University of Phoenix – Faculty Support for WileyPLUS Learning Space
Table of contents
- Accessing your WileyPLUS Learning Space course
- Assignments
- Gradebook
- Extending Due Dates and Re-assigning Assignments
- Student and Faculty Support
- Accessing Your WileyPLUS Learning Space Course
The WileyPLUS resources are integrated with your course in the Classroom. To access these resources:
- Login to your University of Phoenix course using your username and password
- At the course Home tab, click the Full Syllabustab
- You now have access to the WileyPLUS resources.
From the University of Phoenix LMS Week folders (per the screenshot below), you will see links to the videos and assignments for WileyPLUS Learning Space.
For example, in the Week 1 folder, you can click on the “Introducing Management”, “Management Learning Past to Present”, and “Self-Assessment” links to access activities containing WileyPLUS content:
Click on the Self-Assessment link under Assignments to access your graded Self-assessment Questions assignments. Next, click on the Practice/Simulation/Homework/Game tab:
From here, click the External Content Launch link, and WileyPLUS Learning Space will open in a new browser window:
To access your Lecture Launcher Video assignments, click on the name of the video assignment and then on the Video tab:
Once the Video tab has been accessed, the familiar External Content Launch link should send you into WileyPLUS:
- Assignments
Assigning Assignments
Instructors must use the assignments that have been standardized from the default syllabus. To assign these assignments:
- First, click over to Learning Space from your University of Phoenix LMS in order to create your Learning Space class section.
- You will receive access to the MASTER COURSE within 24 hours after creating your Learning Space class section. You need the MASTER COURSE access in order to copy the assignments you will assign for this course. If you click over to Learning Space after 2:00 PM MST, you will receive access to your MASTER COURSE after 2:30 PM MST the next business day.
- Once you have access to the MASTER COURSE, click over to Learning Space in order to access your Current Assignments tab from the Learning Space main menu:
- From the Current Assignments page, select Copy Assignments:
- In order to copy the assignments, you will select a source class section and a destination class section per the instructions in the screenshot:
- From here, you will see a list of the assignments needed for this course. Follow the directions below to assign these assignments to your class section.
Question Policies (Preset by the University)
You do not have to set question policies—the MGT/230 Quiz policy for the graded Self-test Question assignments is copied over by completing the steps above. The policies can be viewed on theCurrent Assignments page (as described below).
- Gradebook
NOTE: The point values assigned within WileyPLUS are different than the values indicated in the default syllabus. Please refer to the default syllabus for the point values. You are required to manually enter these grades into the University of Phoenix gradebook.
Using the WileyPLUS Gradebook:
NOTE: Preset point values have been allocated to all assignments and quizzes to ensure consistency throughout the course. Do NOT utilize the Gradebook Weighting feature in WileyPLUS.
Viewing Grades for All Assignments
The WileyPLUS Learning Space Gradebook will give you a view of the grades for all assignments for all of your students.
From the WileyPLUS Learning Space Gradebook, you can also:
- View WileyPLUS grades detail by student and by Assignment(s) by clicking on the column heading for that assignment
- Export WileyPLUS Gradebook reportsby clicking on the Export to CSV button
By clicking on a column heading in the Gradebook for the Self-Test Question assignments, you can:
1)View the student grades by Question and Question Attempt
2)Review the students’ submissions and edit their grades.
If you place your cursor over the points a student received for a particular question, a “View Response” link will appear:
When you click on View Response, you can see both the correct answer and the student’s response (if they differ). You canchange a student’s grade from this page by typing in the correct score for this student and then clicking Save at the bottom of the screen:
You can also change a student’s grade from that initial question level view. If you place your cursor over a student’s name, you can select “Enter Grade.” This will allow you to quickly add points for a particular student. Click on the arrows on the right side of the page to access more questions for that assignment:
To view student responses for the ungraded Lecture Launcher Videos, you will click on “View Student Responses” under that assignment on the Current Assignments page:
From this page, you can click on “View Response” as described above to review a student’s answer. When the due date passes for these Lecture Launcher Videos, click on “Release Feedback for All” so that the assignment is fully submitted for your students:
- Extending Due Dates and Re-assigning Assignments
From the Current Assignments page, you can extend the due date for a student or for the whole class.
First, click on Update Assignment underneath the assignment you want to extend the date for:
Then, follow the instructions below to extend the due date from the Update Assignment page.
Please note that for the ungraded Lecture Launcher Video assignments, you cannot extend the due date after the due date has already passed.
In this case, you can re-assign the assignment to students to give them a second chance at the assignment by accessing the My Question Bank section of your Assignments tab:
You can find your assignments by searching in the Question Banks tab:
After click on Assign This, you can re-assign to particular students using the steps below:
- WileyPLUS Support
For Students
Student inquiries are to be directed to University of Phoenix Technical Supportat 800-800-3493 or tothe website (
If Tech Support identifies the issue as a WileyPLUS technical support issue, they will then direct the student to( to Live Chat.
For Instructors
Technical Support:
If you have a technical support issue, you should first go to University of Phoenix Tech Support at 800-800-3493 or to the website (
If Tech Support identifies the issue as a WileyPLUS technical support issue, they will then direct you to ( to Live Chat with a support representative or to the Instructor-Only phone line: 1-877-586-0192.
New WalkMe and Show Me How tutorials available in every WileyPLUS course!