English/Language Arts Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Topic/Focus:__

Big Idea –What is My Role as a Reader and Writer in the Seventh Grade?

Narrative Writing – Narrative writing conveys experience, either real or imagined, and can be used for many purposes (i.e., to inform, instruct, persuade or entertain). Narratives can take many forms beyond the personal narrative, such as creative fictional stories, memoirs, anecdotes and autobiographies. As students progress, they learn how to combine the elements of different kinds of writing to produce complex and nuanced writing.

Date and estimated duration of lesson:_August 11-15

KCAS Standard and Strand (include #) / Learning Targets
RI.7.2: Determine two or more central ideas in a text and analyze their development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text
W.7.3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.
/ * define central idea (main point in text).
* determine how an author’s use of details conveys (makes known) two or more central ideas in a text.
* analyze how central ideas are developed over the course of a text.
* define summary (a shortened version of the text that states its key points).
*define narrative and describe the basic parts of plot (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution).
*engage the reader by introducing the narrator (first, second, or third person point of view), characters, setting (set the scene), and the events that starts the story in motion.
*use narrative techniques (dialogue, pacing, and description) to develop a story line where one event logically leads to another.
*use descriptive words and phrases that appeal to the senses, capture the action, and help my reader understand the experiences and events (create mind pictures).

Essential Question(s):

What is My Role as a Reader and Writer in the Seventh Grade?

Lesson Summary: Brief overview of the lesson

-Encourage students to start “seeds” for narrative writing in the Literacy Notebooks as starting points for writing (brainstorming).
- Introduce the Writing Portfolio and explain that this will be where students will collect their work throughout the year. (Later in the year, students will review the contents of their K-6 portfolio to gauge growth in writing.

Instructional Activities (sample): Plan strategies and activities that are equitable and reflect effective practices

Strategies (check all that apply) MODIFICATIONS/IEP’s

X / Modeling / X / Shared reading
X / Demonstration / X / Interactive read aloud
X / Think aloud / Shared writing
X / Think-Pair-Share / X / Interactive writing
Word recognition strategies / Anchor charts
Comprehension strategies
X / Setting objectives and providing feedback / X / Cooperative learning
Reinforcing effort & providing recognition / Generating and testing hypotheses
X / Questions, cues and advanced organizers / Identifying similarities and differences
Homework and practice / Summarizing and note taking
Non-linguistic representations / Other


1.Introductions Writing Activity/ Writer’s Notebook
2.Reading Interest Analyzer /Book Whisperer
3. The Name Jar (picture book) Modeling reading practices
4.Acrostic Poem Activity
5.Read Aloud Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli
Tuesday- Snapshot Autobiography ( 2 Days)
How to Choose a Book Activity – 5 Finger Just Right Book
Reading Journal
6 Word Memoir - Gallagher
Wednesday- Snapshot Autobiography ( continued)
Grandfather’s Journey- Memoir
Library Behavior Rules
Book Frenzy Genres /40 Book Challenge
Thursday- Library Skills with Mrs. Northcutt ,40 Book Challenge Rewards & Ideas
Friday- 7th Grade by Gary Soto , Think Aloud on Board with Post-Its, Journaling
Evaluation/Assessment (Formative, Summative)
Pre-Assessment / Open Response
X / Anecdotal Records / On-Demand
Checklist / Writing Portfolio Tasks
Multiple Choice / Quiz/Test
Open-Ended / X / Self-Assessment/Reflection
Questioning Techniques / Other

Assessment- Formative and Summative

Formative Assessment –
Reading and Writing Journals, Exit Slips, Observation
After reading “Seventh Grade” and “My First Job” by Gary Soto, write an essay discussing the central idea of both texts. Essays should focus on how the author’s use of imagery and language help the reader experience each situation. Essays should be written for an audience that is familiar with both texts and should follow the conventions of Standard English, including standard capitalization, comma usage, and spelling. (RI.7.2 W.7.1a-b, L.7.2)
Teachers will…
- analyze the results of formative and summative assessments to determine next steps in content instruction and conference with students to provide feedback on their progress.
-collaborate with teachers in all content areas to conduct regular Literacy Reviews of students’ reading and writing growth.
- conduct one-on-one reading conferences to monitor student growth/accountability with the focus on self-selected independent reading.
- provide feedback (written and oral) on strengths and areas of growth in reading, writing, language, and speaking and listening.

Additional Notes/Attachments (connections to other standards, interdisciplinary connections, differentiated considerations, special emphasis)

Lesson Reflections and Questions

Questions and reflections that the teacher and students identify as they explore the unit/lesson. After delivering your unit/lesson, reflect on it success.

·  What evidence/data demonstrates that students met learning targets and objectives?

·  In what areas did students exceed goals and objectives?

·  What might you do differently next time?

Friday Reflections …….