OHS Media / Journalism
Coach Brown
COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course is designed to provide an online footprint for all of Ooltewah High School’s attributes and accomplishments, as well as an accurate source of all important information. The student will learn how to cover and promote a multitude of events and feel an ownership of their success and celebrations, as well as write in a variety of different fashions for an online audience.
· The Official OHS school website (ohs.hcde.org)
· The Official OHS athletic website (ooltewahathletics.com)
· OHS HootTube Channel (YouTube)
· OHS_Media (Twitter and Instagram)
GRADES: Your grade in the course will be determined by your contribution to our online content and its usefulness, accuracy, and popularity. The percentage breakdown is as follows:
Daily Online Content – 40%
Video Projects – 30%
Written Articles – 30%
Semester Final Grade: Q1 (37.5%) / Q2 (37.5%) / Final (25%)
Three-ring binder with paper, dividers, spiral or composition notebook, highlighters, post-it notes
White copy paper
Writing utensils, markers, dry erase markers, blue or black ink pens
Tape, glue sticks, staples, paper clips, etc.
Hand sanitizer, tissues, paper towels
· I allow cell phones to be used as long as they are serving an academic function and not distracting the student or others around them from learning. They are not to be out during presentations, exams, or guest lectures. After a verbal warning, I reserve the right to confiscate the phone for the duration of my class period. If I confiscate it twice, I will turn it in to the office.
· By nature of the course, students will be allowed to leave the classroom ONLY for tasks that I assign and in the timeframe that I have established. They do NOT have permission to leave campus.
· Make-Up work is the student’s responsibility. I will refrain from putting a score in the gradebook for a week post-absence. If no effort or arrangements have been made in that time, I will replace the empty slots with 0’s.
· Electronic communication is limited to e-mail, though I am extremely reachable through it. is preferred for questions and matters of immediate need. is preferred for turning in assignments.
· The class will function at the highest level of respect for all participants; I will not tolerate disrespect in any form towards myself or a fellow classmate. The definition of showing respect will be thoroughly discussed our first meeting and will cover most other standards not explicitly discussed above.
Plagiarism Statement: Plagiarism is the use of another’s words or ideas and the presentation of them as though they are entirely one’s own. Acts of plagiarism might include, but are not limited to 1.) using words or ideas from a published source without proper documentation; 2.) using the work of another student (e.g. copying another student’s homework, composition, or project); 3.) using excessive editing suggestions of another student, parent, or paid author. Plagiarism on any project or paper at Ooltewah High School will result in a zero for the assignment and an honor code violation. Unless directly stipulated by the teacher, collaboration on written work is not acceptable. Students who willingly provide other students access to their work are in violation of the honor code.
OHS Media Course (Brown)
I want all students to be successful and enjoy working hard in class. This class will be a challenge for those who want to make an A. Success in this class has more to do with learning how to think critically, being exposed to complex readings, and learning a set of skills that will enable the student to become a life-long learner that will help them succeed in future situations (college or career); rather than maintaining a 4.0 GPA. I am looking forward to a productive and interactive year with each of you.
Print Student Name: Date:
Student Signature: Date:
Guardian Signature: Date: