Home Visit Guidelines/Checklist
Name of Volunteer / Name of Potential Adopter / Date of VisitPETEXPERIENCEAND HISTORY
If they are applying for a puppy, is the home set up for a puppy? Do they have a plan for training the puppy, where the puppy will sleep, what is experience with a puppy?Is this their first dog? If so, do they seem prepared and is the home set up for a dog?
Willtheyeverleavethe dog outsidewhentheyaregone?
Do they plan on walking the dog? If so, are there small children and other dogs where they will be walking? Dotheyknow not to letanew dogoff-leashuntil he/shealwaysobeyscompletely?
Are theyon or verycloseto abusystreet?Doallexteriordoorscloseand latchsecurelysoadogcan’teasilypushthrough?
If thereis a poolor waterarea,is itfencedoff?
Is theyardfullyfencedand thefencingsecure?
Are thefencegateslockedand secured?
Does the home appear to be dog friendly?
Does the yard appear to be dog safe (no sharp objects, no trash, not a lot of dog feces)? Are there places a dog could jump off a deck and get injured?
Did you see where the dog will be kept at night? When no one is home?
Is there plenty of shade in the yard or somewhere the dog can get out of the heat?
If the dog will spend time in the garage, is it climate controlled, is there a sectioned off area for the dog so that it can’t get into anything toxic or harmful?
Can the dogs get into the trash or food (theirs or human)?
Did you meet the entire family?Are their children in the home?
Are thechildrenafraidof yourdog?
Are theyinterestedin gettinganew dog?
Dotheytreatexistingdogsor otherpets appropriately?
Doparentsknow thatit is neveradvisableto leave anydog unsupervisedwith small children(ages6 and under)?
Did any family member seem opposed to the adoption?
Do they have any unrealistic expectations from a rescue dog (perfectly housetrained, not to chew, not to dig, get along immediately with other pets and bond immediately with all members of the home)?
Are thecurrentpetswellbehaved?Dotheylookhealthyand welltreated?
Are current pets friendly?
Are any of the family pets left outside?
Are thereanyfamilymemberswith allergiesto catsor dogs?Doanyfamilymembersor existingpetshavephysicallimitationsor conditions,which shouldbe consideredin findingtheright dog?
Wouldyoube comfortableleavingyour own dog with thisfamily?