Parent Volunteer Form 2016/2017

Are you interested in getting involved to help make this school year a special one for your child and the other children at Green Meadow? The PTO has opportunities for everyone, no matter what your schedule, at school or from home. Please let us know your areas of interest and we thank you for your time!

Volunteer Opportunities (please check all that interest you)


Holiday Shoppe – help set up, clean up, assist students shop for their families, orhelp wrap gifts. Time requested: 2 hour time slots during Holiday Shoppe week December 15-18

Kindergarten Tours – give tours to new families at Kindergarten Orientation Parent Program. Time requested: 1 hour in the evening on April 5

Kindergarten Screening – greet and sign in families who are bringing their children for screening. Time requested: 1 -2 hours during the day on April 27 & 28

Teacher Appreciation Lunch – help setup orcleanup for luncheon. Time requested: 1-2 hours in the morning for setup or in the afternoonfor cleanup on May 12

Teacher Appreciation Gift – Create one teacher gift to be given on behalf of the PTO to the teachers and staff at the luncheon in May. Time requested: 2-3 hours in April making one gift to be given May 12

3rd Grade T-Shirts – visit 3rd grade classrooms to get signatures from each 3rd grade student and teachers to make a t-shirt that will be given to 3rd graders at the end of year celebration. Time requested: 1-2 hours in early May.

Monthly PTO meetings – join us each month to contribute your thoughts on PTO programs. Time requested: 1 hour and 15 minutes. Meetings are from 7:00 – 8:15 on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.

ENRICHMENT COMMITTEE (PTO funds programs in each grade to support and enhance the curriculum)

Grade Representative Coordinator – collaborate with the PTO Enrichment Chairperson to communicate with teacher lead for your child’s grade about desired programs (i.e. 1 field trip and 1 assembly)and/or work with vendor to schedule the programs. Time requested: approximately 2 hours per month until program completed.

Grade Representative Event Lead* - meet vendor at school on scheduled program date, help set up and clean up as necessary. *Can be same person as Grade Representative Coordinator Time requested: 1-2 hours on the date of the scheduled program.


Photocopying – copy different flyers to be sent home with students on backpack Thursdays. Time requested: 30 min - 1 hour on a Monday or Tuesday, 2-3 times a month for the school year.

Website Maintenance – use WordPress to update content, create new pages, add links (you do not need to know code to use this content management system). Time requested: approximately 1 hour a month. Time may vary month to month, e.g. one month there may be more, one month there may not be any time required.

Continued on back


Class Project Volunteers – be part of a team that generates an idea for an art project for a grade, purchases the materials (cost subsidized by the PTO), and goes into the classrooms of designated grade to create project that will be raffled at the Tiger Trot. 2-3 volunteers needed per grade. Time requested: 3-4 hours over the course of 5 months; planning starts in Oct/Nov, projects due by March 31.

Grade Project Co-Coordinator – collaborate with current Grade Project Coordinator to manage workflow of Grade Project Volunteers to ensure completion of grade projects by designated date. Time requested: 1 hour a month; planning starts in Oct/Nov, projects due March 31.

Grade Basket Coordinator – request family friendly themed baskets to be raffled from each grade team lead; coordinate with lead teachers to help with process. Time requested: 1-2 hours over the course of 4 months; baskets due by May 6

Material Preparation – help generate, assemble, and prepare for distribution fundraising materials for students. Time requested:2-3 hours in March

Vendor Coordinator – secure vendors for event, manage communication with them, and coordinate vendor items.Time requested:2 hours per month Jan – April, ending with event on May 6

Tiger Trot Event - setup, cleanup, register attendees, hand out goodies,orassist with a game station. Time requested: 2-4 hours on Saturday, May 6 depending on designated job during event

Thank you for partnering with us to help make your child’s experience at GM a great one!




Volunteer Availability:  During school hours  Evenings  Weekends

If you have any questions, please email

Please return this form to school with your child addressed to GMPTO

byFriday, October 14th