Name of child:______Date of birth:______Age: ______

Sex: M ‪ F ‪

Name of person completing form: ______Relationship to child:______

Heath History For Child


Hospital: ______City: ______

Type of delivery: ______Length of pregnancy: ______

Problems during pregnancy or labor: ______

Smoking during pregnancy: No ‪ Yes ‪ packs per day: ______

Alcohol during pregnancy: No ‪ Yes ‪ describe: ______

Other dugs or medications taken during pregnancy: ______

Baby’s weight at birth: ______

Any probems at birth or in the first two weeks after birth (resuscitation at birth, jaundice requiring treatment, breathing troubles, seizures, low blood sugar, infections, feeding problems, etc…):______


Was baby breastfed? No ‪ Yes ‪ How long: ______


Date of your child’s last complete physical examination: ______

Does your child have a regular doctor? No ‪ Yes ‪ Name: ______

List any medications your child currently takes on a regular basis, with doses:



Travel Health Questionnaire (Child) page 2

Please list any allergies your child may have (to medications, specific foods, bee or wasp stings, etc.) or write “none”:______


Has your child ever had an allergic reaction to eggs or gelatin? No ‪ Yes ‪

Describe: ______

Has your child or anyone in the family ever been diagnosed with G6PD deficiency?

No ‪ Yes ‪ explain: ______

Has your child ever been diagnosed with HIV infection or any immune deficiency disease?

No ‪ Yes ‪ explain: ______

Has your child ever been hospitalized? No ‪ Yes‪





Has your child had any surgeries? No ‪ Yes ‪ Describe: ______


Describe any serious injuries (broken bones, stitches, concussions, poisonings, etc…):


Has your child ever had any of the following problems?:





‪‪allergies (such as hay fever or severe food allergy)

‪‪severe allergic reaction to bee or wasp sting

‪‪bleeding or bruising problems

‪‪blood diseases, including sickle cell and thalassemia

‪‪cancer or leukemia

‪‪chicken pox date:______


‪‪ear infections how many?:______

‪‪epilepsy or seizures

Travel Health Questionnaire (Child) page 3


‪‪fainting or dizziness


‪‪hearing problems

‪‪heart problems

‪‪kidney disease

‪‪lead poisoning

‪‪leg pains

‪‪liver disease


‪‪motion sickness


‪‪skin problems

‪‪tuberculosis or positive TB skin test

‪‪urinary infection (kidney or bladder)

‪‪vision problems

‪‪wears glasses since what age?:______

Explain any “yes” answers and/or list any additional information that you feel is important:





IMMUNIZATIONS: Please bring a copy of your child’s shot record, including any shots given previously for foreign travel.

Please bring form or fax to our office:

James D. Briggs, M.D.

3300 Providence Dr.

B tower, Suite 212

Anchorage, AK 99508

Phone: 907-561-4459

Fax: 907-561-4767