Date August 31, 2016

Location IPS Office; Central City, 4th Floor, Dogwood Room

Participants Tom Molin (Chair), Ema McMillan (Secretary), Giulio Ciavarella (Treasurer), Jen Albert (Member at Large), Megan Taylor (Member at Large), Members: Terry Ash, Craig Paynton, Dhiraj Raman, Jim Ingram, Ross Maguire, Cam Pourian, Robin Chae, Tom Vukelich, Tracy Wilton, Kara Woodson

1.  Welcome

a.  Chair welcomed all members to the Q3 quarterly meeting.

2.  Attendance Call

a.  Secretary took a note of members in attendance. No members dialed in to the meeting.

3.  New Executive

a.  Chair introduced the new chapter executive members.

4.  Education Summit

a.  Chair encouraged all members to register for the 5th annual IPS / IAHSS / ASIS Education Summit on 17th and 18th October 2016. The theme this year is ‘Navigating the Future’.

b.  Further details and brochure can be found on the IAHSS BC Chapter webpage.

5.  BC Chapter Awards

a.  Chair reminded members to nominate colleagues for the awards of merit, valor and distinction.

b.  Winners to be announced at the education summit.

6.  Future Chapter Meetings – Member Discussion

a.  Chair invited feedback on future quarterly chapter meeting formats from members.

b.  Various options were discussed including combining the meeting with a webinar, partnering with ASIS for a speaker lunch session (the chapter meeting would be held at the opposite end of the ASIS meeting so that those with dual membership could attend both), and teleconferences.

c.  Members were also encouraged to provide feedback to the executive members at any time.

7.  Any other business

a.  Chair reminded members of our goal to increase membership, please keep in mind and encourage colleagues and peers to consider membership.

b.  Executive and all members are available to proctor exams.

c.  Chair asked members to consider whether a newsletter would be helpful.

8.  Next Meeting | Q4 | Monday October 17, 2016 at 15:30, Cordula & Guënter Paetzold HEC Auditorium, Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver, BC