NGB PB 12-03 29 March 2012


1. National Guard Bureau Publications, Blank Forms, and Component Listings.

a. New. This section lists new publications, forms and component listings (CL). Account Representatives may submit requirements using NGB 12R, NGB Initial Distribution Requirement Sheet, NLT 30 days after date of bulletin. Publications and forms are available online at Component Listings are available through Guard Knowledge Online (GKO).

Number/Date / Title /
Feb 12 / Air Force Nuclear Weapons Surety Program /
CNGBI 1301.01 23 April 2012 / Military Duty Status for NG Members Assigned to the NGB /
CNGBI 1302.01 23 April 2012 / Guidance for Members Performing Duty under the Authority of 32 USC section 502 /
CNGBI 1800.01 19 April 2012 / Guidance on the Participation of Children with Special Needs in the NG Child and Youth Program (CYP) /
CNGBM 5000.01 6 April 2012 / Formats and Procedures for Development of CNGB Issuances /
CNGBN 1001 7 March 2012 / Extending Title 32 Orders for the Sole Purpose of Taking Leave /
CNGBN 1401 24 Feb 2012 / Guidance for the Use of NG Members in Full-Time Duty Programs Title 32(T32) Active Guard Reserve, T32 Full-Time NG Duty Operational Support(FTNGDOS) and Full-Time NG Duty Counter Drug (FTNGDCD) Military Technicians for CONUS Contingency Situations /
NGR 680-1 3 May 2012 / Personnel Assets Attendance and Accounting /

b. Superseded or Obsolete. This section lists publications, blank forms, supplements and component listings that are obsolete or have been superseded. Changes should be posted to the appropriate indexes.

Number/Date / Title / Action Taken /
Aug 10 / Air National Guard Traditional Guard Member Telecommuting Policy / Rescinded
Apr 12
Aug 86 / Service Recognition / Obsolete
Jun 11
Mar 97 / Air National Guard Recruiting and Retention Programs, / Superseded by ANGI36-2602
Feb 12
Jan 98 / Air National Guard Retention Programs / Superseded by ANGI36-2602
Feb 12
NGR 50-7
Dec 92 / Recruiter Training Management / Superseded by ANGI36-2602
Feb 12
Jan 99 / Maintenance Data Systems Analysis / Superseded by ANGPAM21-106
Nov 11
Aug 09 / Selective Retention of Air National Guard Officer and Enlisted Personnel / Superseded by ANGI36-2606
Mar 12
Feb 09 / Flying Hour Management / Superseded by ANGI11-101
Mar 12
Aug 05 / Weapons safety Investigations and Reports / Rescinded
Apr 12
Feb 12 / Promotion of Airmen / Posted to ANGI36-2502
Jun 10
NGR 680-1 8 July 09 / Personnel Assets Attendance and Accounting / Superseded by NGR 680-1 May 12
NGR 25-1 1 April 05 / All States Memorandums / Obsolete May 12

c. General Information. Information of general interest concerning publications, blank forms, and component listings, including advance information on changes, and corrections to NGB publications. Not used this month

d. Excess. This section lists excess publications, blank forms, and component listings. Not used this month

2. Questions pertaining to NGB publications, forms and component listings may be sent to . Questions pertaining to content and information in the Bulletin should be addressed to Ms. Nena Naji, NGB-DMJ-S, DSN: 327-4181.

NGB Editor(Contractor)

Distribution: A


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