May 17, 2005 ~ 1:30-3 p.m., Victor Valley College
SAC, Room B
Call to Order and Announcements/Introductions
Dr. Spencer called the meeting to order at 1:35 p.m. and welcomed everyone.
Present: Patricia Spencer, Willard Lewallen, Tom O’Neil, Richard Cerreto, Robert Sewell, Jonathan Barbatoe, Allan Kumlin, Cindy Wilson, Sharon Wright, and Rob Cunnigham (substitute for Richard Saldana)
Absent: LaDonna Huggins, Classified and Richard Saldana, ASB
Guests: Jeff Cooper, Bill Schmidt, Bruce Baron, Nick Parisi
1. Approval of the Minutes
A. MSC (Wilson/O’Neil carried by unanimous vote) to approve the April 19, 2005, regular meeting minutes.
2. Quick Updates
A. FTES Update – Willard Lewallen
Willard will email out a historical comparison he prepared. He said the 6% growth is met and the next goal is 11%.
B. Hiring Update – Cindy Wilson (for Bill Schmidt)
Cindy distributed a handout showing the status of current recruitments.
C. Budget Update – Bruce Baron
Bruce distributed and summarized two handouts regarding the governor’s May revise.
- COLA increased from 3.93 to 4.23%
- Half of the planned equalization is going to be restored
- There is a big push and incentive to increase Nursing enrollment statewide
- Partnership for Excellence funds might be restored
- Career-Technical Education funding will be increased
- Certain categorical funding will be increased (Basic Skills, DSPS, EOPS, Foster Care, instructional equipment and library materials, scheduled maintenance/special repairs, Student Financial Aid administration
- Decrease in growth funds for apportionment, lottery funding
- Increase in general apportionment funding is offset by reduction in property tax and enrollment fees
Bruce also discussed continuing needs for internal funding, including the reserve balance, legal settlements, salary increases, post-employment benefits, utilities, maintenance agreements, postage, etc.
The BRIC will be meeting Monday to prioritize resources. The June budget is tentative, based on known information. According to the governor, the state budget should be passed on time.
D. Summer/Fall 2005 Update – Jeff Cooper
Jeff thanked Robert Sewell for his work in getting the Summer schedule out. Jeff explained about the new online logo regarding student/instructor contact which helps qualify classes for higher apportionment and increased FTES. It is Jeff’s goal to have the Fall schedule online by June 1st, and printed by the 15th.
3. Committee Reports
A. Staff Development Committee – Jeff Cooper
Jeff will have a report on the Staff Development Retreat at the next College Assembly meeting. The Staff Development Committee recently worked on their mission statement; decided to have Administrative Professionals Day on Friday instead of Wednesday next year; agreed to have the Retirees/Employee Recognition activity at the start of Ram’s Week every year; and has set aside September 16, 2005, for All College Day (flex-type day). He also announced Holly Nollner’s resignation. In response to a question by Sharon Wright regarding service pins for employees who did not attend the Retiree’s/Recognition Day, it was announced that those employees who did not respond to Annette’s email would not be getting a certificate and pin. After some discussion, Dr. Spencer recommended that recommendations for changes to the way the issue was handled should be directed to the Staff Development Committee.
B. Spirit Team – Robert Sewell
Robert reported that Ram’s Week was well attended by past, present, and future students, as well as past and present employees, with 5,000-10,000 people in attendance over the course of the week that culminated with Cinco de Mayo celebrations and the annual Tech X. Robert and Nick Parisi commended the Fire Tech and Nursing students who helped out and participated.
4. Presentations
Dr. Spencer briefly alerted everyone to the fact that the media will most likely be again reporting on upcoming legal cases involving the College. She stated that the Lynn Puckett case is going to court and that inquirers should be assured that this is all simply another phase in the lengthy old issue.
Dr. Spencer also provided an update from the recent Foundation Retreat, which was attended by some 30 foundation members, as well as Dr. Spencer, Jeff, Bruce, Willard, and Bill Greulich. She said there are some major fundraising activities slated for the near future, including the creation of an Office of Community and Corporate Education, a Booster Club, a new Student Experience Fund, golf tournaments, and a pre-bond campaign that will highlight the need for additional technology, labs, and classrooms, as well as new programs that might include air and rail transportation, dental, beauty, veterinary, water, emeritus, and PACE.
5. Information
6. Other
A. Recognition Program: “One Student at a Time” – Bruce Baron
Bruce distributed a handout regarding a proposed program which would provide administrators with a special pin to award to employees “caught” helping “one student at a time.” The pin would be worn for a month and then the awardee would award it to another employee “caught” helping “one student at a time,” and so on. Suggestions were made to also give certificates, to recognize individuals in the President’s Pen along with the winning behavior, to establish a tracking system, and to incorporate a recognition ceremony.
B. Associate Faculty Representation – Allan Kumlin
Allan asked about having associate faculty members represented at College Assembly. Dr. Spencer responded that she had encouraged the associate faculty to speak to Faculty Senate and expects them to have representation by the Fall.
7. First Readings of Proposed Policies & Procedures
A. Proposed procedure – VVC Computer Use Policy
MS (O’Neil/Barbatoe) to approve for first reading. Following discussion, the motion carried by unanimous vote.
B. Proposed procedure – Employee Internet Use Guidelines
MS (Wilson/O’Neil) to approve for first reading. Following discussion, the motion carried by unanimous vote.
C. Proposed procedure – Employee E-mail Use Guidelines
MS (Lewallen/O’Neil) to approve for first reading. Following discussion, the motion carried by unanimous vote.
All three were discussed and it was agreed that one policy should be drawn up, with individual procedures for each of the above areas. Some clarifications were made and suggestions offered regarding acknowledgement, authorization, and political use issues.
Bruce and Tom O’Neil will update and combine the documents and bring them back at the next College Assembly.
D. Proposed Administrative Procedure for Board Policy 6520: Security for District Property
MS (Wilson/Wright) to approve for first reading. Following discussion, the motion carried by unanimous vote.
The following agenda items, 8.A., 8.B., 8.C. and 8.D. for Second Reading were continued.
8.A. Proposed Administrative Procedure for Non-Instructional Use of College Facilities
8.B. Proposed Board Policy, BP 7131, District/College and Community Relations (Stipends)
8.C. Proposed New Administrative Procedure, AP 3440, Academic Adjustments
8.D. Proposed AP 3420 Equal Employment Opportunity
Meeting adjourned to the next College Assembly meeting, June 7, 2005, 1:30 p.m., in the Student Activities Center, Room B, Victor Valley College.