Surrey Healthy Schools Annual Review – staff meeting

PSHE(including Relationships and Sex Education and Drug Education)

A Healthy School: / Evidence and Impact
Uses the National Curriculum for PSHE, or the PSHE Association Programme of Study, in order to deliver a up to date, needs based, planned programme of PSHE (scheme of work), in line with relevant DfE Guidance.
Monitors and evaluates PSHE provision to ensure the quality of teaching and learning.
Assesses children/young people’s progress and achievement in line with QCA guidance (see , in the PSHE section) and the school assessment policy/teaching and learning policy.
Schools may also use the PSHE end of key stage statements for KS1, KS2, KS3 and KS4.
Has a named member of staff responsible for the Leadership of PSHE, with status, training and appropriate Senior Management supportwithin the school
Has up-to-date policies in place – developed through wide consultation, implemented and monitored and evaluated for impact.
At least: PSHE, Relationships and Sex Education, Drug Education and Incidents (including no smoking), Safeguarding, Anti-Bullying, Behaviour, Equalities

Surrey Healthy Schools Annual Review – staff meeting

PSHE(including Relationships and Sex Education and Drug Education)

A Healthy School: / Evidence and Impact
Involves a professional network of support in order to ensure PSHE delivery is accurate, up to date and effective; and to improve skills and knowledge of those delivering PSHE.
Has arrangements in place to refer children/young people to specialist services who can give professional advice on matters such as contraception, sexual health and drugs, mental health and wellbeing – general support (age appropriate)
Uses local data and information (including school data) to inform activities and support important national priorities such as reducing teenage pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections, drug/alcohol misuse, obesity, tooth decay and road/pedestrian accidents.
Identifies training needs and ensures the provision of appropriate PSHE professional development opportunities for staff – such as the National PSHE CPD Programme for teachers, nurses and other PSHE professionals (), local PSHE Network meetings, subscribing to receive the Surrey Healthy Schools Newsletter and school INSET and staff meeting updates.
Has mechanisms in place to ensure all children/young people’s views are reflected in curriculum planning, teaching and learning and the whole school environment, including those with special educational needs and specific health conditions, as well as disaffected children/young people, young carers and teenage parents

Surrey Healthy Schools Annual Review – staff meeting

Healthy Eating

A Healthy School: / Evidence and Impact
Has a member of the senior leadership team identified as the strategic lead for Healthy eating including DfE standards for school food, catering and curriculum.
Ensures provision of training in practical food education for staff, including practical cookery, midday supervision, nutrition and food safety.
Has a whole school food policy drawn up in line with the DfE advice on School Food and the School Food Plan that meets the DfE standards for school food. The policy should be drawn up through wide consultation, implemented, monitored and evaluated for impact.
Involves children/young people and parents/carers in guiding food policy and practice within the school using school councils, school nutrition action group (SNAG), or other representative pupil bodies, enables them to contribute to healthy eating and acts on their feedback.
Has a welcoming eating environment that encourages the positive social interaction of children/young people.

Surrey Healthy Schools Annual Review – staff meeting

Healthy Eating

A Healthy School: / Evidence and Impact
Has a school lunch service that meets or exceeds current DfE standards for school lunches.
Ensures that breakfast club, tuck shop, vending machine and after school food service (where available in school) meets or exceeds current DfES school food standards.
Monitors children/young people’s menus and food choices to inform policy development and provision.
Healthy eating including cooking skills and food education is included in the curriculum and follows the national programme of study. Schools are required to unpack the slim-line curriculum (looking at progression, challenge and attainment), plan schemes of work and implement high quality food, cooking and nutrition teaching.
The school provides guidance on healthy packed lunches
Has easy access to free, clean and palatable drinking water at all times.

Surrey Healthy Schools Annual Review – staff meeting

Physical Activity

A Healthy School: / Evidence and Impact
Provides clear leadership and management to develop and monitor its physical activity policy
Has a whole-school physical activity policy – developed through wide consultation, implemented, monitored and evaluated for impact
Ensures a minimum 2 hours of structured physical activity each week to all of its children/young people in or outside the schoolcurriculum
Provides opportunities for all children/young people to participate in a broad range of extra-curricular activities that promote physical activity
Consults with children/young people about the physical activity opportunities offered by the school, identifies barriers to participation and seeks to remove them

Surrey Healthy Schools Annual Review – staff meeting

Physical Activity

A Healthy School: / Evidence and Impact
Makes effective use of the PE and Sports premium funding (primary schools), illustrating the impact it has on pupils. School Games Organisers Schools (SGO’s) and other community resources are also utilised to help provide and support activity provision.
Encourages children/young people, parents/ carers and staff to walk or cycle to school under safer conditions, utilising the school travel plan
Gives parents/carers the opportunity to be involved in the planning and delivery of physical activity opportunities and helps them to understand the benefits of physical activity for themselves and their children
Ensures that there is appropriate training provided for those involved in providing physical activities
Encourages all staff to undertake physical activity

Surrey Healthy Schools Annual Review – staff meeting

Emotional Health and Wellbeing

A Healthy School: / Evidence and Impact
Provides clear leadership to create and manage a positive environment which enhances emotional health and well-being in school – including the management of the following policies; Safeguarding/Child Protection, Behaviour (including anti-bullying), SEND (including medical needs) and confidentiality.
Has clear, opportunities for children/young people to understand and explore feelings through a planned curriculum, which includes social and emotional aspects of learning, and anti-bullying, using appropriate learning and teaching styles
Identifies vulnerable individuals and groups and establishes appropriate strategies to support them and their families, either within or beyond the school services.
Has explicit values underpinning positive emotional health which are reflected in practice and work to combat stigma and discrimination

Surrey Healthy Schools Annual Review – staff meeting

Emotional Health and Wellbeing

A Healthy School: / Evidence and Impact
Promotes SMSC and provides opportunities for children/young people to participate in school activities to develop responsibilities and resilience, as well as building their confidence and self-esteem
Has a confidential pastoral support system in place for children/young people and staff to access advice – especially at times of bereavement and other major life changes – and that this system actively works to combat stigma and discrimination.
Supports staff in maintaining their health and wellbeing by encouraging them to be positive role models through leading healthy lifestyles
Engages with the local community and external agencies, using them to provide parents/carers with information, support and advice on health and wellbeing.
Provides appropriate professional training for those in a pastoral role