
Parent / Student Handbook

715 West McGregor Street

Pageland, South Carolina 29728


Jean Page Watson-Principal

Lauren Watson- Curriculum Coordinator

Jessica Hammond-English Language Arts Coach

Lisa Holden-School Counselor

Core Business of Pageland Elementary

Pageland Elementary School provides opportunities and motivates every student to grow in learning.

Student Motto



We believe that:

All students can and want to learn.

Basic needs, (physical and emotional), must be met before learning begins.

Understanding and accepting diversity enriches learning.

Reading is the foundation for unlimited learning.

Adults must enable students by communicating high expectations.

An environment where taking risks is encouraged promotes learning.

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to a new year at Pageland Elementary School! Many exciting things have been planned for you. Your teachers have worked very hard throughout the summer planning engaging activities and learning experiences. It is our goal to ensure that your children have the skills, knowledge and desire to become a lifelong learner and succeed in a changing world.

Students, because of our commitment to excellence and our high expectations, we will encourage and assist you to make choices that will lead you to be your best. We will work together to promote your successes in the true spirit of a “celebration of learning”. With the support of excellent teachers, staff, the many volunteers, and parent commitment to learning, we can make this year the best ever.


J.P. Watson


Listed below are our Eagle Essentials that will guide you not only at Pageland Elementary School but throughout your life.

A. Manners

1.) When responding to any adult, you must answer by saying, “Yes ma’am” or “No sir.”

2) During discussions, respect other students’ comments, opinions and ideas.

3)If someone in the class wins a game or does something well, we will congratulate that person. If you win or do well at something, do not brag. If you lose, do not show anger.
4)Whenyou cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and/or nose. Then you say “Excuse me.”

5)Do not smack your lips, suck your teeth, roll your eyes, or show disrespect with gestures or words.

6) Always say, “Thank you” when you are given something. When someone gives you a gift, you must never make negative comments about it or ask for more. At times throughout the year, we give rewards. If you ever ask for a reward, however, it will not be given.

B. Class Procedures

7) Dress codes will be followed- navy or red shirt and khaki bottoms.

8) Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

9) Do not steal.

10) Be honest.

11) Use only appropriate language: no name calling or foul language ever.

12) Do not get out of your seat without permission unless you are sick.

13) Do not speak unless:

  • You raise your hand and are called on to respond.
  • You are asked a question, and you are responding.
  • It is recess or lunch and you are allowed to talk.
  • You are instructed otherwise.

14) Do not beat or tap on your desk.

15) Candy or gum is not allowed unless given by an instructor or staff.

16) In any line you must:

  • Walk single file.
  • Stay two or three feet behind the person in front of you.
  • Keep arms by your side.
  • Face forward at all times.
  • Remain silent.
  • If you approach a door and someone is behind you, hold the door open for that person.
  • Never cut in line.
  • When in transition from one class to another, you must make the change swiftly, quietly, and orderly.
  • Move your feet without shuffling or squeaking: pick up your feet.

17) When we work together in class, you must follow along and participate.

18)Answer all written questions with a complete sentence.

19) When work is assigned, groaning or complaining will result in a double assignment for that person.

20)During an assembly or field trip you must:

  • Enter and sit quietly.
  • Face forward.
  • Be respectful to the presenter(s.)
  • When returning from a field trip, you will thank the bus driver and shake hands with each chaperone and teacher.

21) We will go to the bathroom quickly and quietly. Also remember to:

  • Flush.
  • Always button, lace, and zip your clothes up properly before leaving the restroom.
  • Wash your hands and dispose of the paper towels in the trash cans. Do not leave them on the floor.
  • Do not play or loiter in the restroom.

If any child in this school is bothering or bullying you, let the teacher know immediately. We are not going to let anyone in this school bully or threaten you!


We have a school-wide discipline plan for 2014-2015. Misconduct in class will result in the following consequences:

1st offense – number on the discipline board, warning and no Friday good behavior


2nd offense –second number on the discipline board and silent lunch

3rd offense – third number on the discipline board, loss of recess (classroom),

silent lunch and teacher will contact the parent.

4th offense – fourth number on the discipline board, in-school detention and teacher will contact the parent

After the second in-school detention the parents must have a conference with the teachers and administration. If the student continues to not follow the Eagle Essentials he/she will be assigned after school detention. After school detention will be held Thursday afternoons from 2:30-3:30.

