D A T E T U E S D A Y J A N U A R Y 6, 2015
















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Council Member Snelgrove, Chair, presided.

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Mr. Bart Barker, Council Aide, led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

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Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Jensen, moved to approve the minutes of the Salt Lake County Council meeting held on Tuesday, December 16, 2014. The motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”

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Mr. Sim Gill, District Attorney, spoke under “Report of Elected Officials” stating that Gavin Anderson has been appointed as the new Civil Division Administrator in the District Attorney’s Office.

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The Council reviewed the following leadership appointments for the County Council for 2015:

Richard Snelgrove Chair

Max Burdick Vice Chair

Aimee Newton Pro Tempore

Jennifer Wilson Democrat Minority Leader

Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member DeBry, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member DeBry, seconded by Council Member Bradshaw, moved to approve the nominations and forward them to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously.] The Council motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”

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Ms. Nichole Dunn, Deputy Mayor, submitted a letter requesting the Council’s advice and consent to the appointment of Tim Whalen as the Director of the Behavioral Health Services Division.

Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member DeBry, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Burdick, seconded by Council Member Jensen, moved to approve the appointment and forward it to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously.] The Council motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”

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Mr. Kevin Jacobs, County Assessor, submitted a letter recommending that refunds in the amounts indicated be issued to the following taxpayers for overpayment of 2014 vehicle taxes:

Taxpayer Refund

Laura Brunyer $153.00

Jose L. Delmoral $ 83.00

Dianne M. Hakala $ 13.00

Robin Hassard $ 13.00

Cheryl S. Jensen $113.00

Jerry Seiner Chevrolet $153.00








Silvertre B. Sotelo $ 45.00

Christine D. Platt $113.00

Russell S. White $113.00

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Mr. Kevin Jacobs, County Assessor, submitted a letter recommending that refunds in the amounts indicated be issued to the following taxpayers for overpayment of 2014 manufactured home property taxes:

Taxpayer Refund

Joweph N. Sr. & Silvia Cummings $128.56

Summer Radmall $103.55

Patricia L. Weston $ 64.49

David Plumb $ 75.00

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Mr. Kevin Jacobs, County Assessor, submitted letters recommending that refunds in the amounts indicated be issued to the following taxpayers for overpayment of 2014 personal property taxes:

Taxpayer Year Refund

Carefusion Solutions 2014 $ 1,338.36

Mountain Medical Imaging 2010-2013 $47,495.91

UTE Fitness 2014 $ 835.90

Game Night Games 2014 $ 25.00

Independent Tire 2014 $ 25.00

Ken Garner Engineering 2014 $ 714.64

Keystone Automotive 2014 $ 705.98

Danny’s Auto Repair 2014 $ 89.22

Utah Title Loans 2014 $ 1,415.24

Riverton Veterinary Hospital 2014 $ 85.27

Down To Earth Landscape 2014 $ 112.58

Price & Associates 2014 $ 164.26

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Mr. Kevin Jacobs, County Assessor, submitted a letter recommending reduction of 2013 property taxes from $42,748.41 to $14,171.39 on property identified as Parcel No. 27-36-277-019, and $161.33 to $53.48 on property identified as Parcel No. 27-36-254-001. The properties are owned by UCA Properties III, a charter school, and should be 67 percent exempt for 2013.

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Ms. Liz Fehrmann, Chair, Property Tax Committee, submitted letters recommending approval of the requests of the following taxpayers for 2014 tax relief:

