Date: 9/16/2016

Objective / STRATEGY
(How the objective will be accomplished) / DELIVERABLE
(Tangible evidence providing the objective has been accomplished) / STATUS OF DELIVERABLE / PERSON
(Preferably, list only one name) /
Pretest Checkpoint / Mid-Year Checkpoint / Posttest Checkpoint /
High Academic Achievement 1.1:
To increase % of students scoring proficient in ELA, K-5. / Ø  Administrators and teachers will attend professional development to enhance best practices in differentiated classroom instruction, Thinking Maps, Questioning, technology, using textual evidence in all core subjects, Kagan Coop. learning structures, etc. to increase student performance
Ø  All students in grades K-5 will receive an additional 30 minutes of ELA instruction daily. Grade 3-5 Teachers will use the focused Intervention Kits for instruction during this additional block and K-2 teachers will teach Core Knowledge during this block.
Ø  Instructional Coach and classroom teachers will model/discuss field-tested strategies in classrooms
Ø  The DIBELS school level coordinator will provide support to K-3 teachers in analysis of DIBELS Benchmarking Test results and Progress Monitoring strategies for students scoring at “some risk” and “at risk”
Ø  Teachers will participate in technology training as needed.
Ø  Train teachers in Core Knowledge, Close Reads, Thinking Maps, The Danielson Framework, and grouping strategies for Tiered teaching/re teaching, and DIBELS interventions to provide specific techniques for addressing reading fluency needs.
Ø  The Grade Level Chair will primarily conduct/lead weekly Professional Learning Communities held on Thursday of each week. Meetings are held during common grade level planning periods and will run from August 2016to May 2017. The purpose of these meetings is to disseminate data to address specific student needs and formulate plans.
The School-wide Leadership Team will meet to establish the 2016-2017 calendar of events. The team will analyze the various formative assessment instruments (DIBELS, Scantron, DSC, Accelerated Reader, etc.) that will be used in the year. Also, members of the team will be responsible for helping to set guidelines for the subcommittees such as PBIS, AR, and Quality. The School-wide Leadership Team will determine some of the forefront strategies that will be present in Professional Learning Communities/grade level meetings, faculty meetings, and in-services days. Some of the strategies will be Four Square Writing, Close Read Strategies, Writing Sprints, Mentor Sentences, Thinking Maps, Kagan, and technology Integrations. The team will meet to continuously analyze the performance of students, teachers, and parents in regards to the progress toward the outlined goals of the School Improvement Plan. The leadership team will also attend professional development to gain knowledge on recent revelations about best practices in the classroom (Curriculum Guides).
Ø  Teachers will participate in professional development every Tuesday during common planning periods. Members of the leadership team, counselor, teachers or the district curriculum consultant will provide the professional development. The meetings will take place from August 2016 – May 2017.
Ø  Once a nine weeks period, the school’s Accelerated Reader committee will help analyze and track goals for Accelerated Reader levels of students, classes and school. There will be a Grade Level Chair for each grade to provide support to fellow teachers. Each teacher will be responsible for ensuring that data tracking takes place as well as reporting and displaying the data. During the nine weeks period meetings, teachers will analyze the levels that classrooms/grade levels are identified and the level that they are testing at in order to help increase students’ reading levels through awareness of where we are and where we need to be. Once a 9 week period the leadership team will meet to analyze AR data and provide feedback at faculty in-services.
Ø  The Instructional Coach and STEM Coach will provide support to teachers in merging the areas of ELA/Social Studies. Students will participate in the school and/or district Science and/or Social Studies Fair. All K-5 classroom teachers will conduct reading groups daily and based on the concept of tiered intervention.
While students are in groups, teachers will be able to provide small group instruction as well as individualized instruction through the use of hands-on manipulatives, technology tools/resources and Intervention program. These groups will be maintained and adjusted as needed throughout the 2016-2017 school year based on student needs identified from analyzing the data.
Ø  All 1st-5th classroom teachers will implement Close Read instruction 30 minutes daily.
Ø  All 1st-5th classroom teachers will implement Writing instruction 15 minutes daily.
Ø  / Ø  Certificates
Ø  Daily Schedules
Ø  Documentation of Modeled Lessons
Ø  Variety of related data, including but not limited to Pre- and Post-test results, formative assessments, Common Assessment results, observations, student samples
Ø  Core lesson Plans
Ø  PLC records and student samples
Ø  PD Agendas/Sign Ins
Ø  RTI Placement Documentation
Ø  Teacher observations and post-observation conferences
Ø  Walk-throughs
Ø  Calendar
Ø  Leadership Team agendas
Ø  / Ø  We have used the initial data analysis to schedule our RTI students.
