PLAC Agenda
October 27, 2017
Rhonda Robbins **Handouts are in Google Drive**
Topic / Specifics / Information to / Deadlines / Handouts1 / Welcome
2 / How to Impact Student Achievement and Behavior / Annette Breaux – November 13th at the City Auditorium
8:30 – 11:30 Session 1 – MS/HS
12:30 – 3:30 Session 2 - ES
Cost: $40 per person (based on expected attendance of 100 per session)
Registration deadline: 11/6. Registration is now open to participants outside our RESA. / Central Office & School Personnel / Registration deadline:
November 6 / 1. Flyer
3 / Amie Dean (Behavior Queen) / November 29 – 8:30 – 4:00 Coffee Middle School
Cost: $50/person / Registration deadline: 11/22 / 2. Flyer
4 / PLCs / Week of February 19?
2 days back-to-back (one Initial, one follow-up)
5 / A Day with PSC / Save the Date:
February 1st - 10:00 – 2:00 / Superintendents, Central Office Staff, Principals, Assistant Principals
6 / Transcript Links for Courses / The link for transcripts is active on the course list page and on the participant profile page.
When Jennifer marks a participant as “Complete” in a course, the Transcript Link (“Tran”) becomes active. Participants can then log in to their profile, click on the “Tran” link and get their course completion form.
7 / Teacher Learning Academy / Responses from 3 systems. Following standards will be offered:
Standard 1: Professional Knowledge:11/7/17
Standard 2: Instructional Planning:12/5/17
Standard 3: Instructional Strategies:12/19/17
Standard 4: Differentiation:1/30/18
Standard 5: Assessment Strategies:1/9/18
Standard 6: Assessment Uses:2/13/18
Standard 8: Academically Challenging Environment:2/27/18
Each topic will have an afternoon session (specific times TBD) and then a follow-up session (1 – 2 hours) for participants to demonstrate implementation of skills/knowledge acquired in session.
Note: Course registration is based on numbers you inputted so it is expected that you will send the number you indicated. Cost will be $50 per participant, per session.
Registration is up.
8 / Depth of Knowledge Training / Tawni Taylor (GaDOE) is offering a training on Depth of Knowledge.
Date: January 19
Time: 8:30 – 4:00
Cost: Free
Maximum Class Size: 72 participants
Are you teaching and testing at the rigor level of the standards? Are you a TAPS evaluator or academic coach and often wonder if the rigor in a teacher’s lesson is appropriate for the standard being taught? Look no further, Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Training is being provided for teachers and leaders at your RESA. DOK helps to ensure alignment between standards and the correlating assessment items/tasks and classroom instruction. DOK is a four level scale that describes a common and shared language for rigor and cognitive demand in the classroom. It is easy to understand and simple to apply on a daily basis when teaching or evaluating. Come join us and become DOK Dangerous!
The afternoon session explains and models how to actually increase the rigor of your assessment items and lessons that are already developed or ones you will create going forward. Participants will practice applying the concepts of DOK to items in order to make assessments and lessons more challenging for the students based on the demands of the standard. Academic coaches, teachers, and leaders are encouraged to attend as we work together to promote rigor for every student.
9 / Program Review Updates / 1. We are required to have 6 key assessments for GaTAPP and 3 key assessments for endorsements. 75% of our key assessments have to be valid and reliable. In addition, we are required to have validated surveys for endorsements to send out to completers (one year after completion) as well as employers (one year after completion).
In addition, 4 of our key assessments (for GaTAPP) have to be aligned to 4 areas of InTASC (Content, Learner & Learning, Instructional Practices, Professional Responsibilities)
The assessments we are looking at to be our key assessments are:
1. GACE Content assessment (Content)
2. Danielson Framework (Learner & Learning)
3. edTPA (Instructional Practices)
4. GACE Ethics assessment (Professional Responsibilities)
5. Loti Digital Age Survey
6. Unit or Analysis of Teacher Impact on Student Learning
1. Dispositions
2. Video of Practice
3. Annotated Bibliography
Employer Survey
Candidate Survey
Highlighted assessments are already validated. We are in the process of validating the endorsement dispositions. We will then look at validating the Video and Annotated Bibliography. While we don’t have to validate the 6th assessment for GaTAPP, it is likely we will validate it since there are a couple other RESAs who need a validated unit rubric and we can work with them to validate.
