Teacher: Scott Di Lorenzo Classroom: Valhalla Theatre

Contact Information: 510-656-5711 *46380or email


Welcome to Advanced Drama! In this class you will experience many different aspects of theatre. Our goal is to improve your performance level, your knowledge of theatre, and, most importantly, your self-confidence. Below is a description of the class, as well as information on grading and other important details.

Class description and textbook:

Advanced Drama covers many aspects of theatre. You will study acting theory/methodology and improve your acting skills, using improvisation as well as memorized, prepared scenes. You will also study theatre history, technical theatre, and some musical theatre, film, and television. You will also learn how to be an appropriate audience, and critique other’s performances and productions.

There is an assigned book, The Stage and the School. We will rarely use this book and your student will NEVER have to take it home. You will perform many scenes, some of which you will have to find on your own, and all of which you will have to photocopy.

Advanced Drama is aligned to the state standards for Theatre Arts and also an Ohlone College Class. There WILL be points where students will have to stay after class for rehearsal or perform at night. They will be given advance notice for in class productions.

It is very important that you understand that this class requires bookwork as well as memorization, rehearsal, and PERFORMANCE!


I grade on a point system. Your grade will be based on many aspects of Theatre. Some of the major aspects are as follows: Preparation, rehearsal, and memorization, performance, technical theatre work, improvisation, audience behavior, quizzes, tests, writing, book work, notes, projects, play critiques, attendance, and participation.

A student can fail the class by having more than ten (10) unexcused absences.

The grading system is as follows:90 – 100% A

80 – 89% B

70 – 79 % C

67 – 69% I

0 – 66.9% NC (No Credit)


I do give contracts for those that have earned an I in my class. Please note that you must get 67 percent to 69 percent to earn a contract.

Extra Credit:

Any play that you see outside of the mandatory plays that you must see at Irvington and write a theatre critique (please see critique rubric attached), I will give 25 pts. of extra credit added to your grade. You may do this twice per semester.

Absences and Making up work:

It is very important for you to be here for class! You will often have classmates that are counting on you to rehearse scenes or work on other group projects. You MUST be in class on the day of your dress rehearsal and performance! If you are absent on either of these days, YOU WILL LOSE A LETTER GRADE from your rehearsal or performance. If you have an emergency and need to be excused, you or your parent must call or email me before your class period starts, and the absence must be cleared through the attendance office. If you miss a quiz or test (which I will only give on Thursdays) it is the student’s responsibility to come to my advisory the next day to make up the quiz/test. I will not give them time in class to make it up.


Theatre is the most collaborative of all art forms. Respect and be sensitive to the ideas, opinions, and property of others.

Think before you act and treat others with kindness and consideration.

Use appropriate language: absolutely NO swearing, name calling, or physical abuse is allowed.

No food or drink (water is okay).

Remove hats and hoods.

Do not write on or deface desks and other property and report all acts of vandalism.

Clean your desk and workspace before leaving.

Dress appropriately. No revealing or assaulting clothing is permitted.

Our class is a community that is dependent on the respect, participation and enthusiasm of each member for the success of the whole.


Take responsibility for your work and your actions.

Report to class with all required materials and wait to be dismissed before leaving.

Homework assignments are due in the HW tray before the second bell!

Late work loses a potential grade every school day it is late. (an A paper submitted 1 day late = a B paper)

Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings (that’s the 2nd one).

Use tutorial for questions about class discussions and homework assignments and to turn in work after an excused absence.

Missed assignments will not be discussed during class time.


You must work inside and outside of class in order to be completely successful in this course.

Accept assignments without complaints and do your best on everything.

Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. Any form of plagiarism or cheating on any assignment, quiz, test or project will result in

an immediate "F," a parent conference, referral to the principal, and possible dismissal from class.

You will get out of this class what you put in.

Keep your ipods, cell phones & make-up out of the classroom. If used, these items will be confiscated. You are now warned.



Dear Parents and Guardians,

I am looking forward to working with your child in Theatre Arts this year. There are a few things that I want to make you aware of as the year begins.

Please make sure to read the Theatre Arts Class Syllabus, and to sign the attached form.

All of my Theatre Arts students are required to be in class on the day of scheduled dress rehearsals or performances. Students will know approximately one week in advance which days these are. If they already have appointments, etc. scheduled during the performance week, it is up to the student to inform me, and work with me to schedule the performance on a day that they will be in class. If the student misses class on a performance day, they will lose a grade from their performance. If there is an emergency and the student absolutely cannot attend class on the scheduled performance day, you or your student must call or email me before their class starts to be excused, and it must be excused by the attendance office. You can email me at , or call me at 510-656-5711 *46380. Email is the much better option.

One other requirement in my class is that each student attends one play each semester, and completes a critique. The play needs to be Irvington high schools production. Sorry, their little brother or sister’s 2nd grade class play won’t work! We do have one production each semester at Irvington to which they will get a theatre student discount. The first production will be in early December and the second production will be the last three weeks of March. I will give the students details as the production approaches. If finances are an issue, please have the student see me, and we will make arrangements.

If your child in involved in a production outside of school, have them tell me! I do give extra credit for any involvement in theatre outside of class.

There will be times that your child will be asked to provide scenes, photocopies, props, costumes, etc. for their performance. I do not expect large amounts of money to be spent on any of this! Most props or costumes that are needed can usually be found in grandparents’, parents’, or friend’s closets, or at a thrift store. We also have numerous supplies here, and I will be happy to check out to them anything that we have and are not currently using in our production.

You are welcome to attend your child’s performances! Simply ask them to let me know that you will be coming, and check in at the office as a visitor.

I look forward to a great year!


Scott Di lorenzo

Artistic Director

Irvington High School

Valhalla Theatre

510-656-5711 *46380


Return to:

Mr. Di Lorenzo/ Valhalla Theatre

STUDENT NAME: (please print)______

I have read and understand the attached syllabus, including grading and class rules.

Student Signature:______Date:______

I have read and understand the attached syllabus, including grading and class rules. I have read the attached parent letter regarding class requirements and procedures.

Parent Signature:______Date:______

Parent name/phone number and email: (please print)______


Check this box if you would like more information on how you could help with the theatre booster parents club. Whether it is sewing on buttons to chaperoning our New York field trip we are always looking for volunteers.

Please include any special needs or anything that I should know about your student that I might need to take into account before the school year starts: ______





