Leadership Education I: Citizenship, Character and USAF Traditions
This course is 72 academic hours in length and is designed to provide the students with the basic foundations of USAF traditions. It contains sections on cadet and Air Force organizational structure; uniform wear; customs, courtesies, and other military traditions; health and wellness; fitness; individual self control; and citizenship.
The course objectives are:
1. Know the importance of AFJROTC history, mission, purpose, goals, and objectives.
2. Know military traditions and the importance of maintaining a high standard of dress and personal appearance.
3. Know the importance of attitude, discipline, and respect, and why values and ethics are so important.
4. Know the importance of individual self-control, common courtesies and etiquette.
5. Know that an effective stress management program improves the quality of life.
6. Know why courtesies are rendered to the US flag and the National Anthem.
7. Know why it is important to be a good democratic citizen and to be familiar with the different forms of government.
8. Know the importance of keeping yourself well and helping others stay well.
Course Outline:
The first six weeks of the course will be devoted to wear of the uniform information and covering information contained in the cadet guide. Basic drill will also be introduced.
During the second and third six weeks basic drill and ceremonies will be emphasized and all cadets will participate in a Pass-In-Review at Klein ISD stadium.
The fourth through sixth six weeks the course will focus on the other materials listed above.
Each Friday will be a Physical Training (PT) day where each cadet is required to wear the issued AFJROTC shorts and t-shirt.
Grading Guidelines:
A = 90 - 100
B = 80 – 89
C = 75 – 79
D = 70 – 74
F = 00 – 69
Grading Percentages:
Tests/Major Projects: 50%
Uniform/PT Grades: 40%
Homework/Quizzes: 10%
It is the cadet’s responsibility to request any make-up work. Only partial credit will be given for work from unexcused absences. Two missed uniform grades in a six week’s period will result in an automatic failure for the six weeks.
Leadership Education II: Communication, Awareness, and Leadership
This course is 72 academic hours in length and stresses communications skills and cadet corps activities. Much information is provided on communicating effectively, understanding groups and teams, preparing for leadership, solving conflicts and problems, and personal development. Written reports and speeches compliment academic materials. Cadet corps activities include holding positions of greater responsibility in the planning and execution of corps projects.
The course objectives are:
1. Apply the key factors of effective communications.
2. Know the ways in which personal awareness affects individual actions.
3. Know the key elements of building and encouraging effective teams.
4. Apply the key behaviors for becoming a credible and competent leader.
Course Outline:
The first six weeks of the course we will cover the basics of communication. An impromptu briefing will be assigned to get cadets used to being in front of the classroom. A review of basic drill and ceremonies will also be conducted during this six weeks in preparation for the annual KISD Pass-In-Review.
During the second and third six weeks our studies will continue to emphasize oral communications. Cadets will complete a 3 – 5 minute military briefing for a major grade. Written communications will be introduced and cadets will complete their first written assignment
The fourth through sixth six weeks the course will focus on the other materials listed in the textbook.
Each Friday will be a Physical Training (PT) day where each cadet is required to wear the issued AFJROTC shorts and t-shirt.
Grading Guidelines:
A = 90 - 100
B = 80 – 89
C = 75 – 79
D = 70 – 74
F = 00 – 69
Grading Percentages:
Tests/Major Projects: 50%
Uniform/PT Grades: 40%
Homework/Quizzes: 10%
It is the cadet’s responsibility to request any make-up work. Only partial credit will be given for work from unexcused absences. Two missed uniform grades in a six week’s period will result in an automatic failure for the six weeks.
Leadership Education III: Life Skills and Career Opportunities
This course will be helpful to cadets deciding which path to take after high school. Information on how to apply for admission to college or to a vocational school is included. Information on how to begin a job search is available to cadets who decide not to go to college or vocational school. Information about financial planning and how to save, invest, and spend money wisely, as well as how not to get caught in the credit trap is also included. Citizen responsibilities such as registering to vote, jury duty, and draft registration will be covered. There is information on how to prepare a resume’ and the importance of good interviewing skills. Career information will also be distributed to cadets from outside sources and military recruiters.
The course objectives are:
1. Know specific career options to pursue.
2. Know the elements of a personal budget and financial plan.
3. Know the requirements for applying to a college or university.
4. Know the essential process for pursuing a career.
Course Outline:
The first six weeks of the course we will cover material designed to help the cadet on his/her post high school goals. We will research career opportunities and educational and career paths. Each cadet will be required to complete an application and a resume’.
During the second and third six weeks our studies will focus on financial planning and applying for college. Each cadet will complete a college application. We will cover SAT test taking skills and preparation for taking the SAT and ACT tests.
The fourth through sixth six weeks the course will focus on the other materials listed in the textbook.
Each Friday will be a Physical Training (PT) day where each cadet is required to wear the issued AFJROTC shorts and t-shirt.
Grading Guidelines:
A = 90 - 100
B = 80 – 89
C = 75 – 79
D = 70 – 74
F = 00 – 69
Grading Percentages:
Tests/Major Projects: 50%
Uniform/PT Grades: 40%
Homework/Quizzes: 10%
It is the cadet’s responsibility to request any make-up work. Only partial credit will be given for work from unexcused absences. Two missed uniform grades in a six week’s period will result in an automatic failure for the six weeks.
Leadership Education IV: Principles of Management
This course is designed to be a guide to understanding the fundamentals of management, managing yourself, and others. Emphasis is placed on allowing the cadet to see himself/herself as a manager. Every organization, regardless of size, faces the challenge of managing operations effectively. There are four building blocks of leadership considered in the text from the military and civilian perspective. Attention to these four areas will form a strong foundation for a capacity to lead others. The four areas are Management Techniques, Management Decisions, Management Functions, and Managing Self and Others.
The course objectives are:
1. Comprehend the importance of management.
2. Comprehend the techniques and skills involved in making management decisions.
3. Comprehend the concepts and skills of problem solving, decision-making, and negotiating.
4. Comprehend the importance of managing yourself and others.
Course Outline:
The first six weeks of the course we will cover basic management techniques. Cadets will start to plan and organize the annual corps military ball. They will also plan and carry out the awards and promotions ceremonies.
During the second and third six weeks our studies will focus on making sound management decisions. Role playing and practice sessions will be conducted.
The fourth through sixth six weeks the course will focus on the other materials listed in the textbook.
Each Friday will be a Physical Training (PT) day where each cadet is required to wear the issued AFJROTC shorts and t-shirt.
Grading Guidelines:
A = 90 - 100
B = 80 – 89
C = 75 – 79
D = 70 – 74
F = 00 – 69
Grading Percentages:
Tests/Major Projects: 50%
Uniform/PT Grades: 40%
Homework/Quizzes: 10%
It is the cadet’s responsibility to request any make-up work. Only partial credit will be given for work from unexcused absences. Two missed uniform grades in a six week’s period will result in an automatic failure for the six weeks.