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Sample of proper manuscript layout for journal


Czech Environment Management Center, 28. pluku 25, 101 00 Praha 10, Czech Republic, e-mail:


The abstract should briefly and clearly communicate the scope of the article and the main results of the investigation. It should allow the reader to make a decision whether the topic concerns him/her enough to continue in reading the body of the article.

Keywords: Text of the abstract, keywords and the body of the article are written in Ariel font, 11 points.

Table of contents

Table of contents should be included when the article has more than 12 pages.


The Introduction should succinctly define the objective of the paper, characterize the current state of knowledge of the issues, describe the chosen approach toward the presentation of literature data (in review articles and discussions) or explain the approach towards the solution of the problem (in original contributions). Citations in the introduction should preferably refer to aggregate articles (if available), fundamental works and latest findings.

Experimental part

The Experimental part must be included in all articles that describe experiments. The experimental part must contain a description of used materials, methods, processes and equipment so that the reader can reproduce the measurements described in the article. However, operations, procedures, devices and substances already known should be stated only as literature references. The experimental part may be divided into subsections to facilitate the reader’s comprehension of its content.

Results and discussion

The Results and discussion chapter is an essential part of the article. It usually starts with a list of achievements (primary data or data derived by calculation). Then come conclusions that can be drawn from these data, comparisons of the results with the literature findings and a discussion of any differences or contradictions. More extensive chapters should have subtitles. Readability may be improved by presenting the data in the form of tables, graphs and pictures, using equations and reaction schemes, etc. Duplication (e.g. depicting the same quantity in the table and in the graph) is undesirable.

Please pay close attention to the Guidelines for authors when creating tables and graphs and placing them within the text.

When choosing colors in the text or in the graphs, keep in mind that most readers who will print out your article will do it using a black and white printer.


Conclusions should briefly summarize the impacts of the acquired knowledge onto practice.

List of symbols

A list of symbols is desirable in articles that contain a great number of physical quantities, acronyms and abbreviations of chemical compounds and process in the text, in mathematical equations, schemas etc. Symbols of physical quantities should include the units. In principle, SI units should be used. Other units must be explained if their definition is not clear from the text. Abbreviations are recommended mostly when their use is common. When use of an abbreviation could result in ambiguity, its clear definition must be given either in the text or in the list of symbols.


Keep in mind that the inclusion of Acknowledgment will result in a publication fee (see section Commercial presentation).


Please take care to use complete and correct literature citations. References are numbered in the order in which they appear in the text and are presented in the form of the exponent (without parentheses) in the appropriate place in the text (including tables and figures). Automatic references, footnotes and hyperlinks are allowed.

Journal abbreviations are used in accordance with the Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (including transliteration of names of authors, book titles, etc., which are not written in Latin). References to inaccessible literature (internal research reports, company literature of aperiodic character, unpublished private communications, lectures not published in the full text etc.) should be kept to a minimum.

Rules to cite literature sources1 We use the same rules to cite literature as the journal Chemicke Listy2.

1. www.wasteforum.cz.

2. www.chemicke-listy.cz/cz/authors.html, downloaded November 1, 2008.

Šablona grafické úpravy příspěvku pro WASTE FORUM

České ekologické manažerské centrum, 28. pluku 25, 101 00 Praha 10-Vršovice


Souhrn v českém nebo slovenském jazyce může být i delší. Pro zpřístupnění článku širší odborné veřejnosti bude tento souhrn posléze uveřejněn v odborném měsíčníku ODPADOVÉ FÓRUM.

Klíčová slova: odpad, sanace ekologických zátěží, průmyslová a komunální ekologie

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