Ballarat Health Services

Maternity Outpatients

Consultants: Dr P Davey & Dr T Iverson

Nurse Unit Manager – Maternity Outpatients: Mrs S McRae Ph: 5320 4533

Maternity Booking Clinic
(MBC) / Provides initial booking-in visit with a midwife where appropriate paperwork is completed, history collected and documented, and initial midwifery care and education is provided.
Maternity First Visit Clinic
(MFVC) / Provides initial obstetric visit following patient booking-in, where patient is assessed by obstetric staff, history reviewed and model of pregnancy care assigned. Run in conjunction with MBC so that booking and first visit completed at one visit to BHS.
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Morning Session / MBC/MFVC
(Every second week) / MBC/MFVC
Afternoon Session / MBC/MFVC / MBC/MFVC
(Every second week)
Antenatal Clinic – Consultant Care (ANC-CC) / Provides consultant-led pregnancy care for women with a high risk pregnancy or undertaking shared care. Women are seen by obstetric staff at every visit and a midwife or other relevant health care providers as required. (The midwife visit is attended within ANC-MWC on the same day as the ANC-CC visit).
Antenatal Clinic – Midwife Care
(ANC-MWC) / Predominantly provides midwife-led pregnancy care for women with a low risk pregnancy. Women are seen by a midwife at every visit and referred to the consultant care clinic as required. Also provides appropriate midwife visits for women in the high risk model of care.
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Morning Session / ANC-MWC
(Every second week) / ANC-CC
Afternoon Session / ANC-MWC / ANC-MWC
(Every second week) / ANC-MWC
* Wednesday (morning session) – includes Anaesthetic Preadmission
** Thursday (morning session) – includes diabetic and bariatric women
Maternity Day Assessment Service (MDAS) / Provides a service for women with complications or risks in pregnancy that require a short admission for further monitoring or assessment. Care provided by obstetric staff, midwife and ultrasonographer. Runs Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.
Pregnancy Assessment Service (PAS) / Provides a service for pregnant women over 20 week’s gestation that require assessment in between their scheduled antenatal visits. The service is provided 24/7 – Monday to Friday 0830-1700 it runs out of Maternity Outpatients; at all other times it runs out of Labour Ward on the Maternity Unit.

Maternity Outpatients (August 2011)