Ø  Students have pre-assessed on the ELA District Common Assessment.
Ø  The Curriculum Coordinator and Instructional Coach have placed K-2 students into RTI groups based on DCA, Scantron Performance Series, and DIBELS Data.
Ø  Teachers attended KAGAN Training in July.
Ø  Teachers attended Marsha Tate’s Training “Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites” in July.
Ø  The School Wide Committee and Leadership Team developed the 2016-2017 school calendar in June
Ø  Teachers attended Learning Objectives Training with Shirley Hall in July 2016.
Ø  Teachers and Principal attended Critical Thinking Strategies Training with Jill Jackson in July 2016.
Ø  Teachers attended Understanding the Compass Rubric training with Shirley Hall in July 2016.
Ø  Teachers attended Chart Sense Training in July.
Ø  Teachers attended Assessment: How Do We Know They’re Learning Training in July.
Ø  / Administrators
High Academic Achievement 1.2
To increase % of students scoring proficient in math, K-5. / Ø  Analyze the comprehensive math data on all students who scored less than proficient on the 2016 state assessment; provide interventions to targeted students and monitor targeted non proficient math students with Study Island, DCA’s, and weekly test.
Ø  Teachers will provide students more opportunities to engage in high level hands-on activities using Mathematical Practices to increase student achievement.
Ø  Teachers will participate in professional development on Compass elements, Thinking Maps, technology, strategies from the LATM/LSTA Conference, and cooperative learning structures (Kagan) with a focus on rigor for students at their individual levels of learning.
Ø  Teachers will analyze data to determine appropriate daily RTI interventions for students.
Ø  Saturday Math Tutoring will be offered to students in grades 3-5 twice a month, beginning in October and ending in May. Teachers will focus on 3-4 standards that reflect the major content of the grade.
Ø  Calcasieu After School Partnership with The Literacy Council of Southwest Louisiana will also support students in meeting the goals set and develop the skills needed. The CAP program also allows McNeese, Masters in Teaching students (M.A.T.) the ability to work with students. The STEM/Robotics club will meet weekly to enrich mathematical and science practices through technology. The STEM/Robotics club members will serve on the School Media Team. The STEM/Robotics club members will act as student leaders in the classroom integrating technology tools and equipment such as computers, TV, Document Cameras, and Promethean boards into their learning. Students will create Thinking Maps in lessons and publish/share work using journals, PowerPoint, MS Word, and digital camera/camcorder use.
Ø  Train teachers in the use of Thinking Maps and Singapore Math/Model Drawing Strategies. Teachers will also be trained on differentiated instruction with the use of Eureka Math three times during the year.
Ø  Teachers will integrate Technology tools and equipment such as computers, TV, Document Cameras, and Promethean boards into the presentation plan for using Thinking Maps. Students will create Thinking Maps in lessons and publish/share work using journals, PowerPoint, MS Word, and digital camera/camcorder use.
Ø  The, Instructional Coach, and STEM/Robotics Coach will provide support to teachers in merging the areas of Math/Science. Students will participate in the school and/or district Science and Social Studies Fair. Grades 2- 5 will take a field trip to NASA. Selected teachers will attend the LATM/LSTA Conference to gain knowledge on best practices and research based math strategies that work. Teachers will redeliver this information to the faculty during faculty meetings.
Ø  All Math Teachers in grades 2-5 will implement Simple Solutions Math Supplement 30 minutes daily during their math period.
Ø  All Math Teachers in grades K-5 will embed Math task from Howard County Schools at least two times a week into their math instruction
/ Ø  Variety of related data, including but not limited to Pre- and Post-test results, formative assessments, Common Assessment results, observations, student samples
Ø  PLC records and student samples
Ø  PD Agendas/Sign Ins
Ø  RTI Placement Documentation
Ø  Teacher observations and post-observation conferences
Ø  Walk-throughs / Ø  We have used the initial data analysis to schedule our targeted students.
Ø  Students have been pre-assessed on the given math Common Assessment.
Ø  Selected Teachers are scheduled to attend the LATM Conference in November.
Ø  Teachers attended Learning Objectives Training with Shirley Hall in July 2016.
Ø  Teachers and Principal attended Critical Thinking Strategies Training with Jill Jackson in July 2016.
Ø  Teachers attended Understanding the Compass Rubric training with Shirley Hall in July 2016.
