North Central WDC

One Stop Operator RFP Bidder’s Conference

October 20, 2017 – 10:00 am


The conference began with a clarification of the purpose of the conference and the process for submitting and answering questions. SkillSource staff walked-through the RFP to provide an overview, any needed clarification and to answer questions.

Dave offered a clarification on Sec III, item 7: Operator is not required to ensure EEO compliance in any area of the Centerthat is governed by a partner agency or agencies, as they will be responsible for operating in compliance with their own mandated EEO policies in those areas. Operator EEO compliance responsibility is limited to front-end services in Center common areas.

Dave clarified on Form B-1 that indirect cost allocation may be split between administrative and program.

The following questions were asked by attendees:

Q1.Will the Wenatchee Center eventually be included in the operator sub-grant?

A1.If the WDC Board of Directors designates the Wenatchee affiliate center or any other locationa comprehensive Center, the sub-grant would be revisited to address that change.

Q2. Will the Operator be responsible to handle EEO complaints in the Centers?

A2. Initial and Program complaint procedures are currently in place. Where the current procedures specify “operator”, the new operator would assume those same general responsibilities in accordance with the new agreement. It is anticipated that during the drafting of new agreements and MOUs, the specific EEO responsibilities of the new operator would be outlined specifically. Current Local One Stop Guidance and Center policies may be found at

Q3. Does “Board of Directors” refer to local committee members or the entire region?

A3.It refers to the 25 region-wide members of the Workforce Development Council Board of Directors.

Any board member who is employed by a bidding entity must recuse him/herself from the proposal evaluation process and/or award decision, freeing them to participate in proposal development.

Conference concluded at 10:45 am.