18th April 2017at 7.00pm

In the Council Chamber, Commercial Street, Norton


1. (a) Apologies for absence

2. (a)Guest Speaker

Members to welcome Matthew Lishman, Ryedale District Council Community Officer for Norton and Malton.

(b)Public Session (15 minutes maximum)

For members of the public to raise issues, or make comments on matters concerning Norton. 3 Minutes allowed per speaker.

3. Declarations of Interests.

4.To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday, 20 March2017 (Minutes 188 to 207inclusive).

5. Clerks Report - to update members on various issues and projects affecting the Town Council.

6.Town Mayors Report

To inform members of his engagements as the Council’s representative, and update members on ongoing projects affecting the Town.

7. Financial matters:

*(a) To report accounts paid since the last meeting of the Council and authorise cheques to be drawn in payment of accounts now submitted.

*(b) To receive the financial report for the period 01.03.17 to 31.03.17.

*(c) To receive the budgetary monitoring report for the month of March.

*(d)To receive receipts and payments account for the year ended 31.03.17 (subject to audit).

8.Planning Matters:

*(a) To consider applications for planning permission referred to the Town Council by Ryedale District Council.

*(b) To receive decisions notified by Ryedale District Council.

9*. Rating Appeals:

Members to discuss letter from Mark Walker, Chartered Surveyor, in respect of potential rating appeals on our assets. For resolution.

10.Neighbourhood Plan:

Members to receive feedback from theNeighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting held on Wednesday 28th March at Community House, Malton. For discussion.

11*.North Yorkshire County Council Vacancies for Co-opted Members to Ryedale Area Committee:

Members to nominate interested councillors for co-option. For resolution.

12*.Heads of Terms For Skatepark:

Members to approve the heads of terms required for the lease renewal at the skatepark. For resolution.

13. Correspondence:

*(a)Crime Statistics for Norton and Malton, March2017. For information.

*(b) Latest Grants and Funding Bulletin. For information.

14. Reports of representatives on other organisations.

15. Members’ questions.

16.Excluded items

RESOLVED that under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, members of the press and public are excluded for the following items of business as the Council considers that the business to be transacted is prejudicial to the public interest.

(a)Staff Roles

To discuss the roles of staff employed by the Council.

(b)Deputy Town Clerk - salary

To review and approve the salary scale increase for the Deputy Town Clerk

17.To agree and confirm the date of the Annual Town Meeting to be held prior to the 1st June 2017, suggested date Monday 15th May at 6.30pm. For resolution.

18.To confirm the Annual Meeting of the Council for Monday, 15th May 2017, at 7.00pm or on the rising of the Annual Town Meeting, whichever is the earlier.

Ros Tierney, Town Clerk.

12th April 2017

Norton On Derwent Town Council

Council Chambers

The Old Courthouse

84b Commercial Street

Norton, Malton, YO17 9ES