Winter 2006

Dates: Wednesdays, Jan. 25-Mar. 1 Time: 3:00-4:30 Location: 5-115

Instructors: Phone Office E-Mail

Asa Bradley 533-3837 18-108

Lori Efigenio 533-3688 5-160

Anne Lauderbaugh 533-3705 6-105

Greg Cripe 533-3675 18-212A

Course Description

This course is designed for instructors interested in learning more about using “outcomes” as a philosophy of teaching. Beginning with the assumption that teaching is an ever-evolving process, and understanding that we are all learners and instructors, we will explore some questions about the outcomes approach, and answer questions including:

·  What is an outcome?

·  How will using the outcomes approach improve our performance as teachers?

·  How will using the outcomes approach improve our students’ learning?

·  What is an “authentic” assessment?

·  How can we create assignments that are meaningful and useful for our courses?

Participants’ learning will be accomplished through readings, small and large group discussions, guest speakers, instructor commentary, and application of concepts covered in the course, such as revising syllabi and creating authentic assessment tools.

Course Outcomes

The following outcomes are our goals for this class:

·  Participants will understand and be able to articulate core concepts including “learning outcomes” and “assessments”.

·  Each participant will annotate and improve one of their existing syllabi based on the class-created “good syllabus” rubric.

·  Each participant will create an “authentic assessment” to be implemented in his/her classroom.

Course Requirements

In order to receive the extrinsic awards for this class (stipends or PIU’s for SFCC participants), you must complete the following requirements:

1.  Regular attendance - no more than one absence (SFCC stipend: $75)

2.  Satisfactory completion of a revised syllabus using annotation and the class-created rubric (SFCC stipend: $50)

3.  Creation of an authentic assessment that assesses one or more of the outcomes for your particular course (SFCC stipend: $75)

(Non-SFCC participants should inquire about possible rewards at their own institutions.)


Outcomes 101 Winter Quarter 2006

Week 1 – What is Outcomes? (Jan 25)

For next time, bring: A printed CALO

Read: Angelo, Thomas A. and K. Patricia Cross. Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers. 2nd ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1993.

Week 2 – Assessing our Classes and College Wide Abilities (Feb 1)

For next time, bring: An electronic copy of a syllabus or save it on your L drive.

Read: Haugen, Lee. “Learning-Centered Syllabi Workshop.” Iowa State University for Excellence in Learning and Teaching. http://www.cte.iastate.edu/tips/syllabi.html

“Components of a Learning-Centered Syllabus.” Center for Teaching Effectiveness, University of Delaware. http://cte.udel.edu/syllabus.htm

Johnson, Phillip. “Getting Students to Read the Syllabus: Another Approach.” The Teaching Professor 14.3 (March 2002): 1-2.

Week 3 – Incorporating Outcomes into Your Course Syllabus (Feb 8)

For next time, bring: An assessment you are currently using

Read: Armstrong, Patricia and Katherine Stanton. “Meaningful Assignments - You Get What You Ask For.” NEA Higher Education Advocate 23.1 (2005): 5-8.

Wiggins, Grant. “Practicing What We Preach in Designing Authentic Assessments.” Educational Leadership 54.4 (1996): 18-26.

Wiggins, Grant. “Creating Tests worth Taking.” Educational Leadership 49.8 (1992): 26-34.

Week 4 – Creating Meaningful and Authentic Assessments (Feb 15)

For next time, bring: Any rubrics you are currently using.

Read online articles found in “Rubrics for Web Lessons”


The Case for Authentic Assessment ERIC Document ED 328 611

Empowering Students through Negotiable Contracting by Andi Stix, Ed.D. (Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Authentic Assessment Overview - Pearson Education Development Group
(These are included in your package, but have more resources online)

Week 5 – How Rubrics can Help Your Assessments (Feb 22)

For next time, bring: Your proposal for a new assessment
New or annotated Syllabus

Week 6 – Online Syllabus and Wrap-Up (March 1)

Turn in everything