderrson-Woodrow Engineering, Marin County, California – Project Engineer

1998-2004. Eclipse Engineering, Inc., Missoula, Montana – Founder, President, Project Engineer 1991-1998. BCE Consulting Engineers, Inc., Missoula, Montana – Partner/Project Engineer 1990-1991. Atwood-Hinzman Consulting Engineers, Missoula, Montana – Structural Engineer 1988-1990. Keyes and Associates, Wethersfield, Connecticut - BridgeEngineer

1987-1988. Buck and Buck Engineers, Hartford, Connecticut – CivilEngineer


Association of American Geographers(1989-present)

American Planning Association and the Sustainable Communities Division (2014-present) Bike/Walk Montana (2013-present)

Adventure Cycling Association (2005-present)

Montana Gaelic Cultural Society(1998-present)

American Society of Civil Engineers(1987-2000)