CIT Resource Request – Case
Updated 01/11/2017
CIT has a duty to ensure we use ourlimited resources in the most economic, efficient and effective way. This template is designed to promote these values, to guide and to encourage consistency by ensuring alignment with the Institute strategic objectivesand to promote transparency in the approach to decision making.
A resource request case should be developed in the following circumstances:
- For all goods and services over 25kand works over 50k per CIT procurement policy
- Income investment requests
- Staffing changes due to restructuring
- Capital investment - for each capital project over 25k
- Property, leases and contractual commitments over 25k
The business case does not replace existing procedures but is intended to supplement them.
Completion of the template
Academic departments should consult with their Faculty Resource Analyst andNon-Academic departments should consult with the budgeting office on the estimation of costs and income streams. Financial templates are available to ensure income and costsare estimated according to the standard assumptions used by the Finance Office.
The level of detail provided should be appropriate to the level of investment required. Further Cost/Benefit analysis will be required for certain categories of spend in accordance with public procurement regulations and guidelines.
Approval of the template
Resource request cases will be approved based on the following principal criteria.
- Considered by the IEB to be of strategic importance for the Institute; Potential of income generation; Potential for efficiency gains; Enhancement of the student experience; Compliance;
Submissions should be made to the Budgeting Office in the first instancefor initial review and feedback. The resource request would normally be submitted to the VP Finance & Administration and IEB, as appropriate, for approval.
Resource request case template
Project/Investment Purpose:
Date this doc submitted:
Document Version:
Approver (e.g. HoD/HoS):
1. Description of issue/opportunity/need
What is the reason or necessity for this project being approved? The issue/opportunity the investment aims to address.
2. Consultation and Communication
Key outcomes of consultation undertaken and communication required
3. Contribution to Strategic Objectives
How does the investment support the strategic and operational objectives outlined in the CIT Strategy?
4. Evaluation of options, including ‘do nothing’
Present all investment options that could be pursued, including “do nothing” and partial investment, with advantages and disadvantages for each and a recommended option.
5. Estimated Costs
Full details of these costs should be provided as Financial Template Appendix. Totals section to be inserted here.
6. Space requirements
What are the space requirements and how will they be met?
7. Benefits expected (of recommended option) and Measurements of Success
What benefits are expected in terms of criteria set-out for approval (should be identified as monetary or non-monetary) and how will these be measured (demonstrated as being achieved)?
8. Timescale
What are the anticipated timescales for: (i) implementation; and (ii) generation of benefits?
9. Dependencies
Any overlap of this project/investment with other existing or potential resource allocation/activity?
10. Key Risks
What risks might reduce the chances of successful implementation and generation of benefits, and what actions could be taken to reduce those risks?
Risk(what might go wrong) / Impact
(Estimate 1-5) / Probability
(Estimate 1-5) / Severity
(Impact x probability) / Risk Response
How will the possible impact be reduced?