Parents must make arrangements to pick up their child at 3:30.

In -School Detention

Detention students will not be allowed to participate with their classmates and will be supervised in another classroom. The child’s teacher will assign classwork for your child to complete while serving in school detention. Even though your child is in detention he/she is responsible for any assignments and lessons given to the class while they are serving detention


Serious infractions such as fighting, drugs, weapon, persistent bullying, and all other offenses considered serious by the administration will result in an automatic out-of-school suspension for up to ten days, and a possible recommendation for expulsion.


Classes will begin at 7:30 a.m. If a student arrives at school before 7:30 a.m. he/she is to go directly to the cafeteria. They will be supervised from that location by the school staff. At 7:25students will be dismissed to go to their grade level classrooms.All car riders are to arrive at school no earlierthan 7:00 a.m. Students who ride with parents are to be dropped off at the back of the building. If a car rider is eating breakfast at school they are to arrive no later than 7:15 AM.


Students are expected to attend school every day. Parent notes are limited. We will only accept five parent notes for the 2014-2015 school year. A parent note should be for a child’s illness, death in the family or an emergency. Vacation during school days will not be an excused absence. In order for an absence to be verified and classified as “lawful”, an excuse from the parent, a licensed doctor or specific agency must be received in written form. When a written excuse from the appropriate person or agency cannot be presented, the parent or guardian must confer with the school attendance secretary and principal in a personal conference. Failure on the part of the parent to provide documentation when requested or to visit the attendance office for a conference will result in those absences automatically being ruled “unlawful”.If a parent’s response is not received within five days, the student will be reported to court for truancy.

  • Students are only allowed ten absences for each school year.
  • If your child is absent please contact the school.


Riding a school bus is a PRIVILEDGE; Students who disregard the rules will have this privilege suspended. Riders are required to follow bus safety rules at all times.

The following behaviors are NOT permitted:

  1. Disobeying the instructions of the bus driver,
  2. Physical or verbal abuse or disrespect to the bus driver,
  3. Physical or verbal abuse to another student,
  4. Riding the bus when the student has been suspended,
  5. Possession of weapons,
  6. Possessions of drugs, alcohol, lighters, knives or any sharp object ,
  7. Leaving a seat while the bus is in motion,
  8. Failure to sit properly in a seat,
  9. Failure to sit in an assigned seat,
  10. Throwing objects on the bus or out of the windows,
  11. Placing any body part outside the bus windows,
  12. Yelling out of the window,
  13. Fighting,
  14. Eating or drinking,
  15. Selling any item,
  16. Spitting,
  17. Using profanity,
  18. Making obscene gestures,
  19. Making excessive noise or any type of disruptive behavior,
  20. Failure to cross the road as directed by the driver,
  21. Failure to move away from the bus after getting off,
  22. Getting on/off at an improper stop.

Minor offenses will generally result in the following consequence:

1st offense-warning

2nd offense-I day suspension from the bus

3rd offense-3 days suspension from the bus

4th offense-5 days off the bus and a parent conference for reinstatement of privileges

Major misconduct on the bus such as:

  • fighting,
  • physical or verbal abuse,
  • throwing objects,
  • possessions of drugs, alcohol, weapons or any dangerous object,
  • riding a bus while under suspension

1st offense-suspended from the bus 3-10 days

2nd offense-suspended from the bus5-10 days

3rd offense-suspended from the bus 10 days

4th offense-recommended for permanent suspension from riding the bus.

It will be the responsibility of the parent or guardian to see that the student is transported to and from school during times when a student has been suspended from the bus.

Students and parents are reminded that they should not attempt to discuss bus rule violations or bus suspensions with the driver at a bus top. Students who attempt to board the bus while suspended, or adults who attempt to board or interfere with the operation of the bus, may be prosecuted under applicable South Carolina law.


Students are responsible for all textbooks and library books issued to them during the school year. All lost or damaged books must be paid for. All money is recorded by the school bookkeeper and paid to the proper fund for replacement purposes. If a lost book is found, money paid will be refunded.


