Name: ______Period: ______

Tribute Rubric

Subject: ______

Type of Tribute: ______

15 points / 13 points / 11 points / 10 points
Component / -veryneat and easy to read
-4 examples of symbolism were evident
-looks like the designer took great pride in his/her work
-enough detail in the design to be able to visualize the finished product / -neat and easy to read
-3 examples of symbolism were evident
-looks like the designer cared about his/her work
-there were some details in the design to describe the tribute / -somewhat neat; can be read
-2 examples of symbolism were evident
-seems like the designer needed to take more care in his/her work
-there were few details included in the design to describe the tribute / -design was messy and/or hard to read
-1 or fewer examples of symbolism were evident
-the design was carelessly done
-there were not enough details in the design to understand the tribute
Component / -essay thoroughly explained the thought process behind the design
-symbolismin the tribute was thoroughly explained
-essay included a beginning, middle, and an end / -essay explained the thought process behind the design
-symbolismin the tribute was adequately explained
-essay included a weak beginning or end, with an adequate middle / -essay mentioned the thought process behind the design
-symbolismin the tribute was not explained well; or explanation was confusing
-essay was missing one of the essential parts—beginning, middle, or end / -essay did not explain the thought process behind the design
-there was no mention of symbolism
-essay was missing two of the essential parts—beginning, middle, or end; all one paragraph
Presentation Component / -studentdid an exceptional job of explaining the thought process that went into their design and thoroughly described the symbolism
-student displayed exceptional presentation skills / -student did an adequate job of explaining the thought process that went into the design and described the symbolism
-student displayed acceptable presentation skills / -student’s explanations of the thought process that went into the design and/or symbolism was weak
-student had some weak areas in his/her presentation skills / -student did not explain the thought process or symbolism
-student’s presentation skills were weak to the point of not communicating his/her message

Points earned from rubric: ______/45 possible = ______%