Ø  Teachers attended Marsha Tate’s Training “Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites” in July.
Ø  Teachers attended Chart Sense Training in July.
Ø  Teachers attended Assessment: How Do We Know They’re Learning Training in July.
Ø  / Administrators
High Academic Achievement 1.5
To decrease the number of student absences / Ø  Teachers will attend PBIS training and follow up meetings that will include behavior modification strategies, intervention strategies, and de-escalation techniques to improve relationships between teachers and students and focus on positive behavior.
Ø  Students will participate in lessons for PBIS expectations.
Ø  Various conferences will be attended to address various behavior strategies to support students academically, socially, and emotionally.
Ø  Administration will conduct parent conferences after a child has missed 3 days of school. / Ø  Agendas/Sign-In & Registration Rosters
Ø  Documented interventions
Ø  Calendar
Ø  SAPE documentation / Ø  The staff was trained on PBIS in August.
Ø  / PBIS Chair
Dean of Discipline
High Academic Achievement 1.6 Reduce the number of students identified as At Risk for RTI / Ø  The PBIS team will meet monthly to analyze data and plan for weekly incentives and nine week celebrations. Any changes needed to the plan will be brought forth to the Leadership /SIP team for discussion. The PBIS committee will disaggregate data on a monthly basis. The PBIS team will display the data in an effort to decrease the amount of classroom disruptions and discipline referrals. All PBIS documentation will be kept in a School PBIS binder and housed with the PBIS leader.
Ø  During parent conferences conducted in the Fall 2016 and Spring 2017, parents will view student data binders in the classrooms. During these conferences, parents will be informed of the Quality process and tools utilized in seeking continuous improvement.
Ø  Faculty and staff will attend conferences on behavior interventions and discipline strategies that work. / Ø  Agendas/Sign-In & Registration Rosters
Ø  Documented interventions / Ø  Academic and Behavior RTI meetings was held 0n 9/8/16.
Ø  Parent Conferences Conducted
Ø  Teachers attended Behavior Interventions that work PD with Amy Dean / PBIS Chair
Dean of Discipline
Safe Productive Environment 2.1
To increase positive behavior through monitoring school-wide results in PBIS. / Ø  Teachers will participate in the BOY training, including an analysis of the Code of Conduct.
Ø  Teachers will attend PBIS training and follow up meetings that will include behavior modification strategies, intervention strategies, and de-escalation techniques to improve relationships between teachers and students and focus on positive behavior.
Ø  / Ø  Agendas/Sign-In & Registration Rosters
Ø  Documented interventions / Ø  Teachers analyzed the Code of Conduct.
Ø  Teacher Expectations for discipline discussed in Beginning of the year school wide student assembly held reviewing school expectations
Ø  / PBIS Chair
Dean of Discipline
Safe Productive Environment 2.2
To reduce the number of missed days of instruction due to ISS/OSS. / Ø  The PBIS team will meet monthly to analyze data and plan for weekly incentives and nine week celebrations. Any changes needed to the plan will be brought forth to the Leadership /SIP team for discussion. The PBIS committee will disaggregate data on a monthly basis. The PBIS team will display the data in an effort to decrease the amount of classroom disruptions and discipline referrals. All PBIS documentation will be kept in a School PBIS binder and housed with the PBIS leader.
Ø  During parent conferences conducted in the Fall 2016 and Spring 2017, parents will view student data binders in the classrooms. During these conferences, parents will be informed of the Quality process and tools utilized in seeking continuous improvement.
Ø  Faculty and staff will attend conferences on behavior interventions and discipline strategies that work. / Ø  Agendas/Sign-In & Registration Rosters
Ø  Documented interventions
Ø  Certificates / Ø  Teacher Expectations for discipline Discussed in Beginning of the year school wide student assembly held reviewing school expectations
Ø  Dean of Discipline Visits Selected Classes Daily
Ø  Teachers have received training on classroom management.
Ø  Teachers attended Kagan Structures training in July 2016
Ø  Teachers attended behavior management training in July 2016
Ø  Assistant Principal attended Behavior Management training in July 2016 / Dean od Discipline
Safe Productive Environment 2.3
To ensure technology users will abide by the mandates and are aware of the consequences of utilizing network resources and electronic communications with students. / Ø  All technology users will study and sign AUP and the Electronic Communications Policy
Ø  Teachers who decide to use Remind 101 will study and sign the new Remind 101user agreements. / Ø  Signed documents / Ø  The policy was reviewed and signed in August 2016.
Ø  Remind 101 signed the user agreements / Administrators