The school day ends at 2:25 p.m. Car riders are dismissed to the back of the building. Students waiting for late arriving cars will gather in the office foyer. No student will be allowed to go home a different way than he or she normally leaves unless permission is requested by a parent or guardian in WRITING.Students who ride a school bus may ride only the bus they are assigned. No student will be permitted to leave the campus unless a parent or guardian comes to the office to complete the paperwork. We are concerned about the safety of your child. No child will be allowed to leave with an adult who is not listed as having permission to get the student.


Students are tardy after 7:30 a.m. Car riders arriving after 7:30 a.m. are to report to the office with their parent in order to be marked present for the day.


We encourage you to schedule your child’s doctor and dental appointments AFTER school hours. If this is not possible, you must come to the office first to complete the paperwork. Instruction does not end until 2:25 p.m.


Emergency drills are necessary for the safety of students, staff, and faculty. Everyone is given specific directions for reaching safety points from those areas of the school building in which he/she may be located. In the event of a national or radiation disaster, students will be transported by school bus to designated shelter areas.Students will remain at the shelter until it is deemed safe to leave. Parents may not be allowed to enter and/or sign out students if the outside environment is unsafe.


Announcements concerning school closings or delayed openings will be broadcast on all local radio and TV stations as soon as the decision is made. YOU WILL ALSO RECEIVE A RECORDED TELEPHONE MESSAGE FROM THE CHESTERFIELD COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICE.. Please make sure we have your correct contact information. If hazardous weather develops during the school day, a decision FOR EARLY DISMISSAL will be announced on all local radio and TV stations. And a phone message will be sent to all parents.



All students entering a South Carolina school for the first time must have a birth certificate, South Carolina certificate of immunization, Social Security number and proof of residency in our school zone.


If you are moving and withdrawing your child from school, please call or come by the school a few days prior to the withdrawal date to complete the necessary paperwork. Your cooperation is always greatly appreciated. Please return all textbooks and library books before your child leaves our school.


In addition to classroom guidance, students may work with the counselor individually or in small group sessions. Individual counseling sessions are groups of students who are referred by parents, teachers, or the students themselves. All sessions are confidential. A letter will be sent home at the beginning of the school year allowing parents/guardians to refer their child for these group sessions.


Student personnel records are managed in a confidential manner as required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). Regulations and procedures for compliance of this act are provided through school board policy. A copy of this policy is on the district's website ( under the link "School Board Policy Manual" and is also available upon request of the student's principal or the district's Public Information Officer.


On the first day in school, each student will receive an application for free or reduced-price meals. Only those who wish to apply need to return this form.Nutritious meals are served for breakfast and lunch. Students are encouraged to pay for meals for the week on Monday. If the student receives an IOU, payment will be expected the following day. All students are expected to pay for lunch until their free-reduced meal application is approved.This application has to be completed each year.


If your child becomes ill at school, the school nurse will contact you. If we cannot reach you, we will use the emergency contact information you have provided.Please remember that ill children cannot remain at school. Over the counter medicines, including ibuprofen cannot be administered unless the parent brings the medication and includes a note with instructions. Students who need to take prescribed medication must have the appropriate form signed by the physician and parent before the medication can be brought to school.The parent has to bring the medicine to school and give it to the nurse. The medication and form must be left in the nurse’s office.


Homework is important in the learning process in that it extends the active involvement beyond the classroom. The time a student spends in class is not enough to ensure content mastery. Homework is an excellent way for the parent to keep abreast of a child’s progress. Homework will be given every day, Monday through Thursday. Check your child’s homework agenda for daily assignments.

Reasons for Homework:

1. To practice and enrich skills and concepts taught in class and to stimulate classroom discussions.

2. To develop independent study skills.

3. To develop responsibility for bringing home books and assignments, completing work and returning it on time.

4. To enhance parent awareness of student progress.

5. Homework is as important as any other part of the schoolwork.

It is the responsibility of the parent to make sure his/her child completes homework assignments.


Students are encouraged to use the library as much as possible. From time to time it may be desirable for a student to visit the library during class time to do research. On such cases, the student should first get permission and a pass from the teacher and then, upon entering the library, sign a check-in sheet at the desk.


Communication is an essential part of the educational program. We feel it is very important for parents to keep in close contact with their child’s teacher concerning his/her progress. Teachers, parents, or the principal may call for a conference when desired or necessary. Parents may call the school office (672-2400), to set up anappointment or email the teacher. Email addresses are listed on our website.