Task 3: Researching in the Library ( Points Possible)Name:
Fill out the following sheet as you work through Task 3. Make sure you read the directions carefully and complete the entire worksheet.
Choosing a Topic- 1 point apiece (____/6 points)
My Task 3 topic is:______
** You will use the topic for the ENTIRE task!
List 5 other keywords or phrases below:
Citations- 4 points apiece (____/16 points)
You need to write out 4 example MLA citations for each of the following:
Electronic Subscription Service:
Reference Materials- 5 points apiece (____/20 points)
You need to look up your topic in 4 different reference materials, 1 of those 4 MUST be a book. However, you need to use at least three different types of reference materials, if you aren’t sure what these are look it up in your packet. For this section you need to write down which reference type was used for each search, cite the source and then give a brief description of what you found and how it will help with your paper.
1- Reference type used:______
What information did you find? How will it help you?
2- Reference type used:______
What information did you find? How will it help you?
3- Reference type used:______
What information did you find? How will it help you?
4- Reference type used:______
What information did you find? How will it help you?
Online Searching- 5 points apiece (____/15 points)
You need to use 3 different search engines for this task, make sure you include which one was used. Also, make sure you evaluate one of these three websites on the next page while you are still on the website!
1- Academic search engine used:______
Citation: ______
What information was found? How would this be helpful to your paper?
2- Search engine used:______
Citation: ______
What information was found? How would this be helpful to your paper?
3- Search engine used:______
Citation: ______
What information was found? How would this be helpful to your paper?
Evaluating a Website- 1 point apiece (____/16 points)
You will need to fill out all the questions below, DO NOT answer yes or no on this assignment; you will not get full points if you do!!!!!
Print off 1 page of the website that you used and staple it to the back of this packet.
Your assigned subject______
Search Engine used______
Date you viewed the Web page______
Last date the Web page was updated______
- What is the purpose of this Web page?
- What does the author assume the reader already knows, and how does that effect the information given?
- What are the author’s qualifications to present the information?
- Is there anything about the author’s qualifications that would suggest a bias about the information presented?
- Does the author or sponsoring organization have a statement of purpose that would suggest a bias about the information presented?
- Is the information up-to-date?
- Does the Web page have a listing of works cited? Yes_____ No_____
- Does the Web page give you new information, or repeat information easily found in other sources?
- Does the author use incorrect facts to support their personal view?
- Does the Web page give you a new way of thinking about the topic?
- Do you think that this Web page is a good source of information on your subject? Explain in detail.
- Do you think that you learned more about evaluating Web sites by doing this exercise?
Databases- 5 points apiece (____/20 points)
You need to look up your topic in 4 different databases (1 must be eLibrary). Fill out the information below with each that you use for the assignment. You need to look at 1 article from each and print off the first page to staple to the back of your packet. Citations are needed from each of the articles, make sure that you cite them correctly and then answer the questions about each database. Yes/No answers will not be accepted for full credit on this assignment.
1- Database used: eLibrary
Which library offered the database:______
Citation of article:______
Give a brief summary of the article. How will this help your paper?
2- Database used: ______
Which library offered the database:______
Citation of article:______
Give a brief summary of the article. How will this help your paper?
3- Database used: ______
Which library offered the database:______
Citation of article:______
Give a brief summary of the article. How will this help your paper?
4- Database used: ______
Which library offered the database:______
Citation of article:______
Give a brief summary of the article. How will this help your paper?