Associated policies and documentation:
Trips and Visits Guidelines
Equality & Diversity Policy
DBS & Safeguarding policy Julie Gillies 2015
Our Mission Statement
‘To improve lives and economic success through learning and skills.’
Enrichment is the enhancement of life during a student’stime at college;it’s the many things they choose to do beyond their academic study programme to expose them to new knowledge and skills.
By offering high quality enrichment opportunities we support learning and development as well as reinforcing and complementing regular academic study programmes. A student following an enriched curriculum,who has the opportunity to take part in a wide range of extra curriculum activities, will be more holistically developed and fulfilled through their educational experience.
Strategic Objectives
Enrichment at The Manchester College will:
Ensure every student has the opportunity to take part and engage in high quality enrichment activities that cover a breadth of topics and experiences.
We aim to ensure enrichment :
- Is student led, informed by curriculum and inclusive for all learners.
- Is engaging, challenging and enhancesstudents’ knowledge and skills.
- Provides opportunities for work experience, volunteering and contributing to local communities.
- Raisesaspirations and fosters personal and social development towards increasing employability and progression.
- Supports the personal development, behaviour and welfare of learners.
- Supports the development of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness of learners and advances awareness of the importance of British Values.
Strategic Plan
- To ensure enrichment is inclusive of a breadth ofwider outcomes to encourage learners to be involved, be active, be creative, be challenged and be safe.
- To develop a calendar of events that is promoted through the student intranet, Facebook, enrichment blog and face to face promotion by staff and student representatives.
- To ensure that all activities offered provide equal access for all students.
- To offer clubs and societies linked to the learner voice and student union.
- To promote healthier lifestyles by providing access to sports, fitness and activity programmes.
- To run competitive and non-competitive sports specific to each campus and to run cross college competitions.
- To provide opportunities to develop leadership& employability skills, creative thinking and to build resilience through workshops, seminars and guest speakers.
- To develop community links across campus enabling students to be involved in local projects and events.
- To co- ordinate a range of volunteering opportunities in partnership with Volunteer Centre Manchester and GAWs.
- To provide opportunities for participation through music, student Blog,competitions, clubs & societies.
- To ensure that there is a consistent approach to the planning and organisation of the enrichment programme.
- To provide staff with guidelines to facilitate the organisation and implementation of their sessions.
- To provide support for those students wanting to organise charitable events.
- Activities will be promoted through a range of media;College Facebook, Student ledenrichment blog, Enrichment booklet, Notice boards, Marketing, Learner voice and student council promotion. Student intranet, TV screens, Posters and flyers.
Enrichment will focus on adding value to the studentexperience while linking with core measures of impact: retention, achievement and progression.The success of each enrichment activity will be evaluated and measured through learner feedback and participation using strategies which include:
- Attendance sheets signed by the learner.
- ParticipationCard to track involvement in events.
- Learner recording activity on their LIP including links with volunteer events and activities and any curriculum based enrichment including trips, visits and guest speakers.
- Participation data in sporting programmes managed by the sports makers.
- HE sport participation data.
Feedback from our learners is essential to ensure the quality of enrichment is constantly improving and evolving. Throughout the year there will be a variety of methods that will capture learner voice and feedback.
- Learner Voice Feedback which will be collated including use of surveys.
- Campus focus group sessions will take place and be run by the Learner Voice.
- The Student Council and Student Ambassadors will play a key role in communicating the learner voice to develop an organic enrichment programme that evolves to the learners’ needs.
- QDP questionnaire will capture enrichment feedback.