Part Categories (Non-Cataloged Parts and Accessories)
Login to the Jobber Setup screen at , then click on the “Non Catalog Part Categories” in the blue bar on the left of the page, as indicated below:
You will then be directed to the following page: (***NOTE*** – New accounts come with preset default categories)
***IMPORTANT*** If you will be adding new parts and categories using the import utility, make sure you do a download first, this will be your backup file before you make any changes. Simply click the “Download Backup File” button
***NOTE*** - You cannot delete the default categories without first entering one of your own. Enter a category, or “Group” that you plan to use:
Then, remove Categories you will not be using by clicking the “Trash” icon, except the one you added:
Continue to add groups until you have everythingyou want to display:
Add any sub-categories you want to have in a group: (example, click ‘Edit’ next to Grote, then add Categories, i.e. Flashers)
Now it’s time to add parts to the groups. Select the “Edit” button next to the group you wish to add parts to:
You will be directed to a screen for adding parts and Sub-Categories to a group.
Click “Add Part” and a box will appear (Don’t forget to enter a unique description to enable search within Parts Categories):
The part you added will now be saved:
(If you do not load a description, the description from the management system will display)
Continue to add parts until the category is complete. Make sure to click “Save Changes” after each section is completed:
Once parts are added, you may now add images.
If you choose to have pictures with your parts, you must upload them into ePart. Find the picture, then save it to your PC. It’s recommended your images all be the same size, usually 100 X 100 pixels. They can be resized first using an image resizer program that can be downloaded here – instructions below)
- Browse to your image folder and right click the image you want to resize, choose “Resize Pictures”
(by holding the “CTRL” key you can select multiple images, then right click any one of them)
- Choose “Custom” and specify 100 x 100
- A duplicate of your original image will be created using the new size specification
(you can check the box “Resize the original pictures (don’t create copies)” if you only want the image saved once at the new size)
- Continue resizing images until you have completed all images you will be uploading
- Return to the “Non Catalog Part Categories” page to continue adding images
***IT CAN BE IN .jpg, .bmp or .png FORMAT***. Click the “Choose file” button, and select it on your PC:
Optionally, if you have the pictures stored on a server on the Internet, you may enter a “URL” for the picture’s location on that server in the “Url For Picture” column instead of selecting it from your PC:
After you have selected the picture from your PC, or entered a URL, click the “Upload ” button
(Click “Save Changes ” button):
The picture you uploaded, or set the path to, will now display
You may choose how to display your pictures. Choose between “Large Picture Mode” and “Camera Icon Mode”. The first option always shows pictures, for ALL entries, and the second option shows a Camera Icon to be clicked by the user if they want to see the picture. (***NOTE*** if you cannot locate pictures for ALL your parts, use the Camera Icon to avoid large blank boxes next to the part):
There is another option for adding parts to your Categories. You may import a comma delimited file (.csv) with parts, their group and a link to an image.Click the “View Sample Import File” button to see an example of how the file must be structured. Browse for the file on your PC (click “Choose file”, then click the “Import/Export” drop down, and select “Import”.
This will load the parts into the category where you are (if ‘Merge into Current Group’ is selected). Make sure you do not have this group in the path column, or it will re-create the group as a sub-category.
If you select ‘Delete Current Group’ you will replace all parts and categories with your import file. MAKE SURE if you choose this option, your import file is the COMPLETE Non-Catalog file, with all groups and subgroups with their respective parts in it.
You may choose one category to display on the opening page in ePart. This will display below the Hot Links and the automobile year table. Make this selection at the top of the page. Checking the box will display all the categories and sub-categories to choose from:
If you are a multi-store company, and have ePart “logins” for each of your stores, you can copy the Part Category section from one of your stores into the other stores by adding the ID of the “Master” in each of your remote location’s setup page under “Master ID” (Changes must be made only in the “master” store, and will show in all remotes):
Now you have completed your Part Category setup! Your customers can now see the many items you carry that aren’t in the traditional hard parts catalog!