4. I am able to analyze the motive and bias behind each Garvey document by providing full textual evidence. I am able to analyze the rhetoric of The Blacker the Berryby identifying the Subject, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, Strategies in full detail by providing concrete evidence.

3. I am able to analyze the motive and bias behind each Garvey document by providing some textual evidence. I am able to analyze the rhetoric of The Blacker the Berryby identifying the Subject, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, and Strategies in full detail by providing some but incomplete evidence.

2. I am able to analyze the motive and/or bias behind some of Garvey document by providing some textual evidence. I am able to analyze some of the rhetoric of The Blacker the Berryby identifying the Subject, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, and Strategies in incomplete detail by providing some but incomplete evidence.

1. I am not able to analyze the motive and bias behind each Garvey document and did not provide textual evidence. I am not able to analyze the rhetoric of The Blacker the Berryby identifying the Subject, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, and my answers do not have textual evidence.

4. I am able to analyze the motive of each document by providing textual evidence and identifying three or more push and pull factors.

3. I am able to analyze the motive of each document by providing textual evidence and identifying at least three push and pull factors.

2. I am able to analyze the motive of some of the document by providing textual evidence and identifying at least two push and pull factors.

1. I am not able to analyze the motive of any of the document by providing textual evidence and I have not identified any push or pull factors.

4. I am able to contextualize and summarize the documentary and display I am advanced by utilizing four unit vocab words and writing from the perspective of a individual living in the 1920’s and my writing displays three examples from the documentary.

3. I am able to contextualize and summarize the documentary and display I am proficient by utilizing three unit vocab words and writing from the perspective of a individual living in the 1920’s and my writing displays three examples from the documentary.

2. I am able to contextualize and summarize the documentary and display I have basic understanding by utilizing two unit vocab words and writing from the perspective of a individual living in the 1920’s and my writing displays two examples from the documentary.

1. I am not able to contextualize and summarize the documentary and use no unit vocab words or no examples from the documentary in my written perspective summary.