Ontario Injury Prevention Practitioners Network
Teleconference Meeting
Date: March 10, 2015
Present: Pat Cliche, Lorna Boratto, Diane Bradford,Cindy Kirkpatrick, Leah Simon, Brandy Tanenbaum, Marita Campbell,Silvana Farrace-Perry, Natalie Zeitoun, Chris Daigneault-Hache, Nicole Fraser, Sgt. Avery Bassett, Sgt. Monica Harris, Kelly Wilson
Regrets: Pat Metcalf, Sean Wraight,
Absent: Paul Cook
Item / Discussion / Action Required1. / Committee Business
Meeting Called to Order: Meeting called to order at 9:40 – members introduced
Approval of Agenda
Moved to approve– Cindy Kirkpatrick
Minutes from January 13, 2015
Moved to approve - Marita Campbell, Second MonicaHarris
2. / Business Arising
Follow-up of Adult Concussions (Driving) Project – It is proposed that following the OIPPN restructuring this work will fall to the general committee. This project has generated interest from IP Managers and Ontario Concussion IP Network at York. Dr. Charles Tator is also very interested in and supportive of the work moving forward. This project is not to take away from the concussion network’s work – OIPPN to take a focus on the adult population as it related to concussion and driving impairment. Committee discussed best ways to approach the project but no final decisions were made in this regard – will iron these aspects out at upcoming face-to-face meeting.
- Jeff Griffithhas left the committee as he has moved to a new position as regional coordinator, provincial highway management for Northern Region.
- Inspector Mark Andrews has resigned from OIPPN due to work load but remain as an Ad Hoc member
- Marita Campbell is retiring
- Ishan Angra from Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health has changed positions and has resigned from OIPPN
- Christina Bradley of Niagara Region Public Health has left the committee – Kelly Wilson is replacing Christina.
- Eastern part of the province not well covered. Feelers to be put out to managers.
- OIPPN MVC microsite not up yet as person developing site is off on an extended absence. Action items from Jan. 13, 2015 meeting, with regards to Health Units being asked to review their respective distracted driving programs to ensure the information was up-to-date has thus not been completed.
- All future work will be shared under general OIPPNmicrosite anyway given the planned merging of the OIPPN subgroups with the general committee.
3. / New Business
Proposed Future Structure of OIPPN/OIPPN-MVC and New Priority - Pat & Lorna
- Pat and Lorna are recommending a merging of the OIPPN committees to form one general committee in order to streamline work and information sharing. Priorities are: 1) distracted driving, 2) adult concussions and driving.
- Pat shared a draft restructuring diagram which the group reviewed and commented on. There was much discussion re: how to label and proceed with adultconcussionwork. Questions arose regarding data to support this work – it was acknowledged that data is limited however current data from the ABI and OIPRC identifies this topic as one of importance. In addition, it was acknowledged that it is a good time to do this work given the current momentum around the topic.
Alliance IP Managers & Network Chairs Meeting (Feb. 24-25, 2015) – Pat & Lorna
- Overall, this was a good meeting. 26 health units were represented as well as a number of IP practitioners. Offered a great opportunity for dialogue re: what is happening provincially and what priority issues are being looked at. Identified need for health units to work more collaboratively and be more aligned in terms of messaging and priorities. OIPRC will be meeting this afternoon to review meeting evaluations.
- Barbara Klassen, Trauma Coordinator for London Health Sciences presented the proposed collaboration at a recent OIPRC & OTCN meeting. Barbara presented what trauma centres do as well as what specific data they collect. It was identified that trauma hospitals collect a great deal of detailed data that is underutilized by Health Units and other IP Practitioners. While traumatic injuries represent a relatively small population the nature of the injuries are very serious and warrant attention.
- There is a need for regional trauma centres and IP practitioners to get better connected and to pool data and efforts. Historically, data has not been shared between provincial trauma centres. OTAC and OIPRC are working together to find a way to standardize trauma information and share data in a timely fashion provincially. This will allow IP practitioners to gain a better picture of what is happening both regionally and provincially which could also help to drive provincial messaging andkeep current and emerging issues on the IP radar.
- PHO to be done distracted driving research by March 30th. Committee members were to have reviewed and provided input into draft survey but unfortunately work went ahead not in accordance with OIPPN expectations, and the survey was released without it first coming back to the group. OIPPN will however work with the recommendations that come out of the survey.