2. InTASC Progressions –
With the old standards, we aligned our work to the InTASC standards using alignment charts. This is no longer sufficient for the new standards.
The new standard reads “1.1 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the 10 InTASC standards at the appropriate progression level(s) 2 in the following categories: the learner and learning; content; instructional practice; and professional responsibility.”
This has to be done in both GaTAPP and all endorsements. We are working on how to add this to the programs. / 3.New GA Standards
4.InTASC Standard Progressions
Dr. Greg Jacobs
Topic / Specifics / Information to / Deadlines / Handouts10 / Kevin Raczynski / January 17-18, GCA – Literacy with Emphasis on Academic Vocabulary (70 max per session)
Sessions (3 hours) – K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12…. any recommendations on daily schedule otherwise K-2 and 3-5 on 17th/ 6-8 and 9-12 on 18th. / Curriculum Directors, Principals
11 / Kevin Raczynski / February 23 (SS) and March 2 (Sci), Writing Rigorous Science and Social Studies Selected Response Items (70 max per session)
Sessions (3 hours) – Social Studies, 3-5 and 6-12; Science, 3-5 and 6-12 / Curriculum Directors, Principals
12 / Kevin Raczynski / February 14, GCA Text Dependent Writing for EOG and EOC (70 max per session)
Sessions (3 hours) – 3-5 and 6-12 / Curriculum Directors, Principals
13 / GADOE STEM / November 2nd , morning, Felicia Cullars, no cost / Curriculum Directors, Principals, Instructional Staff
14 / Principal Academy / November 13 – ES morning/ MS/HS Afternoon…$10/ / Principals
15 / Assistant Principal Seminar/ GA State / JoAnn Brown, Principals Center
Seminar, 8 sessions beginning in January, ending in November 2018
Cost - $1600-1800 / Supt. / December 1
16 / Annette Breaux / November 13 – MS/HS morning/ ES afternoon…. $40/ / Supt, Curriculum Directors, Principals, Admin, Teachers
17 / Science Collab / November 8 – 6-8
November 9 – 9-12
Yes/No, wait until Spring? / Curriculum Directors, Principals, Teachers
18 / Tour Builder
19 / RESA Directors Update / Various
Blake Johns
Topic / Specifics / Information to / Deadlines / Handouts20 / Google classes Online / Would it be beneficial to put the 3 tiered google training courses online? I would provide certificates of completion for participants.
It wouldn’t be cohort based unless that is something that is wanted?
Thoughts? / PLAC and building Admin / None
21 / Interactive Solution Expo / December 15th from 9am – 1pm.
7 vendors so far
Infographic of Event
Google Form for registration numbers or capital impact?
Since this was not a class, was not sure which is preferred. / PLAC and building Admin / None / Infographic of Event
22 / Pasco / November 16th from 10am – 12 pm
Use this form for registration
I can provide trainings for using this equipment if your district already has it.
Connects to NGSS and phenomena based science instruction. / PLAC and building Admin / None / Use this form for registration
23 / Trainings / I am always available to provide training. Please reach of if there is need in the district on tech integration.
912-285-6148 / PLAC and building Admin / None
24 / Hour of code / Have teachers sign up here if attending, numbers are low right now, if this also would be more beneficial as an online course please let me know, I can move this to online as well.
Hour of Code: A guide to coding- Elementary
Hour of Code: A guide to coding Middle/High / PLAC and building Admin / Today October 27th – Registration Deadline
25 / PTAC / Privacy Technical Assistance Center
Provides onsite trainings for FERPA, to ensure FERPA laws are being adhered. The training is hands – on, but for on-sight they like 30 or more participants.
