FAI F5J INTER TOUR 2012 to 2013
1. The FAI F5J INTER TOUR 2012-2013 competition is organized by MCT - Model club Trnava, Slovakia.
2. The Competition is ruled by FAI Sporting Code, Section 4, Class F5J - Electric powered thermal duration gliders, Edition 2012 (or what is expected in 2013)
3. One country may register up to 3 competitions. (National Aero Clubs, their F5J sections or individual F5J competitions organizers shall coordinate all the terms).
4. Moving a competition (e.g. supplementary dates for bad weather conditions, etc.) to a different site can be realized only within the same country of competition.
(FAI sporting code, Volume ABR paragraf B.14 a B.15 )
5. Registration of competitions to the FAI F5J INTER TOUR 2012-2013 list.
(by using a pre set registration form - word, excel. Sample available for download on the website
6. FAI F5J INTER TOUR 2012-2013 competition results reporting.
(by using a pre set score sheet - excel form. Sample available for download at
7. Organizer of the competition registered into the FAI F5J INTER TOUR 2012-2013 series has committed himself to send a complete score sheet for the series evaluation in an agreed format to the Secretariat by e-mail no later than two days after the competition has taken place.
(Email: a copy of the document or any possible result adjustments shall be sent to )
8. The FAI F5J INTER TOUR 2012-2013 Secretariat has committed itself to publish a continuously updated scoreboard of all the series competitions (reported by individual organizers) on its website aside with points allocated in accordance with the series evaluation principles.
9. The final evaluation includes the best four results of all FAI F5J INTER TOUR 2012-2013 series competitions while maximum two might result from domestic competitions and the rest must be resulting from other international competitions of the mentioned series.
10. To the total points gained in the respective competition (normalized on 1000) a bonus wil be added depending on the number of participating competitors (the fly-off winner will get bonus points equal with the number of participating competitors, the 2nd place gets bonus points equal with the number of participating competitors less 1 point, the last place gets 1 bonus point).
11. Every Competition registered to the FAI F5J INTER TOUR 2012-2013 series must consist of at least four rounds. However minimum of 6 rounds flown per competition are recommended. In case the competitor flies more than 4 rounds in the respective competition his worst round result is not counted to the final qualification score. (Rules F5J point
12. After fly-off and evaluation of the final competition in the series--the Trnava Visegrad Cup 2013, the whole series will be evaluated as well and the FAI F5J INTER TOUR 2012-2013 overall winner will be appointed. Winners will be rewarded by prizes, diplomas, medals and cups.
13. The first 14 winners nominated in the FAI F5J INTER TOUR 2012-2013 score sheet that are registered and present qualify for the competition SUPERFINAL F5J Visegrad TRNAVA FAI CUP 2013 held on August 23, 2013 in SLOVAKIA, TRNAVA-Boleráz. (The Show of 14 best competitors will be flown on 4 rounds in 15min. working time. Winners will be rewarded financially, 1st place gets 100 €, 2nd and 3rd places get 55 € each along with cups and other prizes from sponsors, of course).