4. / Reports (please submit a written report to the minute taker)
Rolling out brand new falls’ curriculum pilot project. In NE Ontario the Canadians Falls Curriculum will be delivered by trained facilitators in five health units. The curriculum will be delivered in collaboration with the NE LHINs by OTN to over 84 participants in 2 week blocks for the five sessions. One hour of lecture and one hour of classroom work with their facilitator.
The curriculum has been updated so it will also be evaluated – Lesson 4 will included “Implementation Science” and Lesson 5 – Evaluation has been changed also.
Ministry of Transportation (Natalie)
- Lots of changes going on in the office with Jeff leaving and new team leader coming in.
- Distracted driving work at consultation point.
- Sweet Life road shows – free ½ to full day program for grade tens. With the full day format, students get hands on driver training (same equipment used to train officers) as well as info on drug impaired driving (cannabis and driving). Student feedback has been great. Program offers excellent information but is very resource extensive. MTO is trying to put the program in more manageable sections so teachers can use pieces of it. There are still a few slots left for interested schools thisspring. Schools need to be within 3-4 hours of Toronto. Natalie will send info out re: how to book. Looking at creating a model up north in the fall.
TIRF is receiving funding from CAA to developing a road safety toolkit – TIRF working with Ottawa PH on toolkit.
Community-Based Toolkit for Road Safety Campaigns
- The Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF) has received funding from the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) to develop a Community-Based Toolkit for Road Safety Campaigns. TIRF has partnered with the City of Ottawa’s Safer Roads Ottawa Program to develop and pilot-test the Toolkit to ensure it meets the needs of local communities and includes relevant and user-friendly information to inform
- The toolkit is designed to share road safety knowledge with communities and summarize the evidence-base for and theoretical approaches to road safety campaigns as well as best practices from research around the world. It will also include key findings related to a range of road user issues to enable communities to target local priorities. Other components of the toolkit will provide guidance in relation to the use of data to identify road safety problems and inform a campaign, branding and messaging strategies, dissemination and campaign evaluation.
- The Toolkit can enable communities to specifically target local audiences and focus on the priority road safety issues that pose the greatest concern in their own jurisdiction.
- The anticipated completion date for the project is June 2015.
LDCP – Child Falls (Lorna)
Brock with funding from ONF is working on completing evaluation of e-mail messaging. Working on moving findings and promoting consistent messagingacross the province
Adult Falls (Lorna)
First cycle is complete. Manuscript written on the quantitative component of health accepted. Qualitative manuscript is currently being developed. Doing cross-case analysis now. PHO is likely funding the project for next two years.
Ontario Concussion Network
Over 31 health units, OIPRC participate on this network. Dealing mostly with youth and sports and have had great speakers present: Dr. Shelina Babul from British Columbia, Dr. Michelle Keightley from Holland Bloorview and Dr. Alison Macpherson.
Sunnybrook 1stPlay Safe Initiative Symposium(Brandy)
Conference with an attendance of 90. Sports Recreation and Health. Working to develop – policy on Safety and Injury Prevention ( 2 definitions).
SWIPN (Lorna)
Expanding parental role modeling theme to include a broader, seasonal focus (original focus was bike helmets). Have developed the next seasonal theme and taglines and will be rolling it out soon. Will share with group.
Windsor Trauma Hospital – Diane Bradford
The Ontario Ministry of Transportation is conducting a review of the rules and regulations concerning operating off-road vehicles, including ATVs. This is a great opportunity to provide feedback from an IP perspective. Committee members to share broadly with stakeholders and provide feedback as appropriate. Please see the following dedicated URL to provide comments and suggestions:ontario.ca/b8h8. Deadline for providing feedback is April 13th.
Cental East – York Region (Silvana)
Shared history of Concussion Work Group and Ontario Concussion Prevention Network…. Work with Ministry of Ed around PPM 18, policy work with local school boards and new concussion modules for RUFFIS survey.
Parachute (Pat)
Parachute has a new website hub – horizon.parachutecanada.org
(check it out). Lots of good info.
Parachute’s Horizon is a solution hub that contains leading practice and evidence-based injury prevention solutions.
Solutions come in many forms: videos, tip sheets, legislation charts, databases and more / VIDEO
Meeting adjourned at 10:55 a.m.
Next Meetings: Face to face in Toronto
June 2 & 3, 2015