Admin and teachers would benefit from seeing what they can and cannot do with the onsite trainings.
The cost is…Free! / PLAC and building admin / Ill set up the event in the Spring if this is something that is wanted. / Offerings for training
I suggest the FERPA 101
Data Security Best Practices / Training
26 / My instructional technology website /
Provides information on innovative tools for educators.
Blog shows how to use new tools I come across in the classroom, updates 2 times a month
Newsletter sign – up to get information on new and innovative tech as it comes out, this will be sent out 1 time per month.
If you want to sign up for newsletter enter information in the pop up window that appears when you first get to page, if you accidently closed this or it does not appear use the form on the top of the home page. / All / NA / NA
Elizabeth Oliver
Topic / Specifics / Information to / Deadlines / Handouts27 / Math Focus (Sandi Woodall retiring in February) / 1. Ongoing focus on K - 5 Numeracy (same as with literacy; can’t accomplish one without the inclusion of the other)
2. Expand STEM/STEAM opportunities to include females, minorities, SWD, ED, ELL
3. Computer Science in every K-12 classroom
4. Personalized Learning for teachers and students
5. Vertical Professional Learning (PLCs) / Teachers, Administrators,
Central Office Staff
28 / “13 Rules That Expire” / March 8, 2018 in Macon. Registration is free but not open yet. Why the “tricks” don’t work!
I have included in my Number Talks presentation. / Elementary and Middle Math Teachers and Coaches
29 / 55 Critical Words / See handout in Google Drive / 5. 55 Critical Words
GLRS: Jann James and Dana Robbins
Topic / Specifics / Information to / Deadlines / Handouts30 / Basic Co-Teaching Strategies / Instructor: Dana Robbins
10/30 and 11/6 (4:00-8:00 p.m.) / Curriculum and SPED Directors / Registration closed (seats available)
31 / Introduction to Exceptional Children and Youth / Instructor: Dana Robbins
10 online modules
Begins on 1/18/18 and ends on 3/26/18
GaTAPP- no charge
Other RESA- $250
Click here to register. / Curriculum and SPED Directors / Registration closes 12/15/17
Cathy McGee
Topic / Specifics / Information to / Deadlines / Handouts32 / PBIS / Fall PBIS Walkthroughs
Begin September 28–Nov.3
District Coordinator will complete district trained 2014-16.
DC’s with Cindy/or/ Cat for school trained 2017 / Superintendents
PBIS District Coordinators
Principles / November 3, 2017
33 / PBIS / Tier 1 Team Training-Day 2
Coffee – November 9, 2017
Freshman Campus and Alternative School
H Building- Freshman Campus
Clinch- November 8, 2017
Clinch Elementary, Clinch Middle and Clinch High
Railroad Depot / Superintendents
PBIS District Coordinators
Cindy Hitt
Topic / Specifics / Information to / Deadlines / Handouts34 / GCEE / *Teaching the GSE: Economics in 5th Grade: December 6 (11)
*Teaching the GSE: Economics in 8th Grade: December 7 (2)
Subs, lunch, materials provided by GCEE.
Request for spring workshops out now. Any interest? / CD and SS teachers
35 / Counselor’s Consortium / November 15
Speaker from GA State Univ:
Trauma 101: Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Children for School Professionals. Limited to 40. Open to Social Workers/Psychologists. MUST register with Ga State using this link: / CD, School Counselors, School Social Workers, School Psychologists
36 / GAGC Gifted Coordinators Annual Meeting / January 17-18 @ The King and Prince Resort on St. Simons Island. Registration costs (include breakfast and lunch for 2 days:
$200/participant before 12/15
$250/ participant after 12/15
$300 onsite registration / CD,Gifted Coordinators / 6. 2018 GGCC Registration
Stephany Smith
Topic / Specifics / Information to / Deadlines / Handouts37 / SRG 2.0
Next PLAC Meeting
Friday, December 1, 2017 @ 9:00 AM