Taxpayer Parcel No. Type of Relief

Joanne Benfatti 27-26-102-038 Indigent

Michael G. Bradford 28-06-189-002 Indigent

Carole Christensen 16-08-330-006 CB/Indigent

Raymond Fernandez 14-28-458-022 Indigent

Laraine Fitch 16-19-477-004 CB/Indigent

Lorraine Hobbs 16-28-181-024 CB/Indigent

Bonnie Humphrey 21-12-354-015 CB

Emma Larsen 15-11-377-009 CB

Clara R. Miyazaki 16-36-401-016 CB/Indigent

Gwen C. Reid 21-27-476-008 Blind

Beverly Skaggs 21-07-104-003 Indigent

Norma Whitfeld 22-04-480-009 Indigent

Virginia A. Anderson 22-27-104-009 Hardship

Robert J. Andrus 16-29-155-008 Hardship

Alexander Bennett 16-20-458-130 Hardship

Joan L. Brown 28-17-126-010 Hardship

Darlene Cano 21-20-152-010 Hardship

Loretta G. Case 21-03-101-008 Hardship

Beth V. Christensen 15-10-429-011 Hardship

Roger Cortello 22-35-433-002 Hardship

Irene O. Dent 21-22-482-019 Hardship

Marie B. Frampton 16-34-433-021 Hardship

Beverly J. Harries 22-08-177-011 Hardship

William P. Jensen 22-11-102-009 Hardship

Susan Jordan 16-08-302-025 Hardship

Curtis L. Keith 22-20-303-012 Hardship

Kathryn King 21-36-406-022 Hardship

Mary M. Koceja 21-13-405-003 Hardship

Cheryl D. Linford 09-32-376-015 Hardship

Laurel Livezey 28-16-130-011 Hardship

Michael Maestas 08-36-129-023 Hardship

Barbara C. Melis 16-22-229-020 Hardship

Waltraut Mertens 16-08-105-013 Hardship

Carol A. Mildenhall 15-28-253-011 Hardship

Joan E. Nokes 15-31-104-055 Hardship

Earl R. Nowotny 20-12-230-001 Hardship

Marilyn W. Oblad 16-18-259-028 Hardship

Carolyn S. Page 28-09-404-016 Hardship

Michelle J. Pollak 14-33-255-003 Hardship

Jean Scow 16-28-182-008 Hardship

Elzina F. Strand 21-18-251-017 Hardship

Marilyn Strasburg 22-19-206-015 Hardship

Maurine W. Swenson 22-03-331-050 Hardship

Judy Ann Terrazas 22-32-103-011 Hardship

Tom Woody 16-20-453-009 Hardship

Charles G. Wright 15-13-279-010 Hardship

Ms. Fehrmann recommended denial of the requests of the following taxpayers for 2014 tax relief:

Taxpayer Parcel No.

Charles E. Budd 15-32-380-012

Shirley Knotek 21-10-403-012

Amy Little 16-27-152-020

Marina Miles 22-20-452-067

Lorraine Orton 27-03-233-025

Gwen C. Reid 21-27-476-008

Elaine J. Turner 14-33-281-008

William J. Uckerman 15-11-403-013

Helen J. Victor 16-20-404-076

Hazel K. Betts 15-31-103-010

Ursula E. Black 16-15-377-021

Elizabeth A. Bowden 16-22-207-010

Patricia A. Elliot 21-16-177-011

Blaine Glaittli 18-19-453-001

Magdalena C. Howe 14-36-354-021

Lucille Hualde 15-13-482-005

Shelagh A. Jager 21-09-478-004

Dolores Kimball 16-27-302-034

Jeanette Miller 14-34-327-015

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Ms. Liz Fehrmann, Chair, Property Tax Committee, submitted a letter recommending approval of the requests of the following taxpayers for 2014 Veterans Exemption:

Taxpayer Parcel No. Year

Steven M. Clark 14-26-302-014 2014

Lory V. Curtis 33-15-152-022 2014

Filemon J. Delgado 08-27-303-005 2014

Harry W. Duchene 16-31-479-025 2014

Rodney G. Forman 26-35-255-004 2014

James R. Fowler 16-36-327-019 2014

Mary S. Glick 28-07-328-015 + Vehicles 2014

Bryant N. Jacobs 32-10-127-009 + Vehicles 2014

Brian C. Rasmussen 16-14-103-011 2014

Jay M. Rasmussen 27-07-101-009 + Vehicles 2014

Danny L. Zaharias 21-18-276-031 2014

Larry B. Shipman 14-28-154-011 2014

Ms. Fehrmann also recommended denial of the request by Grant A. Webb for 2014 Veterans Exemption on property identified as Parcel No. 28-12-277-010.

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Ms. Liz Fehrmann, Chair, Property Tax Committee, submitted a letter recommending abatement of 2014 Circuit Breaker Relief in the amount of $1,166.61 on the Myrna B. Peterson property identified as Parcel No. 27-22-377-213.

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Ms. Liz Fehrmann, Chair, Property Tax Committee, submitted a letter recommending approval of the requests of the following taxpayers for waiver of penalty and interest charged for delinquent payment of 2014 property taxes:

Taxpayer Parcel No.

Jorge Pacheco 14-30-231-017

Claudia Draper 16-07-405-012

Ms. Fehrmann also recommended denial of the request by Atherton Building to waive the penalty and interest charged for delinquent payment of 2014 property taxes on property identified as Parcel No. 21-02-427-003.

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Ms. Liz Fehrmann, Chair, Property Tax Committee, submitted a letter recommending abatement of 2011 privilege taxes on the John Reagh property identified as Parcel No. 21-30-100-002-6071.

Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Jensen, moved to approve the recommendations. The motion passed unanimously, authorizing the County Treasurer to effect the same, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”

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Ms. Liz Fehrmann, Chair, Property Tax Committee, submitted a letter recommending abatement of property taxes in the amount of $1,299.26 and acceptance of an application for deferral of the delinquent taxes on the Debra S. Wilson property identified as Parcel No. 21-13-480-012 under the following conditions: 1) Monthly payments of $50 beginning February 2015 applied to the delinquent balance, 2) all subsequent taxes be paid timely so as not to increase the amount of delinquency, 3) the participant retain ownership interest during the entire deferral period, 4) the property remain occupied during the entire deferral period as the applicant’s primary residence, 5) the participant submit an application for tax abatement each year they remain in the deferral program, and 6) the deferral be reviewed annually prior to the tax sale to determine eligibility for continuation.

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Ms. Liz Fehrmann, Chair, Property Tax Committee, submitted a letter recommending abatement of property taxes in the amount of $227.00, and acceptance of an application for deferral of the delinquent taxes on the Bret D. Sutherland property identified as Parcel No. 27-08-401-024 under the following conditions: 1) Down payment of $1,000 by January 31, 2015, applied to Category 214, 2) monthly payments of $200 beginning February 2015 applied to the delinquent balance, 3) all subsequent taxes be paid timely so as not to increase the amount of delinquency, 4) the participant retain ownership interest during the entire deferral period, 5) the property remain occupied during the entire deferral period as the applicant’s primary residence; 6) the participant submit an application for tax abatement each year they remain in the deferral program, and 7) the deferral be reviewed annually prior to the tax sale to determine eligibility for continuation.

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Ms. Liz Fehrmann, Chair, Property Tax Committee, submitted a letter recommending abatement of property taxes in the amount of $1,384.43 and acceptance of an application for deferral of the delinquent taxes on the Sally J. Murdock property identified as Parcel No. 21-10-478-034 under the following conditions: 1) Apply the $65, which has been deposited into a Tax Sale suspense account with the Salt Lake County Treasurer, to the delinquent balance, 2) monthly payments of $50 beginning February 2015 applied to the delinquent balance, 3) all subsequent taxes be paid timely so as not to increase the amount of delinquency, 4) the participant retain ownership interest during the entire deferral period, 5) the property remain occupied during the entire deferral period as the applicant’s primary residence; 6) the participant submit an application for tax abatement each year they remain in the deferral program, and 7) the deferral be reviewed annually prior to the tax sale to determine eligibility for continuation.

Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Jensen, moved to abate the taxes, accept the applications, and approve the new tax deferrals. The motion passed unanimously, authorizing the County Treasurer to effect the abatements, and authorizing the County Auditor to withdraw the properties from the 2015 Final Tax Sale, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”

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Ms. Liz Fehrmann, Chair, Property Tax Committee, submitted a letter recommending acceptance of an application for deferral of the delinquent taxes on the Gregory Y. Andrianov property identified as Parcel No. 16-28-405-028 under the following conditions:1) Monthly payments of $100 beginning February 2015 applied to the delinquent balance, 2) all subsequent taxes be paid timely so as not to increase the amount of delinquency, 3) the participant retain ownership interest during the entire deferral period, 4) the property remain occupied during the entire deferral period as the applicant’s primary residence; 5) the participant submit an application for tax abatement each year they remain in the deferral program, and 6) the deferral be reviewed annually prior to the tax sale to determine eligibility for continuation.

Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Jensen, moved to accept the application and approve the new tax deferral. The motion passed unanimously, authorizing the County Treasurer to effect the abatement, and authorizing the County Auditor to withdraw the property from the 2015 Final Tax Sale, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”

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Ms. Liz Fehrmann, Chair, Property Tax Committee, submitted a letter recommending denial of an application to abate property taxes and of acceptance into the tax deferral program on the Bryant N. Jacobs property identified as Parcel No. 32-10-127-009,

Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Jensen, moved to approve the recommendation. The motion passed unanimously, authorizing the County Treasurer to effect the same, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”

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The Council reviewed an ordinance regulating the Reiki business within unincorporated Salt Lake County. This ordinance was approved under Planning & Zoning.

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Mr. Lee Colvin, Manager, Real Estate Division, submitted a letter recommending approval of the following RESOLUTION authorizing execution of an EASEMENT AGREEMENT between Salt Lake County for its Real Estate Section and CenturyLink QC. Salt Lake County will grant a six-foot wide perpetual easement across Vista Park property, located at approximately 4948 South 2700 West (Parcel No. 21-09-176-002), to CenturyLink QC to install fiber-optic telecommunication lines to service the Taylorsville Recreation Center. This portion of the easement will be granted for no fee. Part of the easement will also cross onto the Taylorsville library property. The Salt Lake County Parks & Recreation Division will pay the County Library Fund $2,000 for the portion of the easement crossing the library, which is considered fair and adequate consideration.